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Laken Riley ‘Event’ raked over by Mathis

The Laken Riley Event
looks like another Government Hoax
by Miles Mathis

March 2, 2024
First thing, look her up at Instantcheckmate:
The first result is her, since Allyson is given as her mother in press reports. But why is her alleged
father John Riley not on her list? Why no age, which should be 22? Why only one location? Just so
you know, Woodstock is not the same as Augusta, where she allegedly died. It is north Atlanta. And
why doesn’t the big computer know she is living in Augusta? She has allegedly been there for years.
Institutional records like college records are among the easiest for computers to pull up.
Then there is the problem of that second result. Looks like they borrowed the name of a black lady,
since Lakenya is an African name. And notice the small print below, where the computer is telling us
it has both a name and age match. I had entered that age range 18-29, since I knew it going in. But if
the computer matched the age range, why does it say Lakenya is 51? It seems like someone came in
and inserted that age recently, but the computer knows it is wrong. We can broaden the search on
Lakenya Riley to the whole US, where we find two more, one in Arkansas, and one, Lakenya Cherelle
Riley, age 26, in Victorville, CA. So she would be in the right age range. But she has been scrubbed
of all relatives, a big red flag. Victorville is just north of LA, on the road to Barstow. Which means?
Could be connected to Edwards AFB. Best guess is they borrowed this girl’s name from a fellow agent
in the project, a black girl. We have caught them doing things like that many times. They love these
inside jokes, especially with names.

I expected Intelius to give the same results, but they have Laken Riley listed three times, once with no
age, once at age 22, and once at age 20. In all three she is from Woodstock. In the first two she is
related to Allyson and John, but in the third one she is mysteriously related to other people.
So there are two young Laken Rileys from Woodstock and only Woodstock? Impossible. Who are
these other relatives? We’ll start with Teresa Mcfetridge. Sounds like another fake name, doesn’t it?
Well, it may be, since a search on that name in Georgia pulls up about ten people in the same age
range, 50-70, who all look like they may be the same agent. Only one is related to Rileys, and she is
not linked to Georgia at all. She is from Texas and Virginia, including Virginia Beach and Kingsville.
Kingsville is King Ranch, a huge red flag. She is related to Beltrans and Hennings. She is related
twice to a Riley Mcfetridge, which is probably the same woman again. In another listing she is aka
Abraham, that being a Jewish surname, of course. A Google search on Teresa McFetridge
finds the Texas one in Galveston, working for the Army Corps of Engineers. Her LinkedIN profile
admits she was Navy for 30 years. I remind you she is the one definitely linked to these Rileys. And
what else is in Kingsville? That would be NAS Kingsville, Naval Air Station.
Janet Riley is aka Janet Mcfetridge, and she is also from La Marque, TX, an outlier of Galveston. Big
Navy port. Also Virginia Beach again, ditto. Laken Riley is on her list, and she is about the same age
as Teresa.

Vincent Riley may be her grandfather, William Vincent Riley, since he has a son William. Which
reminds us to look up William Riley, Laken’s father. No William Riley of Georgia or Texas or the
entire US is listed related to a Laken. We do find William Jason Riley, age 52, of Woodstock and
Dacula, related to Allyson,
but not to Laken. So the big computer has never heard of these primary
relationships. His other relatives are listed as Brenda and Jennifer. Brenda would appear to be his
mother, age 79, and she links us to a Denise Lindsey, which could be a clue. The Lindseys are big
peers. She is also a Riley, so probably William’s sister. She married Derron Lindsey, and they also
link to Grahams, doubling my initial bet. The Grahams are also big peers, related to the Lindseys in the
peerage. Derron Lindsey is also linked to Fortenberrys and Pratts, redoubling that bet.
So let’s continue digging by asking the computer more questions. Let’s go to Allyson Phillips page, to
start with. The first thing we find is that Allyson is also 51, like Lakenya Riley.

