Welcome to the Tap Blog - The Home for Media Sceptics

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Tapnewswire – the home for media sceptics

I was asked,’Are you a conspiracy theorist?’

I replied – ‘No I’m a media sceptic.’

The process is not one where I generate theories.  It occurs the other way around.

The media fires off narratives and fakes.

I receive these via the channels.

After decades of realising something is wrong, I no longer trust them, and rarely believe them.

It has to be said that most people enjoy being lied to by the media, and prefer not to notice the obvious fact that much, most or even all of it is nonsense.

Things like the Trump fake assassination attempt.

Trump and Farage are the good cop in the good cop, bad cop mind game.

But they are still cops who want you vaxxed and brainwashed, and not even here.


There are a few people like me who do not enjoy being lied to, and continually conned,

People who prefer to find our own sources who we feel we trust.


Welcome to Tapnewswire.

Congratulations!  You are a media sceptic, and not a theorist.

You require the talker to prove their statements,  so you can live in a world of truth, and not one of lies.

It’s hard work when you step away from  the media, but well worth the effort.


It also complicates social life as most want to live inside their television sets, and believe that medicines, foods and tap water are not poisons.

Of course the media don’t like the loss of control over your mind, and want you to feel bad about dropping them.

It makes it so easy for the powerful to dispose of you as a potential competitor, to first control your mind.

Schools prepare you for a lifetime of mind control of course.  Don’t dare challenge the orthodoxy or you will not be chosen.

If you ‘drop out’, they get others to accuse you of stuff, and try to shepherd you back into the herd.

Even then it’s a better life when you open your mind and are able to function in a truer world.

There are more people around like you than there used to be.

Welcome to the gang!




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2 Responses to “Tapnewswire – the home for media sceptics”

  1. pete fairhurst 2 says:


  2. newensign says:

    Very good Tap. The trouble is most people can’t conceive that the media is all controlled by the same entity that controls the “governent” and fiddles elections, like preventing you from becoming police commissioner by manipulating the postal vote!