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The US/UK/NATO may have just crossed Putin’s final red line on the way to WWIII – Leo Hohmann

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6 Responses to “The US/UK/NATO may have just crossed Putin’s final red line on the way to WWIII – Leo Hohmann”

  1. Tapestry says:

    The early warning detectors are often satellites observing the ground. These communicate back to ground based systems like the ‘space telescopes’ at Jodrell Bank, which we are told are looking for signals from outer space.

  2. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    According to Alex and Alexanders interview with Dmitry Orlov yesterday then, the damage was superficial and fixed quickly

    Talk of WW3 is scaremongering, it’s all over the controlled “alternative” media right now. But the west cannot muster a conventional army to attack Russia at the moment. That would be suicidal, Russia has never been defeated on home soil, every western invading army has been comprehensively defeated. The wests current woke gayboy army wouldn’t stand a chance. Even if they had the weapons and industrial capacity, which they don’t

    As for the “nuclear” threat that cannot ever happen. Even if nuclear weapons exist and work then, nobody can ever use them. I don’t think that they do exist myself, see Mathis numerous papers and others. We have no evidence whatsoever that the damn things work do we. My bet is that they don’t and that they have been a pure psyop all along, a very very effective psyop that scared the daylights out of billions of folk

    Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Just look at the photos, they look exactly the same as all the other Japanese cities that were firebombed. Mathis and others show that all the photos of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are fake. Why would that be?

    Both side obviously know this too. And the Russians must know the truth about the moon landing nonsense, and 9/11 etc etc but keep schtum. Why would that be?

  3. danceaway says:

    Thank you for your comment, Pete.

    I find Dimitry Orlov very interesting. II remember reading his work when he was blogging from the States, and he has also written several books. He was educated in the States and has worked in a variety of professions/occupations there.

    I have thus far avoided listening to the discussion you reference as Alexander continuously interrupts others with “if I could just say”.

    For anyone interested in hearing more from Orlov, Dialogue Works has had several fascinating interviews which are full of information as Dimitry has returned to Russia and is living in Saint Petersburg, ( Nima asks relevant questions but does not interrupt – he lets others talk and listens, which his audience appreciates greatly.)

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Thanks danceaway

      Yes Orlov is an interesting guy. His predictions regarding the wests collapse have proved prescient too. His opinions have stood the test of time. His books that I have read are excellent, particularly the one about the 5 stages of collapse. He lived in the US on a boat, so was never land based there for long. He left the US to return to Russia, having originally left Russia after the Soviet collapse and descent into western managed NeoLiberal madness. Now the US is going the same way, quir ironic…..

      I agree, his chats with Nima are more interesting too. Orlov is a Russian patriot and never fails to make blunt assessments. The chat with Alex and Alexander yesterday was plagued by sound problems, and thus not as easy to listen to as normal with the Duran guys. But he and Alexander made some strong points about the latest state of play. They both dismissed the early warning system attacks as superficial…

      Orlov dismisses WW3 out of hand too. The west doesn’t have the capability, as I said above. And the Russian army is learning more about how to win every day. It’s a disgusting spectacle, the west throws the flower of Ukraine youth into the Donbass meat grinder. They are losing 1400 men every day according to Orlov. And the Russians slow and steady attrition strategy is minimising their casualties. They can sustain this far longer than Nato possibly can….

  4. danceaway says:

    I find Orlov’s bluntness so refreshing!! Such a contrast to those who skirt around or avoid altogether sensitive topics to protect their you tube income; this has really been highlighted by the Israeli/Gaza events. Controlled opposition make themselves so visible.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Yes, me too, I appreciate his bluntness very much. So much so that I subscribe $4 a month to his Boosty blog where he has less than 2k subscribers, and where all his work is now available. Good value….

      Controlled opps are every where in the “alternative” media as you imply. I’m slightly equivocal about the Duran tbh. A rule of thumb is that channels with hundreds of thousands of followers are likely controlled in some way. Duran has 409k. It’s not hard and fast though, so how to know?

      I do get the impression that A&A have been down the rabbit holes somewhat, and have recently become a tad more open to background realities. I imagine that they are coining it with their 3 channels though, but I don’t know how YouTube works in that respect so I’m not sure…

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