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We’re staying in the WHO

You’re receiving this email because you signed this petition: “End the UK’s membership of the World Health Organization”.

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Dear ————-

The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “End the UK’s membership of the World Health Organization”.

Government responded:

The UK Government will not end our WHO membership. We are committed to working with the WHO to tackle the world’s health issues. We do not and will never cede sovereign powers through our partnership.

The UK continues to have a strong relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO), which, as the United Nation’s specialised agency for health, and the world’s main technical and co-ordinating body in …
… under the IHR or the Accord would be made through the applicable parliamentary process. In all circumstances, the sovereignty of the UK Parliament would remain unchanged. Department of Health and Social Care

Click this link to view the response online:


The Petitions Committee will take a look at this petition and its response. They can press the government for action and gather evidence. If this petition reaches 100,000 signatures, the Committee will consider it for a debate.

The Committee is made up of 11 MPs, from political parties in government and in opposition. It is entirely independent of the Government. Find out more about the Committee: https://petition.parliament.uk/help#petitions-committee

The Petitions team
UK Government and Parliament

You’re receiving this email because you signed this petition: “End the UK’s membership of the World Health Organization”.

To unsubscribe from getting emails about this petition: https://petition.parliament.uk/signatures/138359952/unsubscribe?token=OeBTors2mUbzSPykiOa2

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4 Responses to “We’re staying in the WHO”

  1. Tapestry says:

    Good scoop Ian. The treaties with the UN as with the EU are illegal and the UK has no right to sign into them (Act of Union S4). This is why we have to seek independence for England so we can nullify all the illegal treaties entered in to by the UK, destroying the rights of English people. (not to mention Scottish, Welsh and Irish). US states can do the same but are already independent in that they can already nullify treaties of the Federal Govt if they are unconstitutional.

    • ian says:

      cheers for that info Henry. I’m clueless in matters like that.

  2. NPP says:

    I’m not in the WHO.
    So, I’m not leaving since I’m not within to leave.

    • ian says:

      Oh were it so simple Ned. However war has been declared upon us, the traditional indigenous white British and Europeans. Whilst we will be subjected to whatever the same people behind Israel decide to subject us too, their TV and media ownership will tell the world what to think of it all, and their control of the money systems will impoverish and enslave us. They’ll pull the vaccination trick again and the hard of thinking will get them again, and want us imprisoned for non compliance and our Brownie points, ie social credit score, will impoverish us more. CBDC will only allow us to buy what they say we can buy, etc etc etc. Coming soon to a town near you.

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