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Climate Alarmism For Dummies From The Royal College of Physicians – UK Column News ; Be Aware; New Instructions to GPs


Full news and all the source links: www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-17th-july-2024
– RCP London: Green physician toolkit
“You are uniquely placed as a trusted member of the community to discuss public health threats with patients. Health professionals can help their communities understand how climate change will affect their health, and how to protect themselves.”
– Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance: No vaccine for climate change
– GOV.UK: Sunnica Energy Farm development consent decision announced
– GOV.UK: Mallard Pass Solar Project development consent decision announced
– GOV.UK: Gate Burton Energy Park development consent decision announced
– Nuclear Energy Institute: Land Needs for Wind, Solar Dwarf Nuclear Plant’s Footprint

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8 Responses to “Climate Alarmism For Dummies From The Royal College of Physicians – UK Column News ; Be Aware; New Instructions to GPs”

  1. ian says:

    Hi D’ they’re going to, “mark my words”, equate depression, mental issues, including disbelief in climate change, and the inclination towards disbelieving their bullshit in general, ie in their words believing in conspiracy theories, as a real mental health issue, which, because it is dangerous to them, must be treated seriously.
    This might result in forceful re-education programmes, as that is their MO. Roll out the Blue Helmet immigrants, in dawn raids and relocation to a camp. Forcibly injected, medicated and generally abused. It’ll be the first holiday I’ve had in years.

    • ian says:

      BTW my reaction was after watching both the latest UK Col’ vids.

  2. danceaway says:

    It is difficult to come to any other conclusion, Ian. One can see the path they have been laying out for some time, with all this focus on so-called ‘mental issues”, which to my mind are only those they have created through their actions and medications. It has been strange to watch, and the way they have drawn in the Wales’ as well. But one can see now it is all part of a well-construed plan. Sunak handed over the baton, and Starmer is up and running. It struck me today that the Stuff for the King’s Speech feels as though it has been being prepared for several weeks, not just recently……

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Yes danceaway, prepared ages ago. Then again they knew a long time ago that they were going to “govern” didn’t they. Sunak was obviously selected to smooth the path for Sir Starmer

      But the Kings Speech is a dog’s breakfast nonetheless:
      Nationalise railways! Now that they have been pillaged by the private sector…
      Streamline planning! Houses on green belts…
      Border Security Command! Command? You will OBEY…
      Digital ID cards! Big Brother Labour…
      And lots of new laws! Always more Statute Legalisms…

      Doctors revealed their true colours during covid didn’t they. They surely must have known the truth about the real death rate, and the vaxx disaster too. But they said NOTHING in order to protect their personal big fat cash flows. Totally unethical, totally immoral, beyond disgusting…

      What more does anyone need to know about these corrupt pharma agents? Anyone who goes near them without a firm clear purpose deserves all that they get. There are always alternatives

      “Patients” are treated like children already but nobody is forced to see “doctors” are they?

      Finally, this thought just occurred to me:

      Doctor as a noun: a person who is qualified to treat people who are ill.

      Doctor as a verb: change the content or appearance of (a document or picture) in order to deceive; falsify.

      Says it all…. 🙂

  3. danceaway says:

    I believe Mike mentioned that when they say nationalise the railways, they mean public/private partnership, not national in the traditional sense. That is the direction of travel in everything. Government working hand in glove with corporations, or the corporations running the government.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      That’s exactly it, fascism in other words, see Mussolini’s definition of the word

  4. ian says:

    Again, that quote, ” Be under no illusion. the role of government is to serve corporate power and the ruling elite. The role of the media, is to control the ignorant an stupid masses”.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Yes indeed Ian. all media that is, including most of the so called “alternative” media. I don’t trust any media as you know. If it’s a commercial enterprise, and it always is, then they cannot possibly be unbiased. They always need to consider their income stream

      This is equally true of a subscription business model as it is of an advertising based business model. The customer is always king, and if you lose sight of that fact then you soon won’t have a business at all

      Unless of course you have government connections to prop you up with advertising and the like, see MSM

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