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Was the 1994 RAF Chinook Helicopter crash an accident or was it sabotage – Part 3

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Was the RAF Chinook Helicopter crash an accident or was it sabotage – Part 3

What really happened that terrible day in June 1994?

Were all the passenger and crew assassinated?

Chinook ZD576

The wreckage of RAF Chinook ZD 576 in which 29 people died

Memorial to Passenger and Crew






Asst Chief Constable: BRIAN FITZSIMONS.

Det Chief Superintendant: DESMOND CONROY.

Det Chief Superintendant: MAURICE NEILLY.

Det Superintendant: PHILLIP DAVIDSON.

Det Superintendant: ROBERT FOSTER.

Det Superintendant: BILLY GWILLIAM.

Det Superintendant: IAN PHOENIX .

Det Chief Inspector: DENIS BUNTING.


Det Inspector: KEVIN MAGEE.

Home Office CB-57: JOHN DEVERILL.















Since writing Part 2 of this series dramatic events have now taken place resulting in another visit to the local Derby Police HQ at St Mary’s Wharf, Derby.

On Thursday the 19th of May 2011 I received a communication via my web page that deeply upset me but at the same time confirmed what I had been told by Ms Tara Andrea Davison some months ago that the crash of Chinook ZD576 was an inside job.

That communication was as follows:

 01 – Name = AB
02 – Email Address = Hidden to protect the informant

03 – Your Message = AB reports that the Mull of Kintyre Chinook accident was done by an assassination hit squad. 

You are correct Peter, FADEC is just the smoke screen. The pathologist a “she” who carried out an examination of all the bodies reported at that time that they all died from extensive gunshot wounds. 

The weather was VFR! 

The Tara story almost half confirms this. “Thing are not going to plan.” 

As you can imagine I really was not prepared for this message after such a long time but then called my friend Gordon Bowden who is ex Royal Air Force and discussed its contents and told him that I would attempt to get more information before we decided what to do.

I then sent a brief message back to the informant in order to gain a more in depth understanding and also to authenticate its contents.

On Friday the 20th of May 2011 I received further communication and eventually got in touch with the person concerned for a full brief which you can read below.

I spent most of Friday going over everything and just putting my own mind at rest that this could be the true reason behind this terrible event. Later I again spoke with Gordon Bowden and we both decided that we would go to the police tomorrow Saturday 21st May 2011 to open up our previous file with this additional input (Incident No 620 07/10/2010).

The following day (Saturday 21st May 2011) we went to the Derby Police HQ at St Mary’s Wharf, Derby and eventually got to speak to a civilian who deals with front desk enquiries.

This exercise became extremely frustrating as we had to start from the beginning and it would appear that no police officers were available to deal with this report. I explained that this information is vital as it now involves the possible murder of 29 people who died in the Chinook crash at the Mull of Kintyre. I further explained that before DC Ahmed dealt with this case and handed it over to the MoD for further investigation (which I was not happy about as it was the MoD/RAF who had covered up the investigation in the first case).

The gentleman explained that no one was available as it was the weekend and suggested we come back on Monday to speak with Special Branch……we explained that we need this information to be logged for our own safety……reluctantly he accepted our information to which we received a receipt.

On Monday the 22nd May 2011 we went down to the Police HQ and asked for the detective concerned who just so happened to be at a meeting and the civil operative at the counter asked us to go home and await a call from him.

By this time Gordon and I was feeling a little put off by the police, especially considering the nature of the information (possible murder) and said that we need to see someone ASAP to have the information recorded for our own safety and we insisted that we would wait there until someone would be available.

After over one hour we still had no feedback so Gordon and I discussed lodging a complaint to the IPCC. I then went to the desk again and said what we intended doing but first I would like to speak with a senior police officer to lodge a complaint.

Eventually two detectives agreed to see us but I must say their initial mannerism was rather abrupt and to some degree sarcastic. We both went through the entire case and they told us that we must pass this on to the review committee who are dealing with the second inquiry and that our case is now closed as it was handed over to the MoD.

I explained that this was not the case because the police are now very much involved, if this information is correct, as it involves the murder of 29 people. After some considerable time I told them I know about the review committee and do intend reporting this to them but first I need to lodge it with the local police.