Or is she 48? Or 65? We seem to have two or three of her, all of Woodstock. The best two both have
the middle name starting with B, and both are related to John Phillips but with everyone else different.
So very weird. Allyson is related to Browns, so that must be her maiden name. We also have evidence
John Phillips isn’t Laken’s father, as we are told in press reports: he is her stepfather, with William
Riley apparently being her father. We confirmed that above at Intelius.
Laken Riley, her mother, Allyson Phillips and her father, John
Notice anything strange about that last photo? It’s the usual paste. They are all looking at different
cameras and are different colors.

The location of Marietta immediately suggests Allyson Phillips is military, since there are several bases
there. Augusta also has Fort Gordon, being the home of Signal Corps. Alpharetta and Woodstock
could also be off-base living for NAS Atlanta.

Instantcheckmate has changed recently, no doubt in response to my research. They no longer list
aliases, which cuts deeply into my explosive findings. They have also added annoying pop-ups you
have to click every time to move to a new page. Even so, I discovered Allyson is related to an Ashley
Uno, who is related to
Richelieus. Think Cardinal Richelieu, crypto-Phoenician. That’s the next best
thing to Rothschilds here. Not what you would expect.
And here is something strange from that New York Post page I linked above:
Allyson Phillips celebrated the rest of her family being together on vacation in Colorado on
Wednesday, the day before her daughter was found dead. “We had a great time with great friends
celebrating Brinda’s birthday in Crested Butte, CO! Massages, skiing, great food and beautiful
views!” the mom wrote along with a series of photos of her family’s vacation in Crested Butte.
“Only thing missing was Laken Riley,” the retired teacher wrote.

What? Did her own mother just call her Laken Riley? Not, “we missed Laken”, but “we missed Laken
Riley”. I don’t think my mother has ever referred to me as Miles Mathis. If she was posting something
to relatives about our vacation or something, she would just say “we missed Miles”. Would your
mother refer to you in a post like this with your last name included? It reminds us of one of the biggest
mistakes of 911, when, in the famous “Let’s Roll” story of flight 93, Mark Bingham called his mother
from a non-existent airphone before they rolled and said,
Hi Mom, this is your son, Mark Bingham.
As you do. Because his mother might be confused. It might be her other son Mark that she had with a
different husband, with a different last name.

Here’s another glitch in the story. Jose Ibarra was arrested the very next day (wow, that was fast),
allegedly being on caught on camera disposing of bloody clothes (since you always dispose of bloody
clothes in public, right?), and we are told he came into the country from Venezuela in 2022. He
worked in Queens in food service and was arrested by NYPD for endangering the welfare of a child.
So you can’t say he has dodged all records. There would be a record of that arrest. But the computers
have never heard of him. There is no Jose Ibarra in that age range in all of New York. 97 Jose Ibarras,
but none under age 34.

That’s another big problem with the story. They tell us Laken was killed running on the university
track, and that she had previously been a state-class cross country runner, making highschool state
finals in multiple years. Really? With that body? I hate to be mean, but that isn’t a long-distance
runner’s body. I don’t think that girl could make it around the track once.

We are told Laken was 5’4” and 115 pounds. Seriously? If that girl is 5’4” she weighs at least 130. I
don’t care how much she weighs, I am just showing you the inconsistencies.

But it get’s worse. Read closely this article from CNN that now comes up first on a search for “who is
Laken Riley”. Notice first that its author is given as Thomas Lake. Lake writing about Laken. Cute.
I’ll just cut to the chase: this was written by AI. “Thomas Lake” is barely literate and sounds vaguely
foreign in this article, doesn’t he? The computer program has faked a treacly emotionalism, but plays it
up too high, even above the usual heart-yanking propaganda we have gotten used to.
A white Lincoln hearse waited in the cold rain outside the church on Friday afternoon as the
people who loved Laken Hope Riley gathered inside to remember a life that ended too soon.
She should have been running, or singing, or walking to the Circle K with a friend to buy a Diet
Coke, or studying on her iPad in her ongoing quest to become a nurse. Laken had chosen her path at
an early age, in frst grade or perhaps sooner.
At age 22, she was almost there. And then, one morning last week, she went out for a run and did
not come home.

