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It might be happening

More on the Apocalypse

If you can stand it

I am posting another of David Hughes’ pieces. David is unique is being willing to connect the dots (even when there are not very many of them) and sign his name to ideas that most people would think are so far beyond the pale.

He allows us to consider the unthinkable, which imho is very important these days, while we are in the midst of an invisible war. So many different attacks coming from so many different directions. We don’t (or at least I don’t) grasp what is happening in every realm.

David gives me the chance to roll these various ideas around… smell them, taste them… could it be? Yes, it could be. It might not be happening as he suggests, but then again, it might.

Water? Would they really try to control WATER? Well, Enron did just that in multiple countries, buying up water rights through bribes to officials. That was 25 years ago and did you hear anyone try to stop them?

Would they REALLY try to “tag” us like cattle through our most unique identifier, our DNA? Well, OF COURSE Silicon Valley brainiacs came up with that because, as you know, the way to make money these days is to find brand new amazing assets and financialize them.

Sorry to keep using the world “they” but you know what I mean; “they” are the same bandits who tried to corner the market on global public health at the WHO last spring. The same ones who forced remdesivir on you in the hospital, but refused to tell you about Vitamin D and threatened the licenses of any medical practitioner who dared prescribe ivermectin or a drug that actually worked against COVID.

Surely you remember they needed you either killed or scared, and they are trying the fear thing yet again with old moneypox. They just did it! Of course they are willing to do it again! The penalty for one murder is the same as for a million. They are in this to win. They cannot afford to lose. They are all in.

Something else about David’s work that is critical: he talks about the fact that classified research is likely to be decades ahead of what we know about. I am not talking about viruses here. I am talking about voices in your head— which caused Iraqi troops to surrender to the Yanks during the GULF WAR, OVER 30 YEARS AGO.

We have no idea what can already be done to the human nervous system. Nor what can be done to buildings and cars. Thank you, David, for pointing out the unexplainable observations of Prof. Judy Wood regarding the 9/11 World Trade Center event (23 years ago) and the strange patterns of burns blocks away. From lasers on satellites? Who knows? We simply have very little idea about modern military weaponry, especially electromagnetic weapons. Nor do we know anything about the doctrine around them: the plan for how and when to use them. Nor who else might already have them.

I CAN tell you one thing I am sure of. Every new discovery is immediately evaluated for its military potential, and if it looks like it might have some juice, it goes black. Check out the brilliant doctor Robert O Becker’s “The Body Electric” and see what happened to his career when he started to get to close to military electromagnetic secrets.

David A. Hughes
Weaponisation of the Food and Water Supplies
One aspect of the unfolding Omniwar is the weaponisation of the food and water supplies. In some respects, this has been going on for a long time, but since 2020 there have been some new and troubling developments…
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Weaponisation of the Food and Water Supplies

The Great Poisoning; the war on farmers; lab-grown meat; “Pharma Food” and eugenics; manufactured food shortages; and the looming threat of artificial water shortages

David A. Hughes

Aug 10, 2024

One aspect of the unfolding Omniwar is the weaponisation of the food and water supplies. In some respects, this has been going on for a long time, but since 2020 there have been some new and troubling developments.

What van Hamelen (2022) calls the Great Poisoning has been taking place for decades, e.g. through:

  • high-fructose corn syrup commonly used in processed foods and soft drinks (Nur Bulbul et al., 2024);
  • widely used additives such as the sweetener aspartame, which was recently classified as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (WHO, 2023);
  • the presence of glyphosate, used in Roundup weedkiller and labelled as a “probable human carcinogen” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 2015, in 80% of urine samples taken from U.S. children and adults (Gillam, 2022);
  • inorganic micro- and nanosized contaminants in food that are non-biodegradable, toxic, and without nutritional value (Gatti et al., 2009); and
  • fluoride in the drinking water of certain jurisdictions, which has “potential to cause major adverse human health problems” (Peckham & Awofoso, 2014).

Rising obesity and sickness levels in Western societies almost certainly have something to do with this gradual poisoning of the population.

