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Covid Is Bacterial, Not Viral: Or Why the Covid Regime Is Totalitarian

Possible Takeaways – NOT MEDICAL ADVICE

“Iron is essential for maintaining blood oxygen levels (ideal 95%).

Vaccines only shifts the immune system to allergies and immunity blow back (autoimmunity)
COVID respiratory disease is bacterial, not viral.

Bacterial infections can lead to deadly sepsis (blood poisoning – Strep infection)
Antibiotics often result in deadly resistance and are becoming obsolete unless used immediately

The infection route for bacterial infections is fecal-oral, not airborne
The human body is a closed system and mRNA is unable to penetrate human cells

However, mRNA is a “toxic bomb” that can result in heart damage and turbo cancers

Bacteriophages have a high cure rate for infectious disease but are not readily available”

Full text:

“The secret society seems to be dangerous simply because it is secret” – Georg Simmel, The Sociology of Secret Societies

Those who find themselves or family with serious respiratory infection symptoms of gasping for air and pneumonia are caught between the proverbial “devil and the deep blue sea” of conventional and alternative medicine that often offer false choices, no cure, and worse, partial information. A preliminary antidote to the C-19 propaganda wars is first understanding how people become sick with respiratory disease which neither side wants to address.

Vicarious Elimination: Respiratory Disease Most Often Starts in the Liver, Not Lung

Respiratory disease is not necessarily a contagious disease from an airborne virus that has never been found, although it may happen solely internally by ingestion of non-viral bacteria from human waste.

Henry Beiler, MD, tells us in his book Food is the Best Medicine that disease is a failure of the elimination process in the human body.  Beiler explains that respiratory disease can start by congestion of waste and toxins in the liver and kidney, not the lung, without any contagion from a bugaboo outside airborne pathogen. Conventional medicine says pneumonia can occur when droplets of never-proven, fictional viruses are inhaled from the air. But Beiler explains that most often it is toxic overload in the liver that spills toxins into the lung through infected red blood cells, no contagion from an airborne bug needed. Airborne viruses or bacteria were disproven in 1918 Spanish Flu by Milton Rosenau, MD, of Harvard and the then titled US National Health Service.

There is no Coronavirus as it is nothing more than the common cold or flu. Flu is a self-correcting disease that the human body can clear with bedrest, fasting and hydration without any medications.  Flu is the body’s attempt to rid itself of backed-up toxins and poisons through the liver typically when the weather changes (J.H. Tilden, MD, Impaired Health, 1921).  Paraphrasing Beiler: “When the liver is congested it can no longer perform its eliminative function and waste matter is thrown into the bloodstream. Toxic blood must discharge its toxins, or the person dies (sepsis). So, nature uses ‘vicarious elimination’ of having the lung help out in eliminating toxins and poisons. Fluid accumulates in the lung because the liver can’t filter food and toxins at the same time”.

Beiler adds that one can unknowingly manufacture their own pneumonia if one eats food when they also have a fever, which none of the COVID combatants are going to tell you.

Toxic blood gets to the lung through the arteries and then permeates into the lung by cellular membrane diffusion in the alveoli sacks.  For oxygen to get distributed throughout our body it first needs a transporter of the red blood cells to carry oxygen-binding molecules called hemoglobin. Dietary iron is the building block of hemoglobin and is carried throughout the vascular system to bone marrow which is the farm for making red blood cells. So, oxygen production begins in the gut not the lung.  Iron anemia is a predictor of poor outcome from lung infection. The oxygenated red blood cells then are carried throughout the body by the flow of blood.

Cancer is a disease that fails to eliminate toxins by quarantining them in tumors that switches cellular respiration from oxygen to sugar. Heart disease is when there is a failure to get enough oxygen-rich blood to heart muscles (heart attack from irregular heartbeat) or to the brain (stroke).

When people get Bacterial Pneumonia (not viral pneumonia) it can be from ingesting some bacteria such as Streptococcus that can infect the upper respiratory tract.  The main infection route is fecal-hand-food-oral. Those most vulnerable to Bacterial Pneumonia are those with suppressed immune-elimination systems from, say, chemotherapy that allows passage of pathogens rather than destroying or quarantining them.

The most common bacterial lung infection is from Chlamydophila or Community Pneumonia. Community Pneumonia is associated with myocarditis and heart disease (but Chlamydia, a STD, is also linked to pneumonia).  Other types of atypical bacterial pneumonia are Legionnaires Disease from say air central air conditioning systems and Mycoplasma Pneumonia or walking pneumonia (as well as Fungal and Parasite Pneumonia).