With her departure came sudden and unwanted fame. Many people who’d heard of her knew too
little about her life and too much about her death and its furious aftermath. Those closest to her
were understandably reluctant to give interviews.
“In first grade or perhaps sooner”? What? No human would say that. And the computer hasn’t even
learned basic style and grammar points, since the AP and all other current handbooks would advise the
author “Thomas Lake” to drop those commas between running, singing and walking. They aren’t

So ask yourself why they would assign this job to a computer. This story must be very low priority,
right? Except that it is has been on all the front pages for a week. CNN and MSN can’t hire a real
human to create three pages of copy? No, because CNN and MSN don’t hire writers anymore. Like
the rest of the mainstream, their job isn’t writing the news, it is shoving it down your throat sideways.
As we have already seen, this story likely came out of the military, with Air Force psychological
operations the best first guess, and apparently no one in the Air Force knows how to write basic copy.
So they assigned it to ChatGPT.

Check out this paragraph:
The story had gathered its own momentum. It became less about who Laken was, and more
about how she died, and who was accused of killing her, and why he shouldn’t have been in this
country, and what the mayor had done, or failed to do; and what the governor wrote to the
president, and what the president should have said or done, and how the former president
would use her name in his campaign to become president again.

Yeah, that’s what it’s come to in 2024. That is how they are teaching the computer to write. Run-ons
upon run-ons, justified with misused semi-colons. And the ole computer is sure keen to tell you this
death is tied to the Presidential elections, isn’t it? I wonder why that is? We will unwind it in a

That’s also strange. These guys couldn’t wear a coat and tie to a funeral in the middle of winter? Just
matching chinos and blue shirts, looking as sloppy as possible. I notice that her father/stepfather is not
one of those guys.

Also strange is that we are told the public was welcome, with over a thousand attending, but the press
was kept out. How does that work? All the press would have to do is take off the press badge, right,
and walk in. It makes no sense in a real story, but makes sense in a fake story: the funeral was staged,
with the audience paid, but the real press was indeed kept out, to prevent anyone real from seeing what
I am seeing.

That is a lake near the track Riley was running. Some are pointing out it is a weird coincidence: Laken,
daughter of Allyson, is killed next to Lake Allyn. But as I am showing you, it isn’t a coincidence. The
site was chosen on purpose, so that the agents running this could take another piss.

OK, so why stage this thing? Well, beyond the usual Men-are-Pigs, split-the-sexes fear creation that
we have seen for decades, this was staged just like the computer tells us: to highlight the open border
issue again. It is just another sign of the ongoing but mostly covert civil war being waged between
factions in Intelligence/military. This event was obviously run by the pro-Trump faction that is trying
to tank the Democratic Party. And why tank the Democratic Party, when just a few years ago—during
the rise of Obama—Intel/military was completely behind that party? I have told you that many times
before. It is because they were too successful, and they almost killed the Republican Party doing it. In
those years the Republican Party was almost destroyed, with exit polling showing support of under
25%. This fake two-party “democracy” we have can’t exist on those terms, since the whole point is to
fool people into believing they are involved. If one party collapses, you are left with just one party and
no choice, which means no reason to vote. If people no longer vote, their last connection to self
government is lost, and with it the pretense they are involved. So, with those warning lights flashing,
the CIA and all other agencies were choppered in to re-inflate the Republican Party by any and all
means necessary. That is what you have been seeing since 2016.

But not everyone is on the same page with that strategy, for several reasons. One, such drastic measures
can cause financial ruin across certain sectors, and we are seeing that. Two, such a flip can be
dangerous, since it can go too far, destroying the Democratic Party instead, and taking us to the same
place in the end. What they need is balance, with the parties about equal, one party just squeaking by
each four years, and balance in Congress. They need that balance in Congress to making sure it is a
constant squabbling, where nothing ever gets done except rubberstamping of military and Intel budgets.
So they need the heavy factionalizing, the hard split, in order to move the country right, but at the same
time they have to try to keep it from spinning out of control. They need just enough revolution to get
people to move, but not enough to get them to actually revolt in any meaningful way. As you are
seeing, that has turned out to be a big request, and isn’t working. The fake chaos is turning into real
chaos, which can reverse on them.

laken.pdf (mileswmathis.com)

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