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Beware Fake Consent Forms

A short post on how fake informed consents were obtained for COVID vaccines in some jurisdictions

Written by me in April 2021, but relevant as we consider litigation for COVID crimes


How governments fool you into thinking you have given a legal consent, when you haven’t

Much of the country has been induced to undergo an illegal procedure (becoming an experimental subject without informed consent) by federal and state governments.

The government has knowingly violated the law.  The law says that subjects cannot be offered valuable benefits to participate as a research subject, nor can they be coerced.

The law says an Institutional Review Board (IRB) must review the experiment and approve it, which has not been done.

What IRB would approve an experiment in which hundreds of millions participate but few data are collected?

Or approve an experiment that fails to provide informed consent?

None. They would break the law if they approved it.

The law furthermore says that subjects must be given informed consent.  Below I have reproduced a form that claims to be a consent form, from Rhode Island, but it is not.  It does not list the potential risks and benefits of the vaccine.  It offers no benefits to subjects sickened by the vaccine, suggesting only that they notify their doctor if they become ill.  It fails to inform them of the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which is the subjects’ only avenue to receive benefits if they are injured by an experimental vaccine.

The US government has created a “fact sheet” for vaccine recipients, and this consent form asks recipients to say they have “viewed” the fact sheet. It does not ask them to say they have “read” the sheet, nor that they have been given the opportunity to ask questions, nor to say that anyone has explained the risks, benefits and alternatives to them.  Normally, an informed consent form lists possible risks and benefits and subjects sign a paper which has that information on it.  In the case of Covid vaccines, the “fact sheet” is separate from the so-called Consent Form.  How many have received the form or read it remains undocumented.

Below is what purports to be the consent form for Covid vaccination in the state of Rhode Island.  It is not.  It is simply a piece of paper that is designed to make subjects think they have been consented, with the hope that this will preclude lawsuits.  It is an example of willful misconduct by federal and state authorities.  Acts of willful misconduct should cost them the liability shield granted by the PREP Act.



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