Reluctantly they agreed to take the evidence and enter it in the file but then the file would be closed……I was somewhat shocked at their total approach to this case.

Later that day, armed with the information I had given to the police, I emailed the Mull of Kintyre Review Board and sent them all the communications I had exchange with my informant and the details I had given the police……unfortunately is was 1716 Local Time and realised they had gone home.

On Tuesday the 22nd May 2011 I eventually got acknowledgement from Mr Passa for and on behalf of the above committee.

Below are the communications that were sent to Mr Passa at the Mull of Kintyre Review since my initial report and also the information and events since last Thursday night:

Please note some information has been removed to protect the persons concerned

 Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2

Monday, 23 May, 2011 17:16


To Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk, Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk


Cc rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk, peter.eyre7@btinternet.com

Message contains attachments

2 Files (159KB) | Download All

For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board
UrgentThe Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.Ladies and GentlemenYou will recall my submission sent to you regarding the accident of  Chinook ZD576 2/6/1994 and the information that I had received by telephone from an ex government Intel Operative Ms Tara Andrea Davison (the contents of the telephone call were noted by the Derby Police HQ, St Mary’s Wharf, Derby under incident number 620 dated 07/10/2010).

In this report I highlighted the following:

  • Why wasn’t the possibility of inside or outside sabotage or external control of the aircraft looked at more deeply? This had been discussed at other aircraft accidents but did not play a significant part in this inquiry. The status and importance of the passengers onboard would have certainly made this a distinct possibility.

In regard to the latter i.e. that of sabotage; I have myself received vital information, from a very senior ex intelligence officer, that this was an inside job. It was during a very lengthy conversation on the 4th of August 2010 that this person disclosed that the Chinook was not an accident but one that had been planned from the office where the intelligence officer had previously worked (this person was not involved)..
You will also recall as per my communications below that I said the following:
Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.
I also passed comment about the TV interview carried out by the Strathclyde Police on the night in question when they gave a strong emphasis that there was nothing suspicious about this crash and that it was clearly a terrible tragic accident etc.
My response to your team was that the Strathclyde Police had no jurisdiction or authority to make such a comment as this was clearly not a police matter and should have been left the  aviation experts that were called in to investigate the crash and the circumstances leading up to it.
I have now received a very important communication from a person who at this stage wishes to remain anonymous that strengthens the first report that I received from the Intel Operative i.e. that this was an inside job.

Below is the wording of that communication as it was received:

Time of receipt – Thursday 19th May at 1952 Local Time

To Peter Eyre

01 – Name = ABt
02 – Email Address = f
03 – Your Message = AB reports that the Mull of Kintyre Chinook accident was done by an assassination hit squad.

You are correct Peter, FADEC is just the smoke screen. The pathologist a “she” who carried out an examination of all the bodies reported at that time that they all died from extensive gunshot wounds.

The weather was VFR! 

The Tara story almost half confirms this. “Thing are not going to plan.” 
I responded to this by sending the following:
Sent Thursday 19th of May at 2043 Local time
From Peter Eyre 
To F 

It is rather strange because this morning I was actually thinking about that….the fact that some could have survived and they would have had to do this……..how can you authenticate this….how did you know the coroners report or have access to it…..I presume you are in Scotland and how come this has now been let our the bag before……I know it was an intended crash and I know that the navy seals are also on the island with some very secret testing facility etc……..please feed more to me if you canPeter


The following was F………. response

Received Friday 20/5/2010 at 1208 Local Time

From F

To Peter Eyre
Good Morning Peter,

It’s the old story… It’s like trying to drown the rubber duck in the bath and eventually you get fed up and it pop’s up to the surface…truth always comes to the surface.

The whole incident just doesn’t add up. Flying top brass from Belfast to Fort George or Inverness for a meeting is strange. Why Inverness ? Fort George is the barracks for the Black Watch. The military must have secure locating in Northern Ireland , so why Inverness . If they wanted too meet on the UK mainland why not Blackpool or Prestwick London for that matter. It’s ridiculous going to Fort George .

