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Government Covid scientist killed in mountain bike crash

Susannah Boddie, 27, who was the lead health data scientist at No 10, died near Lake Garda in Italy

A scientist who helped steer Britain through the Covid crisis has been remembered by her family as “the loveliest, kindest person who always inspired and cared for others” after she died in a cycling crash in Italy.

Susannah Boddie, 27, was the lead health data scientist at No 10 Downing Street.

It is believed Ms Boddie’s work had involved offering advice to the Government in its handling of the pandemic.

She was a Cambridge University graduate who gained a degree in pharmacology and also had a master’s in systems biology, according to her LinkedIn account.

She had worked as a data scientist and also as a health team manager at Downing Street.


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7 Responses to “Government Covid scientist killed in mountain bike crash”

  1. Belyi says:

    I feel sympathy for her family, but what she knew about real science would fit on a postage stamp.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Yes Belyi

      A 27 year old “involved offering advice to the Government in its handling of the pandemic”? What?

      Do me a favour, 27 year olds are barely out of nappies these days. Most don’t grow up until parenthood in their thirties :-))

      I’ve been reading a very interesting book, “Breeding the Human Herd” by Edward Dutton. He posits that human intelligence peaked in 1870! Because most folk have a comparatively easy life nowadays then, IQ is declining alarmingly since 1870. He says we have regressed to about 1600 now!

      This sort of fits with my personal observations as a grumpy old man. I’m surrounded by young dumbasses most of the time and it makes me despair at times. But it is what it is

      I’ve no idea if Dutton is a spook, he could well be. But his approach is backed by copious reference notes and seems very well founded and fully evidenced

      • sovereigntea says:

        The unfortunate bright young lady would probably have finished her 1st degree age 22 so a maximum of 1-2 yrs experience in the workplace in 2019.

        The general dumbing down may be evidenced by comparing the language and vocabulary in victorian / edwardian newspapers with the present day.

  2. Steve Kettle says:

    Totally agree sovereign, you’ve only got to look at the standard of questions set in early 19th century exams compared to present day, miles apart,

    • ian says:

      got any examples Steve? I believe you, just looking for sources.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      I’m wondering if you mean early 20thC Steve? I’ve previously seen some exam papers from that era before. The exams for 16 year olds were far, far, tougher then than they are now

      Even tougher than when I took my O levels in 1966, quite a bit tougher. And O level standards in 1966 were quite a bit higher than they are now

      It’s been a long steady deterioration, which is still proceeding

  3. Tapestry says:

    What did she know?

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