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Self-Sufficient Communities – How to Defeat the NWO

By Fritz Freud


This article mirrors the same points I am talking with the same solutions at hand.

All Governments are Criminals… that is an undeniable fact.

They most be removed… that work must be done.

Before that happens nothing happens.

And after that we be free.

To chose our own destiny.

Self-Sufficient Communities – How to Defeat the NWO

We are in a war. We are under attack. If you ignore this fact and do not proactively defend yourself, you will be enslaved or killed off.


JUL 17

As many people have been saying for a long time now, independent communities that are self-sufficient for basic necessities are needed to free ourselves from oppressive centralized systems.

I have worked on self-sufficient community projects and know people living in them who are successfully leading by example.

I have primarily lived in Manhattan and Los Angeles, so I’m not someone who wants to live away from major cities or the ocean, but I am now reluctantly concluding that a move to a rural area is absolutely necessary and strongly feel a sense of urgency that aware people must unite in well-defended rural self-sufficient communities now, away from coastlines, for the following reasons:

1)    National governments are moving to lock us into a Central Bank Digital Currency as quickly as possible, which will control how we can spend money, our activities, movement and transportation will be significantly restricted, and the “Smart City” plans are a terrifying dystopian nightmare for many reasons.

2)    The food supply is now loaded with GMOs, nanotech, graphene and many other extremely harmful “ingredients.”  They are now mass injecting mRNA and nanotech into livestock. Graphene has been found in everything, from water, anything we drink or eat to the medicine that we are given. This is part of their plan to fill our bodies with substances that will connect our bodies via frequencies to centralized A.I. hives, which will control us biologically, physiologically and psychologically – sounds totally crazy, it is totally crazy, but verifiably true, will explain more below.

3)    They have stepped up their harmful geo-engineering efforts, with nanotech and various heavy metals, which are proven toxic to all living organisms. Geo-engineering is a slow-motion genocide operation. They call attention to CO2 while showering the earth with strategically deployed poisons. God only knows what they are spraying at any given moment, they are experimenting with many harmful aerosols and “smart dust” as well.

4)    Electro-Magnetically the Pentagon’s Full Spectrum Dominance plan has been more aggressively rolling out microwaves, small cell frequencies, 5G, 6G, low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites, experimenting with the earth’s magnetic field, ionosphere and our overall electro-magnetic spectrum.

Other than all of this being very harmful to human health, altering the earth’s delicate magnetic field balance is shockingly reckless. The magnetic field appears to be collapsing in on itself, another factor in the so-called “pole shift.” It appears we are going through a galactic and solar system-wide geo-magnetic pole reversal. Poles are not shifting clockwise, the north is moving south, and the south is moving north, whatever the largest factors are causing this, coastlines are now at risk.

5)    As if all this doesn’t already sound surreal and completely crazy enough, another highly disturbing operation is unfolding, they have already started unleashing holograms and PSYOPS to fake an alien invasion, war and/or the second coming, see also Project Blue Beam.

The many so-called UFO sightings lately are mostly holograms and drones designed to make you think that they are otherworldly. This is also why the Pentagon has suddenly decided to “reveal previously classified” UFO-related intel.

It is a completely dangerous and reckless Psychological Terrorism operation, technically speaking. The Pentagon already has anti-gravity aircraft and highly advanced drones, but the use of holograms to fool enemies and scare the civilian population into believing that there are otherworldly extra-terrestrial threats has been in Pentagon planning since at least the early 1970s. I will be releasing a video featuring several whistle blowers and vital information on this issue.

6)    Everything happening with Ukraine, NATO and Russia is obviously insanity run amok, as the war spreads to Iran and Israel now, Germany is poking the bear pretty hard now too.  I don’t think conflicts will escalate to nuclear strikes, but the War Gods will continue to rack up tax dollars and bodies while terrifying the masses.

In war, when a destructive chain of events is set off, and you have many powerful interests with many powerful weapons, unprecedentedly powerful weapons, you are playing with fire.  With new tech the slope is extremely slippery and exponentially steep. They are clearly completely insane and power-crazed, obviously reckless, so there’s another reason to get far away from major target cities.

7)    Due to several of the reasons above, the power grid going down and extended power outages are a strong possibility, though I think they want to keep the grid up as long as possible to keep propagandizing everyone, until a new global system is fully implemented. Once 5G, 6G, StarLink and other satellites are fully deployed worldwide, they will shutdown the old grid to force everyone into the new frequency spectrum (prison).

Wide-scale grid collapse would be a very ominous sign of escalation into an overtly fascist endgame. Whatever the case may be, having alternative power and communication systems are urgently vital.