So, myocarditis from lung infection does not come from imaginary airborne viruses but from either bacterial infection by inadvertently ingesting fecal matter or alternatively from systemic toxicosis by purely internal toxic liver infection described by Beiler.  However, bacterial Community Pneumonia can also cause liver infection.

There are virus-like organisms such as Exosomes that naturally work to rid the body of dead cellular debris, so that it does not  putrify, ferment, and turn into disease. And there are virus-like Bacteriophages which kill bacteria not humans. Phages were used in the Los Angeles County Hospital in the 1940’s with a 95% cure rate of infections. But they are difficult to develop but their potential profitability was too “skimpy” for drug companies.

There is No Viral Pneumonia, Only Bacterial Pneumonia

Viral Pneumonia cannot be isolated because nothing in the human body works in isolation. Italian researcher Dr. Carlo Brogna in his pathbreaking study of COVID – The Secrets of SARS-COV-2: The Real Truth, 2021 – found COVID is not a sole virus, nor decomposed cellular debris called Exosomes, nor Influenza, but can only be found embedded into Bacteriophages. Although Brogna doesn’t state it this way, the “secret” he found it that there is no viral pneumonia only bacterial pneumonia.

Why the COVID Regime is Totalitarian

But the drug industry has promulgated the notion of viruses for over 100 years to financial success, but vaccines have never worked for anything (Suzanne Humphries, MD, Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History, 2013). Vaccine patent expert David Martin, PhD, reminds us that the political economy which the US was founded on was the drug trade of cocaine, opium and sugar by the East India Company.

The drug industry proliferated antibiotics in 1945, which now are becoming obsolete due to antibiotic resistance (Thomas Hausler, Viruses and Superbugs, 2006).  Prior to COVID the drug industry was facing abysmal failure. Thus, coercing a genetic vaccine (mRNA) on everyone in 2020 was the only way for corporate survival (see “Why Big Pharma Needs You”, Shiva Ayyadurai, PhD, online). Given that government regulatory agencies hide that they never require control group studies, all drug companies have to do is declare mRNA is a success as they have been getting away with for over 100 years with fake vaccines that never worked.   Vaccines have done nothing except switching our natural immunity to allergies and self-damaging “cytokine storms”.

The bogus historical drug industry success is attributed to spreading revenues among elites in the Knowledge Class: investors, doctors, academia, community hospitals, media empires, and politicians, such that it has its own political economy. COVID is the drug industry’s economic antidote to impending financial ruin.  This is why the COVID regime oppressed the Working Class with shot mandates and suppression of free speech about the secrets that vaccines never worked and that antibiotics are becoming obsolescent.

No mention will be made that the human body is a closed system, and that mega billions of dollars spent on vaccine research has been unable find a way to penetrate the human cell, as a joint Phizer and Japan study showed. Graphene is not in the mRNA vaccines and only used in a microscope. Despite this, mRNA is a “toxic bomb” that creates spike proteins in the blood which are associated with heart damage and turbo cancers.   The vaxxers or anti-vaxxers are not about to tell you these secrets, as they are too busy throwing mud (or crud). Neither will tell you there is no viral pneumonia necessitating an mRNA vaccine. It was sociologist Max Weber who stated that bureaucracy was a form of social organization preoccupied with secrecy.

This is why the drug industry must impose a totalitarian COVID regime that thwarts free speech, mandates injections and perpetuates a system of legal institutional murder.

Possible Takeaways – NOT MEDICAL ADVICE

Iron is essential for maintaining blood oxygen levels (ideal 95%).

Vaccines only shifts the immune system to allergies and immunity blow back (autoimmunity)
COVID respiratory disease is bacterial, not viral.

Bacterial infections can lead to deadly sepsis (blood poisoning – Strep infection)
Antibiotics often result in deadly resistance and are becoming obsolete unless used immediately

The infection route for bacterial infections is fecal-oral, not airborne
The human body is a closed system and mRNA is unable to penetrate human cells

However, mRNA is a “toxic bomb” that can result in heart damage and turbo cancers

Bacteriophages have a high cure rate for infectious disease but are not readily available


Source: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/11/wayne-lusvardi/covid-is-bacterial-not-viral-or-why-covid-regime-is-totalitarian/

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2 Responses to “Covid Is Bacterial, Not Viral: Or Why the Covid Regime Is Totalitarian”

  1. Belyi says:

    Relating to vaccines, I found this the other day:

    A doctor wrote in 1936, “Vaccinations are a time bomb. I have never seen an unvaccinated person with cancer”. Other doctors said the same thing, that vaccines attack the Immune System 5 years, 10 or 40 years later.

    How can anyone believe that something alien to our bodies is going to do us good when it is absorbed or injected?