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World government wish to exterminate humanity no longer a secret

Fauci “RETHINKING” After Attempting to Force-Vaccinate the Entire Population of the Planet

Fauci: “Raised dire concerns about the efficacy of mRNA vaccines in combating respiratory viruses”

By Dr. James Lyons-Weiler

Global Research, February 29, 2024

Popular Rationalism

In a shocking report (Morens et al., 2023), Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has. This statement marks a 180-degree turn away from previous statements and public health strategies that have heavily relied on mRNA technology to curb the spread of diseases like COVID-19.




Israel Is an Illegal State. Dr. Ralph Wilde at the ICJ

The Hamas attack of 7 October 2023 was planned at least 3 years before by the US, UK and Israel

By Dr. Ralph Wilde and Peter Koenig

Global Research, February 29, 2024

Dr. Ralph Wilde’s plaidoyer – ALL based on legal facts and international law – completely destroys the legality of Israel, of Israel’s existence. Going back by over 100 years to the Balfour Declaration of 1917, all the way to the illegal UK “handing over” of Palestine in 1947 to the United Nations.




“Dragging Germany Deeper Into the Conflict”: Is the Bundeswehr Acting Behind Chancellor Scholz’s Back: Sending Taurus Missiles to Ukraine?

By Andrew Korybko

Global Research, March 01, 2024

RT editor-in-chief Margarita Simonyan claimed in a Telegram post on Friday that she’d heard a leaked recording from senior Bundeswehr officers discussing how to bomb Russia’s Crimean Bridge in a way that would enable German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to maintain plausible deniability. This follows his inadvertent revelation that France and the UK have clandestinely deployed troops to Ukraine to assist with “target control” while explaining why his country won’t send long-range Taurus missiles there.


TAP – The war between Israel and Palestinians taking place now was planned maybe even a hundred years ago.  Likewise the war between Russia and Ukraine has been decades in the making.  As they launch wars planned for decades, they release pandemics and other methods of depopulation – starvation included.  The projects going on today are just bigger in scope and look as if they are intended to be the final blow for humanity.  WW1 and WW2 ended but they were just stepping stones.  The Nazis were moved out to launch the CIA and all the other agencies of world government.  The UK has its finger prints on nearly everything I mention above – as well as the planned totalitarian takeover by the WHO using pandemics and climate events as their excuse.   Every state in the US should emulate Texas and start ignoring Federal and world government.  In England we must do the same, get out of Federal and World government treaties.

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David DuByne - Embrace the Awakening, Embrace the Cycle: The Water Bearer Returns

We see vast changes are occurring in every aspect of life exactly at the same time across the entire planet. Ask yourself why, and why at this time when vast electromagnetic Earth changes are timelined out through October 2024 as the four gas giants form a square in the outer solar system that was last seen in 79 A.D, that our world is radically changing.

Mark Steel - The Covert Asymmetrical 5G Led Warfare Agenda

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Mark Steel Website:
