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3 Responses to “FREE ENERGY DEATHS”

  1. sovereigntea says:

    Were it not for the porous metal power steering pipes diagonally opposed flat tyres in the snow and an MKULTRA goon ramming my pickup truck and the phonecalls then I would say this is BS 🙂

  2. newensign says:

    The following extract was sent to me by an email friend Gordon, about the deaths of the Free Energy inventors.

    Oh, and David is a repentant Jew, living in Canada.

    Yes…and many more. There is a photo of a young George HW Bush by a dead Nicola Tesla which I saw years ago. A good friend and brilliant inventor/mechanic created a high mileage gasoline carburetor. He was beaten and nearly killed by two thugs hired by an Ontario oil company. Another friend Bruce de Palma created a working “N” machine, an over unity free energy electrical generator….he was murdered in Nov. of 1998. Rudolph Diesel was murdered in 1913.

    Satan’s Tribe are the core of evil…and sadly the lack of intelligence and moral fiber in the majority of remaining humanity enables these supreme assholes to continue their desecration.


  3. newensign says:

    Here is another comment passed to me re your Free Energy video Gordon from Daniel Johns in the USA – as follows:

    That is why it is so important for us to focus on the ROOT of the tree of evil that runs this sick world, and REMOVE IT.

    “There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.” – Henry David Thoreau

    I submit that Yahshua (Jesus) was correct when He said of the Jews, ‘Ye are of your father the adversary (devil), and the works of your father you do’. They are here to steal, kill, and destroy.

    Also, the Bible says that, ‘The love (or lust) of money is the root of all evil’. Well, what other group of people do you find around ‘money’ more than these creatures?

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