I don’t want to scare people, because they are clearly going all-out to terrify the masses into complying with enslavement under the guise of “National Security. ”We cannot operate from a state of fear, but we need to fully acknowledge the fact that we are under all-out strategic unconventional warfare attacks. If you just ignore it, you will be enslaved or killed off.

In war, you must defend yourself.

We have to think strategically, step up our defenses and organize much more cohesively, albeit in a decentralized grassroots bottom up way.

We cannot count on anyone saving us.  We must proactively defend ourselves.

We are a critical mass of aware and highly capable people.

We are very powerful when it comes to defending ourselves from opposing armed forces, tyrannical government officials, mercenaries, drones and conventional warfare tactics, but when it comes to all the unconventional warfare tactics previously mentioned, with the insidious incremental systemic weakening processes, we will eventually lose the biological, physical and cognitive capacities to effectively defend ourselves.

As always, they are playing the long game, to gradually weakened us and create mass desperation, to make us turn on each other and submit to their tyrannical rule for survival, old school divide and conquer 101.

Societal collapse, chaos and mass desperation gives them a pretext to enforce a final brutal crackdown in the name of restoring “security,” under the guise of “health and safety.”

Ultimately, the globalist aristocracy’s power has always been dependent on mass acquiesce. They create scarcity and desperate conditions to get the masses to fall into line with their dictates, global imperial power 101.

Here’s a major point that everyone needs to understand:

We are in a whole new paradigm.

If you are going to survive as a free-thinking individual, you have to radically restructure your belief system.

Most of our repetitiously conditioned beliefs are lies. Mainstream reality is a vast matrix of strategic lies – a tangled web of thought patterns, preconceptions, presuppositions and preconceived notions that must be reexamined and discarded. Detangling your mind, unlearning all the bullshit that we have been taught to believe is true is a very difficult process.

Most people do not have the cognitive capacity, time, energy, psychological bandwidth, courage and determination that is required to reorient themselves properly to successfully navigate the battlefield’s quickly shifting terrain, especially with the exponential increase / total paradigm shift in technological capabilities.

The average person does not understand history or present reality because so much of it is strategically censored from mainstream awareness.  Global power has always been predicated upon concealing the most critical information, knowledge, wisdom and technology.

We live in a hologram, a matrix, a spectrum of electro-magnetic frequencies. The manipulation of those frequencies is God-like power.

The manipulation of frequencies is the primary knowledge that occult secret societies and the Pentagon have always concealed from the masses. Frequencies are the Holy Grail.

The Pentagon’s stated strategic goal is “Full Spectrum Dominance” to “Conquer the Human Domain.”

Small cell frequencies, 5G, 6G and systems like StarLink are key strategic systems to lock us down into a frequency prison that will enable A.I. algorithms to control us.

When it comes to TVs, cell phones and computers, other than being highly effective information-based propaganda distribution systems, they emit sound, light and frequencies that technically manipulate brainwaves, to put people into a passive, hypnotic state, which makes the information-based propaganda programing more effective, on a subconscious level.

The ability to technically brainwash people on a subconscious level is way more advanced than people realize.

How could they know though?

It is all secret information, hidden in plain sight.

People have been thoroughly indoctrinated and conditioned to think that secret societies and aristocratic “divine rights” bloodlines are conspiracy theories or something from a bygone era.

Since the dawn of civilization, humanity has been dominated by an Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy.

Tragically, the average person, the masses are bred from the cradle to the grave to be naïve, impulse-driven and reactionary peasants, wage slaves, cattle and sheep serving tyrannical aristocratic masters, self-proclaimed divine deities.

The average person doesn’t understand global power or unconventional warfare, especially with A.I., nanotech, CRISPR, zero point energy and frequencies.

We now have, literally, technically, 100% God-like abilities.

With new tech we have opened Pandora’s box and we are playing with exponential fire – and the people in charge of the most powerful new tech are power-drunk, reckless, greed-addicted, predatory, pathological and short-sighted old fools.

There absolutely needs to be transparency, public oversight and accountability in the experimentation and deployment of new technologies.

The old money aristocracy, the Royal bloodlines, the oligarchic families who for centuries have been bred to believe that they have “divine rights” to rule over humanity without accountability, they want to merge with A.I. to become upgraded humans, ultimately immortal Gods, a cult cabal in a new pantheon of Gods.

With new technologies it is easier than ever to enslave the masses, the “useless people,” the “bewildered herd” of “hackable animals,” as the aristocracy’s spokesman Yuval Noah Harari has clearly stated publicly many times in detail.

We are now in the “4th industrial revolution,” where the main products to be mass manufactured are “bodies, brains and minds,” which is part of the A.I. arms race to enslave as many people as possible as quickly as possible, before the masses realize what is possible with new tech, which is complete self-sufficiency for basic necessities that makes large centralized systems obsolete.

