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The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more


A foul mouthed, funny and rambling monologue from the pagan Thomas Sheridan

There is no need to agree with everything that he says, he is not a dogmatic man at all, each to their own. In fact he’s one of the least dogmatic guys that I know. But he is very intelligent in a very down to earth way and he certainly gives me food for thought, and makes me laugh quite frequently

Thomas was absolutely excellent during the scamdemic. He was one of my important anchor points during the whole psyop. He helped me see through all the shite

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8 Responses to “The demon Kissinger plus sadistic teachers, procreating pandas and Irish nationalism, and more”

  1. ian says:

    Absolutely brilliant Pete. The Pingpong panda made me spit my beer. Not much does. He touches on a lot. BTW his teacher reminded me of some of mine. I attended a rural primary school with 9 in my class. I was unfortunate to pass the 11 plus or control exam as it was in Scotland. I went to an Academy 10 miles away by daily bus journey. I was motion sick, but I’ll spare you that. I am borderline Aspergers, but it wasn’t invented then so I was just ” different”. I remember being off ill, and I went back with no real friends and really struggled in Chemistry due to several things, but the teacher got me in a cupboard one day and left me in no doubt that I’d be better off dead as I was useless. I tried to break my arm a couple of times to get off school, but was unsuccessful suggesting he was right. Ah well, life’s a bitch and then you die.

    He dug up some shit best buried, but I like him.

  2. pete fairhurst 2 says:

    Yes Ian, Thomas certainly has charisma in a very Irish way. Charisma is a very important requirement for sorcery he says. He’s a sorcerer himself, a film maker, an author and boy can he talk!

    His book “Sorcery the invocation of strangeness” is excellent and revealing

    Also “The Druid Code” which reveals some of the true history of Ireland. As opposed to the official shite that all the on the payroll “historians” spout

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      You were unlucky with your teachers by the sounds Ian. I bet you left that place as soon as you could. Who could blame you

      I went to school with hard nosed, tough, scousers. The teachers at my Grammar were in more danger from the pupils than we were from them. I saw a few good scraps where the teacher lost. I vividly remember a music lesson when the teacher was using a baton to conduct the class. One of the tough guys walked up to the front of class, took the baton and snapped it over his knee and handed it back in two pieces. Teacher pretended nothing had happened and carried on 😂

    • ian says:

      I will just add re my teacher, that it never dawned on me that he was at fault. I felt it was my fault. I suspect that that is how they got away with as much. I would never have dreamed of telling my parents.

      • pete fairhurst 2 says:

        I know what you mean Ian, I didn’t tell them things like that either. Different times, far less public emotion, no social media, stiff upper lip etc

        I was lucky that my father had recently been to war and knew the reality. After his forces experience then he wouldn’t take shit from anyone and taught me the same. Doubly lucky that he worked in Liverpool port and absorbed the culture there. Nobody worked on the clock, the port was 24/7 in those days, it depended on the tides. And so scousers generally didn’t take any shit from anyone either. They were handy with their fists too 🙂

  3. David 2 says:

    Thank you guys for the entertaining reminiscences. I am Irish and we do have a tendency to use swear words which confuses the more politically correct peoples.
    Pete please post some more of Thomas’s wit and observations, this talk was refreshing and humorous to say the least.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Thanks David. I am a quarter Irish and I love the place too, North and South. It has such friendly people [in my limited experience]. My home city, Liverpool, has deep Irish connections as well, with witty, humorous, friendly folk, rather like the Irish

      Today I saw somebody say that political correctness is “fascism with manners”. Which sums it up quite well I think

      I will post more stuff from Thomas. He is a prolific video blogger. He is usually quite serious, though there is usually humour as well., This post was one of his more relaxed and funny efforts

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