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9/11 Was The Biggest “False Flag” Con Of All Time

By Peter Eyre RIP

The Greatest Illusion Ever Performed – 9/11 (new modified version)

As a person that has spent more than 50 years associated with both Military and Civilian Aviation I have to say that 9/11 was the biggest “False Flag” con of all time.

Before looking into the aviation aspect of the Twin Towers, Pentagon & Shanksville I would like to make a very bold statement and say that this was not the work of any Arab terrorist group. I would also extend this statement by telling the general public that “Al Qaeda” does not exist and that it is an invented pseudonym by the CIA and US Government to spread hysteria and fear and to maintain a continuous war against non existent terrorism.

One has to understand that before you can blame anyone or take action against anyone you have to give them a name and so this fictitious group called Al Qaeda was created. Since its inception the US, UK and EU Governments have launched a campaign of mass hysteria in an attempt to bring fear into the hearts of our respective nations. It became clear that through their controlled mass media they could then create or invent many incidents or false flags and blame it on their new creation!! The final step came when they themselves initiated 9/11 and in doing so gave them justification to go to war!!

It is also a known fact that if one wishes to make significant changes to the law or to the existing national security arrangements one has to create an incident that will impact on the general public. Many false flags are thus created which then allows key political figures to rush such changed through Parliament or Congress resulting in major changes in the law, leading to what can only be described as the implementation of a “Police State” i.e. the Patriot Act in the US and the Anti Terrorist measures now in force in the United Kingdom.

The US is a classic example of such activity with many “False Flags” taking place on almost a monthly basis i.e. Attempted Detroit Airliner Bombing – Attempted bombing of Times Square, New York, the farcical “UPS Ink Cartridge Bomb” and in the news today another underwear bomb foiled involving Yemen…….I guess you would ask why Yemen…..that’s an easy one to answer because that is where the US special forces/CIA/MI5/6/Mossad are focusing their attention and where their drones are currently carrying out many illegal strikes………Yemen my friends is one of the 7 counties listed back in 1997 and again in 2001 as a target country to be taken out i.e. forced regime change, just like Libya and the current Syrian situation.

I wish to point out that the west is pursuing a none existent “Axis of Evil” and is fighting a non existent group of terrorist that according to our leaders existed in Iraq, Afghanistan, North Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia and many other places. However, from my perspective the true “Axis of Evil” is London.

We have to understand that all wars and conflicts, in more recent times, are nothing to do with world terrorism but all to do with imperialistic greed to acquire someone else’s natural resources or to capture vital resource markets….this all comes under the title of “Geo Politics.”

I have been watching a couple of videos over the last month or so, showing the pain of relatives who lost their loved ones in the Twin Towers tragedy. I noticed one particular old gentleman, by the name of Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son that day. He said he couldn’t understand why the National Guard did not shoot the aircraft down before they hit the building. What Bob didn’t understand was that no aircraft hit any building and that the whole scam was a well orchestrated illusion………I would also add that we believe UA93 was taken out by missiles!!

What we all saw that day were computer generated images of aircraft hitting building and witnesses that were well placed by the perpetrators to substantiate that what we saw actually happened. What I find amazing was that everyone got sucked into this illusion, including myself who watched it live on TV with an American friend and we both shed tears together……”Oh what a Sham.”

Having been in aviation most of my life and having the knowledge to understand what aircraft can and cannot do, having made up flight plans, having fully understood the procedures applicable to Air Traffic Control (ATC), having full knowledge of the ATC radar system and the transponder system (Squawk Code), having full knowledge of the airlines own ACARS system, having full knowledge of aircraft crash scenes…….I can categorically say that this was 100% a “False Flag” inside job.

The task of watching the many videos and sharing the pain of the relatives (who lost their loved ones) and looking at all the evidence has caused me to write this very controversial article. I have spent months, freeze framing every video clip and looking at 9/11 from the aviation and military aspect. I have now concluded that this incident was as a direct result of missile attacks and internal explosions both of which involved weapons that contained uranium components, hence the speed and total destruction (pulverised) of the WTC.

more https://eyreinternational.wordpress.com/2013/09/



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