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4 Responses to “WAKE UP call to the ‘blatant distortion’ of ‘angry people’ by the Government that ‘DESPISES Britain’”

  1. Chris x says:

    This has all been planned. The UK used to build its own nuclear power stations, ships, cars, trains, tools and many other things. The UK even launched its own satellite into orbit.

    Neil Oliver is very rare in the mainstream media.

    “In other words, the purpose of the mainstream media is to indoctrinate the public with the views the establishment would like them to hold, without them realising they’re being so-indoctrinated, and instead believing they’ve reached their views and opinions themselves. They then do exactly what the establishment wants them to do, believing they have freely chosen this – and this is simply a far more effective way of governing a population that controlling their behaviour by force.”

    • Gordon says:

      “The UK used to build its own nuclear power stations, ships, cars, trains, tools, and many other things. The UK even launched its own satellite into orbit.”

      And with the dismantling of unions, the forced closure of our coal pits, worker rights were torn up, outsourcing of jobs to other countries only to be sent back substandard goods in return, and so forth, Maggie Thatcher—bitch, witch, the hatcher Thatcher—has a lot to answer for our nations downfall. Then came moral decay.

      When I tell the young people how a regular working day was when I was a boy, they stare at me in astonishment. You had a tea break at ten in the morning, lunch from twelve to one, an afternoon tea break at three, and went home for tea (dinner) at five. You received a complimentary meal at the factory canteen if you were asked to work overtime. You were paid at time and a half for working from 5:30 to 8 when you returned to work.

      That’s only the half of it, though. Today’s youth are treated like slaves, given meagre wages, no breaks, and forced to ask for help in order to survive.

      Governments are not your friend! Then came Starmer. Heaven help us, and I mean that!

      I did a quick search on the surname Starmer which produced the following.

      Urban Dictionary definition: According to Urban Dictionary, “Starmer” is a noun or verb that describes someone who does not do their supposed job, shirks responsibilities, or offers no opposition. This definition is likely unrelated to the politician Keir Starmer.

      I would beg to differ!

      • Chris x says:

        The larger UK companies built their own leisure centres for its staff and subsidised day trips as well. My dad got a high end Swiss watch for long service.

        I remember when Marks and Spencer made their clothes in the UK using the St.Michaels label. They were better made than what is sold by the company now.

        A man could earn enough to buy a house, drive a new car every few years, have a holiday in the summer each year and the wife would stay home and raise the children. Now both parents have to work full-time and are mortgaged to the limit.

    • ian says:

      I agree completely Chris. A Quote from a book I once read. “Necessary Illusions”, by Chomsky. and yes I know. The quote was by an un-named ex US presidential advisor. ” The role of government is to serve corporate power and the ruling elite. The role of the media, is to control the ignorant and stupid masses”. That’s how it has always been. It appears that “all” the important countries are ruled by chosen accomplices, who will act accordingly. China seems to be the role model Klaus get s excited about. We must all be chipped if not killed. No dissent will be tolerated. The current chaos and disruption are leading to an Ordo Ab Chao event. Good luck guys, we’ll need it.

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