Since 2020, however, food has been weaponized in new ways. There is a war against farmers, e.g. through the “European Green Deal,” which places extreme regulations on farmers, forcing many out of business (Vanheuckelom, 2023; van Hamelen, 2023). In China, 100 million farmers were moved off the land, while more and more food is grown inside giant greenhouses (Wood, 2023). In England, “rewilding” policies are reducing the amount of land available for agriculture, and farmers are being offered lump sum payments to leave their land (Beck, 2024). As one observer summarises the situation, “Small farmers everywhere are under attack and only massive conglomerates are able to survive, but the quality of their production is inferior and so is the health of those that consume it” (Patrick, n.d.).

Meanwhile, Bill Gates and Ted Turner, both known eugenicists who call for global depopulation, have become the first and second largest owners of farmland in the United States (Shapiro, 2021; Scribner, 2022). Gates and the World Economic Forum promote genetically modified, lab-grown food in place of natural food such as red meat (Whiting, 2020). At Davos, the Siemens AG Chairman, Jim Hagemann, called for a billion people to stop eating meat to help with the “innovation of food systems” (cited in Lanum, 2023). The WEF disgustingly promotes eating insects as an alternative to red meat (Hubert, 2021), and the EU has approved crickets and mealworms for human consumption. Perhaps the idea is to make synthetic meat seem attractive by comparison.

Despite the venture capital funding flowing into it, synthetic meat makes little sense as a business model, given its high cost of development, lack of consumer interest, and nominal regulatory hurdles for meeting safety standards. But as van Hamelen (2022) argues, building on the work of Engdahl (2007), the real agenda is most likely eugenic. “Pharma Food,” as she so strikingly calls it, offers a potential delivery mechanism for biopharmaceuticals, much like “edible vaccines” and hydrogels (van Hamelen, 2022, p. 80-81). As with GMO crops, there are potential biowarfare applications here, up to and including depopulation, but edible matter could also be used to deliver IT/Bio/Nano technologies into the body.

Food shortages can be used to starve the population into submission. Since 2020, there have been attacks, not only on agriculture, but also on food manufacturing plants, particularly in the United States (Hoft, 2023; Corbett, 2023). If control of the food supply is lost to the technocrats, history warns of the consequences. The Nazis, for instance, were willing to starve tens of millions of Soviet citizens to death to feed the advancing war machine at the expense of conquered territories (Kay, 2006, p. 128). Knowing that totalitarianism operates in this ruthless manner, it is conceivable that the global war for technocracy could result in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people.

Manufactured water shortages are another area of concern. In 2022, the WEF held a press conference to launch the Global Commission on the Economics of Water, at which UCL professor Mariana Mazzucato, lamented the failure to “vaccinate everyone in the world” and the fact that climate change is “a bit abstract,” claiming:

Water, every kid knows how important it is to have water – when you’re playing football and you’re thirsty you need water. So, there’s also something about really getting citizen engagement around this, and really in some ways experimenting with this notion of the common good. Can we actually deliver this time in ways that we have failed miserably other times? (World Economic Forum, 2022, 15:49).

This sounds a lot like a proposal to leverage water, which is essential for life, for the ongoing project of building a totalitarian world state. In March 2023, the UN Water Conference was held in New York, the first such conference for 46 years. Its motto was “Uniting the world for water.” The International Sustainability Standards Board’s climate disclosure partner, CDP, advised investors in June 2024 that “water risk is not fully priced into financial markets” and warned of the consequences of “restrictions to water access” (CDP, 2024, p. 4). With the disaster capitalists taking their positions, it could be just a matter of time until artificial water shortages begin.


Beck, S. (2024, February 22). A sinister agenda down on the farm. TCWhttps://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/a-sinister-agenda-down-on-the-farm/

CDP. (2024, June). Navigating Troubled WatersA Briefing for Directors of Financial Institutionshttps://cdn.cdp.net/cdp-production/cms/policy_briefings/documents/000/007/789/original/CDP_Water_Directors_Briefing_2024.pdf

Corbett, J. (2023, March 6). Episode 438—The future food false flag. The Corbett Reporthttps://corbettreport.com/foodfalseflag/

Engdahl, F.W. (2007). Seeds of Destruction. Global Research.

Gatti, A.M., Tossina, D., Gambarelli, A., Montanari, S., & Capitani, F. (2009). Investigation of the presence of inorganic micro- and nanosized contaminants in bread and biscuits by environmental scanning electron microscopy. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 49(3), 275-82. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408390802064347

Gillam, C. (2022, July 9). “Disturbing”: Weedkiller ingredient tied to cancer found in 80% of US urine samples. The Guardianhttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jul/09/weedkiller-glyphosate-cdc-study-urine-samples

Hoft, J. (2022, June 23). Interactive map details destruction of numerous U.S. food manufacturing plants, grocery stores, etc.—compares U.S. incidents to global trends. Gateway Pundithttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/interactive-map-details-destruction-numerous-us-food-manufacturing-plants-compares-us-incidents-global-trends/

Hubert, A. (2021, July 12). Why we need to give insects the role they deserve in our food systems. World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2021/07/why-we-need-to-give-insects-the-role-they-deserve-in-our-food-systems/

Kay, A.J. (2006). Exploitation, resettlement, mass murder. Berghahn Books.

Lanum, N. (2023, January 19). Davos speaker calls for one billion people to “stop eating meat” for “innovation” and the environment. Fox Newshttps://www.foxnews.com/media/davos-speaker-one-billion-people-stop-eating-meat-innovation-environment

Nur Bulbul, S., Mamur, S., & Yuzbasioglu, D. (2024). Safety assessment of high fructose corn syrup and fructose used as sweeteners in foods. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 34(5), 584-595. https://doi.org/10.1080/15376516.2024.2318570

Patrick, J. (n.d.). The food industry is facing a hostile takeover. Door to Freedomhttps://doortofreedom.org/the-food-industry-is-facing-a-hostile-takeover/

Peckham, S., & Awofeso, N. (2014). Water fluoridation: A critical review of the physiological effects of ingested fluoride as a public health intervention. The Scientific World Journal, Article 293019. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/293019

Scribner, C. (2022, June 6) Top 10 largest farmland owners in the US in 2022. Farmland Richeshttps://web.archive.org/web/20221213180833/https://www.farmlandriches.com/largest-farmland-owners/

Shapiro, A. (2021, January 14). America’s biggest owner of farmland is now Bill Gates. Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/arielshapiro/2021/01/14/americas-biggest-owner-of-farmland-is-now-bill-gates-bezos-turner/

van Hamelen, E. (2022). Pharma Food. The Solari Report, 2022 Annual Wrap Up, pp. 8-101. https://home.solari.com/pharma-food-with-elze-van-hamelen/

van Hamelen, E. (2023). Dutch Farmers and Fishermen. The Solari Report, 2023 Second Quarter Wrap Uphttps://home.solari.com/2nd-quarter-2023-wrap-up-dutch-farmers-and-fishermen-the-people-who-feed-us-with-elze-van-hamelen/

Vanheuckelom, T. (2023, November 29). Not just the farmer’s fight. European Conservativehttps://europeanconservative.com/articles/commentary/not-just-the-farmers-fight/

Whiting, K. (2020, October 16). How soon will we be eating lab-grown meat? World Economic Forumhttps://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/10/will-we-eat-lab-grown-meat-world-food-day/

Wood, P. (2023). Technocracy’s war on agriculture and food. Children’s Health Defence, Attack on Food Symposiumhttps://rumble.com/v2cy5d4-technocracys-war-on-agriculture-and-food-patrick-wood-the-attack-on-food-sy.html

World Economic Forum. (2022). Press Conference: The New Economics of Water – Launch of Global Commission. YouTube.

World Health Organisation. (2023, July 14). Aspartame hazard and risk assessment results releasedhttps://www.who.int/news/item/14-07-2023-aspartame-hazard-and-risk-assessment-results-released

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