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‘Small sac of blood crushed against own ear’

This article has nothing to do with other people wounded or killed at the Pennsylvania rally. It only has to do with Trump.

First of all, there is no evidence that the bullet which supposedly grazed Trump’s ear was recovered.

This would be standard procedure.

Match the bullet to the gun of a shooter.

Don’t just assume the bullet must have come from that gun. As you recall, the status of the bullet that killed JFK came under intense focus—as it should have.

In the Trump case, we’re talking about a kid, under intense pressure—he knows he’s going to die in the next few seconds from a sniper’s shot—supposedly getting off a round which graze’s Trump’s ear—making Trump an instant hero for the ages.

A tiny distance to the left or right, and Trump is a dead man.

That scenario would make the recovery of the bullet, and matching it (or not) to the kid’s gun, all-important.

Because there may have been another way to cause that ear wound. For example, Trump is holding a small sac of blood and crushes it against his own ear.

Yes, I know. There would still need to be an explanation for where his ear wound came from. Well, in the aftermath, a doctor could create the wound, or pretend it was there.

Shocking to suggest there are doctors who would do this? You must be new around here. Did you just drop in from Mars?

Next: all the evidence which has been gathered up from the rally crime scene has been taken to the FBI Quantico lab. The place I call THE BLACK HOLE.

Try ever getting access to it or seeing it again.

Whatever we will hear or not hear about any of that evidence—including bullets and the AR rifle—will come from the FBI and only the FBI. I would trust that agency in the same way I’d trust the Vatican to explain what is in heaven.

You might recall that in the wake of the 1995 bombing of the OKC Federal Building, it was revealed that the FBI lab ASSUMED the explosive materials consisted of ammonium nitrate and fuel oil BECAUSE the NEWS MEDIA were reporting these “facts.”

The outraged grilling of Secret Service Director Cheatle by Congress the other day? She was obviously ordered to reveal nothing and take one for the team—and then resign. Thus leaving the impression that any and all scandal surrounding the Trump assassination attempt should be laid at the door of the Secret Service. Period. End of story.

The lone shooter narrative would stand. No other scenario would be considered. Ever…

TAP –  And what is the agenda of the fake assassination attempt?  One theory here.

By Drago Bosnic and Prof Michel Chossudovsky

Zelensky now wants Russia because Donald Trump has formulated a Peace Plan which obliges the Kiev regime to enter into peace negotiations with Russia.

Trump’s national security advisory team has prepared a balanced plan.

If the Kiev regime does not enter into peace talks with Moscow, the U.S. would (under a Trump presidency) immediately suspend the flow of US weapons to Ukraine:

“Under the plan drawn up by [General Keith] Kellogg and Fred Fleitz, who both served as chiefs of staff in Trump’s National Security Council during his 2017-2021 presidency, there would be a ceasefire based on prevailing battle lines during peace talks, Fleitz said.

This plan has been endorsed by Donald Trump. Moreover Trump has also confirmed:

“that if reelected, he would swiftly bring an end to the war in Ukraine by speaking with Putin.

“I will have that war settled between Putin and Zelensky as president-elect before I take office on January 20.

I’ll have that war settled,” Trump said on June 27 during a debate with Biden, adding

“I’ll get it settled fast, before I take office.” (Quoted by Newsweek)

—Michel Chossudovsky, July 17, 2024

Analysis by Drago Bosnic

Understanding the Kiev regime’s political decisions can be quite challenging, partially because those decisions are actually made in Washington DC. However, there are moments when understanding the darkest corners of quantum mechanics is far easier than figuring out what exactly the Neo-Nazi junta wants. Just last month, the political West and its puppets in Kiev openly talked about conducting large-scale terrorist attacks all across Russia, including against public schools. These threats were soon followed by real acts of blatant terrorism, with missile strikes on crowded beaches in Sevastopol and an attempt to start religious unrest in Russia through the use of Islamic radicals who brutally murdered both civilians (including an Orthodox Christian priest) and local law enforcement in the southern republic of Dagestan.

The combined death toll of these terrorist attacks was approximately 30 people. The death of a single person to terrorists is most certainly an immeasurable loss, much less 30, but this was still far from the much deadlier Crocus City Hall massacre, also conducted by Islamic radicals who were sent by the SBU/GUR and their NATO handlers. Moscow’s retribution was swift, with hypersonic missiles raining down on both the Neo-Nazi junta’s intelligence services HQs and later NATO personnel fantasizing about setting up so-called “no-fly zones” over Western Ukraine. The situation on the frontlines also kept deteriorating as the Kiev regime forces continued suffering heavy losses in both manpower and equipment, while Russian long-range weapons rained down on various military targets across the NATO-occupied country.

