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English Independence would give England the same rights as Texas.

Texas in effect is saying ‘We are being invaded’ and so can make war in return, and defend her borders.
The fact that States still exist as independent from the Federal government and can make war in certain circumstances within the US Constitution, without any need for Washington or Congress, means they can do a lot to save themselves.

If England were to go for independence from the UK, the same would apply to England.

That’s why the Teds want England to be independent, and a referendum to be held.

That way we can defend our borders with troops – a million Captain Mainwarings on Warmingtons On Sea, nullify NATO membership, abandon the 2018 UN migration Pact, leave the World Health (i.e.Death) Organisation, the WEF and all the rest, and re-establish Common Law, and our legal system, and have proper law and order in our cities as we used to do.


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4 Responses to “English Independence would give England the same rights as Texas.”

  1. NPP says:

    But, the TEDs support the Kyoto Treaty and a low-carbon economy, it’s in their manifesto. They drive EVs & run business on govt. subsidised solar panels littering our beautiful English green fields.
    Where is the independence in any of that?
    Where are the TED candidates? West Suffolk? London? Cornwall? Where? Name me one TED candidate likely to enter the paedophile parliament at the next election.
    Where is the TED media profile? David Kurten is a one man band and at least has a profile.

    I have fairies at the bottom of the garden wanting to bring perfection to our world, but I keep telling them, apart from the sad bugger called me, no one sees nor hears you.

  2. Tapestry says:

    No subsidy Ned. All my own hard earned money giving me grid independence making electricity from light. We can make electricity from light more efficiently but that’s the future. The panels are on the roof and around the carpark….It’s wonderful powering cars from light, and not digging up the earth causing sinkholes and earthquakes.

    The manifesto was written twenty years ago and Robin is reviewing it. He was surprised to hear the Party was declaring support for Kyoto. He’s dealing with this which was written by a party member whose hobby is the falseness of global warming. I haven’t seen he actual text myself. Maybe you can quote it…
    One man bands don’t exist in politics. He’s paid by someone.

    Ted’s media profile is hard to get as the media don’t like the policies that run against world government. Paying others to mirror Teds is one technique they use to keep the real deal hidden from the public. Money is powerful. Yet so too is determnation.

    • NPP says:

      Fantastic. Solar panels are so wonderful, why not run the country on them?
      365 days of the year, solar panels, come wind, rain or shine? Or are your solar panels snow resistant?

      Who pays David Kurten? You are accusing, asserting, so who?

      20 years ago? Then get with it.

      Shove your earthquake and sink holes fear mongering crap where the sun don’t shine. We have oil. It’s renewable.

      We can’t buy coal, but hey, what do you care? You don’t.

      Media? David Kurten uses YouTube. There’s Rumble, Twitter, Odysee, there are ways. I watched UKC broadcast from a car. Still, they get criticised for being ‘managed’ or ‘controlled opposition’. It’s hard, but there’s an election this year. Where are TED standing? Name me one constituency.

      • Tapestry says:

        Strategy is to stand for Police Commissioners and Mayors on May 2nd in 11 reagions, one quarter of country. I’m doing West Mercia. Essex is Robin. GMR Stephen. Lincolnshire David Dickerson. The Party stands in many byelections and results are recorded on main website. Police Commissioners actually have power whereas small parties in councils or Parliament are ignored – see Bridgman e.g. If you care get involved and stand for your area as Police Commissioner and get your local Police operating effectively. If England becomes independent all treaties as with WEF lapse so your coal can come back. Woodburners are restricted. We are all affected. Campaign for England’s independence from UK. Get rid of the butcher’s apron and all its treaties. There is enough enwrgy landing on us every two minutes to power the world for a year. Light is the way to go – preferably laser and venturi – which magnifies electric inout 100 times, no emissions, no loss of earth’s ground presure, no expansion of ionosphere out into space. People in poliics are either wealthy or have someone paying them. Teds are shadow banned, affected by algorithms on Twitter and so on. If a party is getting good access in alternative media, it tells you something.

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