World War III is the power-crazed imperial globalist aristocracy versus 99.9% of humanity.

We are at the crossroads. We are either going to enter a new renaissance, age of mass enlightenment with unprecedented human freedom and mass evolution, or we are going to be enslaved into a full-on dystopian hell-scape as the aristocracy tries to fulfil their fantasies of Satanic Godhood.

Their master plan is to herd everyone into a frequency prison by getting nanotech and graphene into every body, which will connect us to a central A.I. cloud colony that will use frequencies to control you biologically, physiologically and psychologically, your moods, thoughts and behaviours.

This will be total enslavement. They want to eradicate personal consciousness, wipe your mind and reformat your hard drive so they can install their imperial bio-Operating System.

They have been systemically incrementally attacking us and they are escalating unconventional warfare tactics now.

Large cities and coastal states are the highest risk areas.

Other than doing what we can to hold them accountable for Crimes Against Humanity, I strongly feel that we must regroup into well-defended rural self-sufficient communities.

I am presently trying to figure out the best geo-strategic area to move to – there are many variables, not an easy decision.

If you have a self-sufficient community or are interested in forming one, please email me.

If you are aware enough to know the truth of our present crisis, you have to strategically circle the wagons now with other aware people. We have to strategically help each other in compassionate communities.

If you think I am wrong in my reasoning and analysis, please let me know your thoughts. I want to be wrong. I don’t want to believe any of this.

I am open to any critical new info / intel that helps us more effectively navigate the battlefield.

We are in uncharted territory. The maps must be redrawn.

Many pre-existing belief systems are obsolete, much of our conceptual framework must be reconstructed, new tech is a whole new paradigm, can’t say that enough.

When operating in chaos, we have to make verifiable truth our North Star.  We must find solid common ground and actionable intel that we can rally around.

As long as you are someone who wants to have your own thoughts, we are all on the same side.

This is a worldwide species-wide attack.

We are in the new paradigm’s Garden of Eden, and the snakes are all jacked up on A.I., nanotech and frequencies.

All the technology that they are trying to use to enslave us can free us.

With A.I. and energy like cold fusion, Low Energy Nuclear Reaction and zero point energy, we can all be self-sufficient for basic necessities in alignment and synergy with nature now.

A new renaissance, mass empowerment, mass enlightenment, unprecedented freedom and prosperity are viable and within reach.

For centuries, for millennia humanity has been oppressed by an Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy, a small aristocracy, the lords of scarcity.

We can now transcend them, but we have to have the courage to confront the shadow and walk through the valley of darkness, which is a path into the new paradigm.

We’ve been living in a dark age.  So much critical information and innovations that could have made our lives much better have been suppressed because they weren’t profitable to those in power and would free people from large oppressive centralized systems.

In this time of revelations, it is all being revealed now. When it comes to our health, energy, history, technology, scientific and spiritual wisdom, so much has been kept from us, it is a Crime Against Humanity.

Look at what is happening right now, it has been proven that government policies are causing significant harm, yet there is no attempt to help the people harmed or change course.  Instead, they are trying to cover up their corruption and crimes while doubling down on proven harmful policies, which tells you all you need to know right there.

The government is now openly blatantly tyrannical, the mask is off.

Governments have always been about controlling and exploiting the masses, they just have much more advanced technological capabilities now that can efficiently streamline mass enslavement on a global scale.

We must shed the skin of the Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy.

The absolute evil that is now asserting itself is our evolutionary test.

Evil has always been a catalyst driving our evolution, into enlightenment, into new “heights of holiness.”

The more evil the obstacle, the higher heights of holiness we ascend to, the pendulum swings correspondingly.

I feel confident that we are going to transcend oppressive forces.

We need to help shepherd the masses through the valley of darkness, which, alas, appears to be the path into the new Paradigm.

The overall situation is very Jungian. It is humanity’s dark night of the soul.  Our collective shadow must be confronted and exposed to light.  People must become consciously aware of it to transcend the shadow and evolve.

It is always darkest just before the dawn, one drives the other, yin and yang, Fibonacci spiralling oscillations between polar opposites. Whatever the fundamental nature may be, we can transcend the old paradigm.

Unprecedented freedom, mass enlightenment and prosperity are viable and within reach.

Forming self-sufficient communities is a fundamental pre-requisite to free ourselves from the bondage and tyranny of oppressive large centralized power structures.

We must transcend the Oligarchy Dominance Hierarchy.

This turned into a much longer email than expected… feeling such an intense sense of urgency… if you have a self-sufficient community or are interested in forming one, please reply to this email.

– David

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