The mode of transport is also suspect. Chinook is a very capable aircraft but it’s slow and noisy. It would have been cold down the back. Why were these senior people being headed into a cattle truck, when they could have flown BA to London ? Or BA to Edinburgh ? The HQ for the army in Scotland is two minutes from Edinburgh Airport , it must be secure, no Fort George was the destination so that they had to fly over the Mull of Kintyre.

The weather was VFR. The RAF wouldn’t operate to these regulations but the Met man does and so this gives us an indication of the weather.

VFR Flight Rules.

Below FL 100

5 km flight visibility, 1500m horizontally from cloud, 1000ft vertically from cloud

At or below 3000ft

For fixed wing aircraft operating at 140kt or less 5 km flight visibility Clear of cloud and in sight of surface

For helicopter Clear of cloud and in sight of surface.

Any pilot regardless of his training always keeps and eye on high ground, cloud and his position with both. To suggest as the media do that they flew into terrain is stretching it a bit.

 We can authenticate this by either obtaining the coroners report, or getting a statement from the women coroner. The problem with this is that her life could be in danger. These are very very serious issues and allegations Peter.

As with everything compartmentalisation is at play here. The coroner just did her job, it wouldn’t occur to her that this was an execution. We don’t do these things in Britain do we? Remember she was a woman, I do think that’s significant. She would be thinking Army – Northern Ireland – guns – helicopters- and so these things are quite normal to her.

The Mull of Kintyre is the perfect place for this its very remote even at the best of times. It’s interesting you say Navy Seals were in the area. I was thinking this as well. I think they were executed in the air, and the assassins parachuted out the back into the sea, and then picked up by your seals. The aircraft then flew into the hillside. I don’t think it’s possible to survive an air crash like that.

It was reported to me that the Coroner said “they all had gunshot wounds to the head”

An enquiry led by Lord Philip is taking place in Edinburgh . Three privy councilors Malcolm Bruce MP, Lord Forsyth and Baroness Liddell will make sure that we talk about FADEC and computer errors. This means the pilots can be pardoned and it’s all blamed on the humble microchip.
This was F reply:
 From F 
To Peter Eyre

Received Friday 20th May at 1539 Local Time.

Indeed Peter,

This is quite interesting. You say you have submitted a report to Lord Phillip, so I assume that would be on the basis of the information Tara provided. One has to wonder what they were doing wrong that they all deserved to die.

Do you think this is MI5?

They don’t want people like you and I looking under the carpet! They blamed the pilots.


I then responded to F with the following and also attached my report and receipt to the Review Board as follows:
Sent on Friday 20.5.2011 at 1605 Local Time

To F
From Peter Eyre

Hello F

I have attached my own investigation/summary of events based on the information I had at the time and naturally added that an Intel Operative had given me inside information…..I made sure it was delivered by hand to EDI for the attention of Lord Phillip and the board….I also insisted in obtaining a receipt.

I also later sent them a letter insisting that the person who gave me th information be pulled in for an interview without delay

I will give you a bell…….



I then spoke with F for some considerable time who against voiced his concerns for the safety of the person who examined the bodies…….in this regard, for that persons protection we will obtain details for our own files on this review.

All communications are thus duplicated and distributed to other third parties within the UK and overseas for our own protection.

Certain Political figures have also been notified and media outlets in the event of persons coming to harm.

Regarding the first report to you with the information received from the Intel Operative…..this information was recorded by the Derby Police as per the above reference number of 620 07/10/2010 and was eventually passed onto the MoD as they considered this not to be a police matter.

However, Now that there are indications that the cause of death may be other than from what one could expect in an air accident this has now become a police matter.

Both myself and Mr Gordon Bowden attended the Police at Derby St Mary’s Wharf HQ on both Saturday and again today. After some delay we insisted that we be interviewed to have this statement put on record owing to the nature of the information and as added protection for Gordon and I.

We were interviewed by DS Burns 1884 and DC Palmer-Coole 457

Interviewed commenced at 1145 and finished at 1335.

Both the above advised us that this information should be passed onto the review board which I told them I was doing anyway, but insisted that the Police record this communication to add to the police file that we started back in October 2010.

They both told us that the file had been closed however; we both insisted that it be opened again and this information be entered as it could, if correct, now possible become a multiple murder inquiry.

