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  1. PKinPanama says:

    Compact, custom made, ‘one hole paper punch’.

    Would fit in the palm of the hand.

    Thinking out loud.

    I simply don’t believe that a shooter, with real live rounds put one through Trump’s ear.

    • PKinPanama says:

      Dead and wounded spectators: think Lon Horiuchi at Ruby Ridge and Waco.

  2. Belyi says:

    This is a comment I read today:

    ‘The shots that you heard were blanks. You can tell because they have a snapping quality to them. They don’t sound explosive. I have fired 5.56, .223. and blanks, and I know the difference. Nobody was wounded or killed, and the shooter was a government agent. The body that was laying on the roof was a dummy.’

    What does surprise me is that so many people think it was real and so many people think that the guy on the stage was really Trump.

  3. ian says:

    Well. Firstly I suspected immediately it might be fake, before any news. However, this video proves nothing. Saying that the sign says fired, so what. The sound?? have you heard a .22 rimfire with a moderator on it, no, and you’re not likely to either they’re nearly silent. Up until the arseholes in charge decided the rein in the guns from people, shooting was my passion, and main hobby. Shotguns boom, but using moderators, rifles don’t make too much noise, and if he’d been 3 or 4 hundred yards away, you would only hear the bullets.
    As I said, I assumed fake from the start, but this video proves nothing. Miles Mathis, and Chris Spivey sometimes do the same, saying something is obviously this or that, when it isn’t. Yes fake, but not proof.

    • ian says:

      BTW I only mentioned .22 rimfire, I’m familiar too with .223, .243, .308, and .65 Creedmore.

  4. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    As soon as I saw the media coverage then, I knew it was fake, so obvious

    The bloodied face, raised fist, flag, money shot photo sealed it

    A cheap production too. Dead body dummy on roof, a bit of moulage and some crisis actors. All of then on the payroll already. Cheap as chips

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      I’ve seen so many of these false stories over the years that the story form alone is usually enough for me to go with my instinct and common sense. The story arc is so familiar to me and is a massive clue that it’s all BS

      So, in the absence of any definitive proof of their assertions then, it’s always best assume they are lying. That’s what they always do isn’t it?

      Btw, they never show any gore normally, supposedly because of “sensitivities”, ah diddums. Despite the fact that tv is full of gory hospital/doctor/plastic surgery shite, almost 24/7

      Who on earth watches that stuff? Maybe nobody

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        The most obvious recent big psyop, the covid scamdemic, was a good example of what I’m saying. I knew that it was BS from the start by simply looking at the media story arc. It was so obviously a global concert from the demons

        But I wasn’t 100% certain, not confident enough to resist immediately. Took me about 3 or 4 weeks to find enough hard evidence. Helped considerably by the OffGuardian tbh. I suspected that they were more controlled oppo, but no matter, they gave lots of hard facts, so my immediate instincts were soon confirmed

        Ditto JFK, 9/11, I called them both out immediately too

        I was wet behind the ears with JFK, so pure innocent instinct and common sense. I never saw any live tv with 9/11, being busy in my garden, and that helped I’m sure

        In fact I lost a big buddy, god rest his soul, over 9/11 as a result. He had moved to the US from London and I emailed him the next day and called it out saying that the only beneficiaries were the money power and the military defence complex. He was outraged but, unwisely, I piled in on him. Told him that he’d “”gone native, ha ha. We patched things up somewhat after he returned to UK but things were never the same between us after that

  5. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    One final thought

    This Trump assassination story is a great way to spot controlled opposition. So many of the “alternative” media are treating it as real

    So that pegs them for me. Folk like Brian Berletic in that video posted yesterday. And Helena Glass on Makow today. So both now added to my “suspect they are controlled oppo list” list

    If we can all see that it was fake then why can’t they?

    • Belyi says:

      I can’t believe that people still believe it was real. I spend a lot of time of alt med and so, of course, I smelt a rat immediately, but someone I know who doesn’t, immediately called it out too.

      So perhaps there are lots of ordinary Joes out there who agree but daren’t say so because they’ll be shouted down.

      I’ve always liked Brian Berletic, but with the access he has to all sorts of information, I’m gob-smacked that he’s buying into it.

  6. Gordon says:

    The fact that Sleepy Joe and Obama were the first people on TV to say that what had happened did not represent their vision of America and called for unity really got to me. There was no mention of wishing Trump well or for a speedy recovery until the later subsequent formal evening statement.

    These two individuals, along with numerous others in the Democratic Party, have consistently shown such hate and dehumanising language towards Trump. It would have been preferable had they not been so hypocritical. To the best of my knowledge, the Clintons have kept their emotions under wraps.

    Aljazeera White House correspondent Kimberly Halkett makes the comment “Enough is Enough,” which may be an illusion to the internal strife of both the Democratic and Republican parties as well as America as a whole, but on the other hand, she reminded me of the Illuminati Trump card Enough is Enough. See Link.

    The photo of what appears to be a bullet passing the left side of Trump’s head is a real stretch of the imagination and, in my opinion, a contrail. According to photography forms, high-speed cameras with frame rates in the range of tens of thousands of frames per second are necessary to capture the movement of a bullet.

    • PKinPanama says:

      It’s all theater, Hellywood Intelligence world bankster government stuff.

      Team oBiden and Trump both work for the jwo.

      I was told multiple times over the weekend that our program Wednesday was germane on Saturday.

      You can access it here:

      This was an agenda event. They’re all in on it. Don’t fall for these opinion shaping events. Don’t get played.

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        That photo of you in the opening credits looks suspiciously like Brad Pitt in “Burn After Reading” by the Coen brothers PK? :-))

        For those that don’t know the film, it’s a very funny film about the CIA… all about an absolute clusterfuck of theirs

        And the opening song sounds like a rip off of one by Eminem too :-))

        Not sure that I can take 2 hours of that, but I will give it a whirl and see how I go…

        • PKinPanama says:

          I’m going watch (((Wahlberg’s))) movie, The Shooter, again, tonight.

          Look, I understand Giuseppe and his audience. The Lord wants me to reach them, too.

          The only Supremacist I tolerate is King Jesus.

          I have brothers and sisters of every color and culture that follow the King of kings and I love them all, first. 🙂

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