One such large-scale strike was used to stage a false flag in Kiev, where a children’s hospital was hit by a US-made SAM (surface-to-air missile) which then suddenly “transformed” into a “Russian Kh-101 long-range cruise missile”. This was a perfectly timed PR “victory” for Zelensky as he was heading to Washington DC for a NATO summit. The Neo-Nazi junta frontman used the usual buzzwords, “condemning Russian terrorists for attacks on kids”. Interestingly, he failed to explain how it was possible for the Kremlin to accomplish this when the Kiev regime forces regularly “shoot down” 300% of all Russian missiles, including hypersonic ones. And to say nothing of the usual trope about Moscow perpetually “running out of missiles”, but also “using them against children” and “residential areas”.

This was followed by yet another pompous announcement of a new counteroffensive that’s supposed to “turn the tide” and drive out the “evil Russians”. Thus, with everything set up for a major escalation, the last thing one would expect is to see Zelensky suggest that Russia should be invited to the next “peace summit”. The news about it went under the radar because everyone’s focus was on the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, but at a press conference in Kiev, Zelensky did exactly that, leaving many confused and dumbfounded.

“I believe that Russian representatives should be at the second summit,” he stated on July 15, adding that “preparatory work for another summit is underway”.

This is the first time in well over two years that the Neo-Nazi junta hinted that it’s ready for direct “peace talks”. Previously, Zelensky was vehemently opposed to even basic contact with the Kremlin as long as President Vladimir Putin is in power. Thus, the previous “peace summits”were not much more than glorified fairs aimed at creating the narrative that “the world supports Ukraine”. Seeing through this, China refused to participate, leaving the summit nothing more than a NATO echo chamber of endless praise for the political West’s “values” and its non-existent “moral high ground”, based entirely on a fantasy world that exists only in the numerous outlets of the mainstream propaganda machine. Thus, the latest offer seems quite unusual (if not even outright strange), particularly considering the timing and other factors.

It still remains unclear what the endgame is, especially because Zelensky is yet to reveal whether the laughable “peace formula” is still his “red line”. If that’s the case, then he’s just wasting his breath, as Moscow has already flatly refused to even consider such demands, which is perfectly understandable and expected given the fact that the “plan” boils down to Russia’s capitulation. What’s more, getting even China onboard is highly unlikely if the political West continues down the path of perpetual escalation. Interestingly, at least one prominent analyst already predicted that Zelensky will sue for peace several weeks ago, albeit through third parties. However, although the idea of peace is certainly a welcome one, the motivation behind such initiatives needs to be carefully analyzed, especially when dealing with the political West.

With the Kremlin conducting a massive program of remilitarization, including a large-scale reshuffling in the Ministry of Defense, and also (re)building old geopolitical alliances, the Kiev regime is increasingly isolated geopolitically and even militarily. NATO cannot produce as many weapons as the Neo-Nazi junta says it needs, while Moscow made sure it has reliable allies with a massive stockpile of conventional weapons, particularly long-range missiles and artillery. In the meantime, the political West is backing off in the Black Sea after the Russian military sent a very clear message about what will happen to NATO ISR (intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance) assets aiding terrorist attacks within Russia. On the other hand, even American citizens are sick and tired of others wasting their money and resources.

At this moment, Americans are more likely to go against their own government rather than any other foreign adversary. A similar (if not worse) sentiment is felt all across the G7, which Zelensky openly blames for his troops’ inefficiency. This is without even considering the fact that the Russian military is regularly hunting down the best NATO gear, further exacerbating the Kiev regime’s already precarious position (which is one of the reasons why its neighbors are also heavily militarized). The crisis of America’s political system is also causing side effects that are highly negative for the Neo-Nazi junta, particularly if Trump (if elected) tries to use the attempt on his life as a viable exit strategy for the United States. And last (but not least), the chances of Russia accepting such a deal are slim to none, as the Kremlin has zero reasons to trust NATO/the Kiev regime.

[This article was first published on Global Research on July 17, 2024.]


Drago Bosnic is an independent geopolitical and military analyst. He is a regular contributor to Global Research. 

TAP – threatening terror attacks is not really tye language of peace-making, is it?  In a zero trust environment, Russia cannot demean herself to settling a peace based on terror threat.  That said it is possible to imagine western controlled agencies inside Russia are responsible for an ongoing series of very real assassinations.

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