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From Trump’s “assassination” to Biden’s disappearing act…it’s all theatre

Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian July 25, 2024

Remakes and sequels have almost killed Hollywood movie making, turning every film into a collection of meta references and nostalgia bait…‘hey remember when this happened in that other movie! That was cool right!’

Now, it seems,  they’re trying the same tactics in politics. That’s what we’ve got in the Trump “assassination attempt” –  a remake of an old classic –   the JFK assassination – for modern audiences.

Hey guys, remember the second shooter? Remember the patsy? Remember when the Secret Service were told to stand down?  

Hey all you libertarians and Truthers out there – see, Donald is just like JFK, he’s on YOUR side. He’s opposing that mean old Deep State you don’t like. Honest.

The remake of course is cheaper, cheesier and catered to small, bruised and confused modern minds no longer fully able to remember what  real reality  looks like  and who will easily fail to notice

  1. a) Trump didn’t actually get his head blown off.
  2. b) in his previous 4 years in office he never opposed the Deep State at all; and
  3. c) The Warren Commission wasn’t a collection of scripted questions posted to Twitter piecemeal by PR teams trying to make their candidates look tough.


The Republican pseudo-ire has been turned on Kimberly Cheatle, head of the Secret Service – clearly cast as the villain of the piece, and forced to sit through a steadily escalating assortment of humiliation rituals culminating in her resignation yesterday.

Twitter is awash with clips of Republicans asking her questions and her refusing to answer them.

It  can only be mistaken for reality by those aforementioned brutalised and confused modern minds.

Just like Cheatle’s appearance at the recent Republican National Convention, where she was “accidentally caught on video” as Republican congressmen “angrily confronted her”.


So, we have a nice little binary  with the Right wanting to know how she let this happen, and the Left being outraged that a (female) civil servant is being treated in such a way,

And of course nobody asking the only relevant question:

Why was she even there?

Why was the head of the USSS attending the RNC right after her agency supposedly nearly got the Republican nominee killed?

So the movie can happen of course. So we can get TikTok action clips for the goldfish generation to share and applaud.

It’s performative. It’s all performative. All of the time.

Meanwhile, on the Blue Team, Creepy Uncle Joe  dropped out of the race…via tweet, for some reason. No one had actually seen him for a few days until late yesterday, which had people speculating he had died somewhere, which in turn gave birth to even more contrived political theatre, when Kamala Harris supposedly got Joe on speaker phone during a press conference to offer some proof of life.


It’s so fake it actually makes me cringe. But was this an incompetent cover up? Or feigned incompetence to make it look like there is something to cover up and keep the reality TV drama boiling?

Who can tell anymore? Does it even matter?

I’m old enough to remember three months ago, when so many were absolutely positive that Kate Middleton had been dead since Christmas, only for her to turn up  smiling in a big hat and make all those “conspiracy theorists” look silly.

It’s just another turn of the screw. Another thing that gets done for the sake of itself or the game.

You can argue it’s all just noise at this point. Shiny lights and colours to keep us occupied, while the Great Reset fences us all in.

As the election approaches the swirl of contrived theatre is becoming ever more hysterical – in every sense of the word – with the next clown show being the selection of Biden’s replacement on the Democratic ticket. Harris is the heir presumptive, but there’s a lot of talk about Michelle Obama, Gavin Newsom or even the return of Hillary….another remake in the offing?

Personally I’m looking forward to the DNC next month, if it’s anything like the the last two weeks it’s going to be fun…

Maybe there’s even more twists to come – an exciting season finale from a writing team so desperate to keep the ratings up they’re pulling out all the stops.

Spectacle and theater designed to keep us in amnesia about the fact that  win or lose, the good guys and bad guys are just actors working for the same people and they get paid whether or not their character survives to the see the credits roll.

They don’t want any of us to recall that however the nominations and ensuing election play-out, the eventual President will have been hand-picked by the same forces that fixed the US election in 2020, and his or her job will be to continue the same anti-human agenda being pursued by almost every national government across the entire globe.

Which is really the only thing that really matters.

But heck,  if they want to keep pumping out increasingly absurd political narratives surrounding their make believe democracy, we may as well break out the popcorn and enjoy.

Just so long as we remember – the ending is always going to be the same.


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One Response to “From Trump’s “assassination” to Biden’s disappearing act…it’s all theatre”

  1. ian says:

    And it’ll all keep us distracted till the Bird flu’s ready to roll. Even those who know it’s a load of shite.