They agreed to receive the information and record it and that we pass it to you for your attention ASAP. 

in view of the nature of this information and its connection to the previous report from Ms Tara Andrea Davison, I am sure you would agree that there is serious cause for concern.

Please find attached my original report and your receipt.

May I now request that you both acknowledge receipt of this email by return email.

Your Sincerely

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Senior Operations Officer Airline/Helicopter – SAR Coordinator.  

— On Tue, 19/4/11, Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board
From: Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject: RE: Chinook Part 2
To: peter.eyre
Cc: Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Tuesday, 19 April, 2011, 9:21
Dear Mr Eyre,

Thank you for your email of 18 April 2011.

As Secretary to the Review I am responding on behalf of Lord Philip and his panel.

As you will no doubt be aware, the Mull of Kintyre Review’s stated policy is that any material or comment provided is done so in strict confidence. The Review will not comment on, or release any material prior to the Review’s publication. It would be wholly inappropriate to enter into any correspondence regarding any line of inquiry the Review is taking or with whom the panel has spoken.


Alex Passa

Secretary to the Mull of Kintyre Review

1 Melville Crescent

Edinburgh, EH3 7HW


Sent: 18 April 2011 17:05
To: enquires@mullofkintyrereview.org.uk; Munns A (Ada)
Subject: Fw: Chinook Part 2

To:The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Good Afternoon Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email when convenient

 Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Ex Senior Operations Officer (Airline and Helicopter) – Ex Search and Rescue Coordinator(Helicopters)

 I would just like to point out to all those that were in power at the time of this tragedy and the positions they held.

John Major –  Ex Prime Minister

Michael Heseltine – Ex President of the Board of Trade

Malcolm Rifkind – Secretary of State for Defence

Gordon Bowden then decided to send a copy of my communication to the usual bunch of politicians that simply do nothing……..can you believe that right across the board they have ignored all the major serious fraud (amounting to billions of pounds), ignored out report on the Chinook, ignored our concerns regarding the continuous use of depleted uranium in Libya and ignored our information regarding the three nuclear bombs that were lost in Oman.

So I ask the question why are these people in power if they cannot safeguard our country or act on our behalf?

Below is the communication that was sent by Gordon and I can assure you that he will not even get an acknowledgement!!!

From: gordon bowden
To: scotlandp@parliament.uk
Cc: john.healey.mp@parliament.uk; chris.williamson.mp@parliament.uk; beckettm@parliament.uk; info@davidcameron.com; info@derbyconservatives.co.uk; info@derbylabourparty.co.uk; info@libdems.org.uk; feedback@peterlilley.co.uk; reportingafraud@sfo.gsi.gov.uk
Sent: Tue, 24 May, 2011 10:59:40
Subject: Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2
Dear Baroness Scotland

Under your Public Service remit, in the Public Interest, I forward you additional information that must be examined for authenticity by yourself and Senior Labour Party leadership, this in regard to the Political and criminal implications of the contents of the Forward e-mail communications to the new review board of the Mull of Kintyre fatal military Chinook crash . ZD 576 on the 2/6/1994 contained in the forwarded attached list of sequential e-mail communications below.

The additional information was provided by a protected source, indicating and making accusation that the 29 Victims of Chinook ZD 576 were examined by a female appointed Coroner and the cause of death being


It was recorded to you in communications from myself previously, that this was said to be an act of deliberate Government colluded sabotage of that Military Flight, further to the Government corruption accusations recovered in open written Internet disclosures of Ms Tara Andrea Davison.

As yourself and the Cc recipients will recall, at the Nottingham Labour Party “New Idea’s Forum” and other venues, you were recorded and presented a copy of a one Page document.

(The Attachment) of over 400 Pages of Documents  I recovered from the Internet website of Ms Tara Andrea Davison.


Recovered without copyright, disclosures of Ms Tara Andrea Davisona Circ 1989-1994 an ex Senior Civil Servant, ex Arms to Iraq Investigator and Intelligence Advisor to the Select Committee of the DTI under MP Peter Lilley.

As is contained in her verbiage, she discloses that “Classified” Documents, files, micro film, personal correspondence communications between herself and Senior members of the House of Lords and Government agencies along with evidence vital to the “Public” CHILCOTT IRAQ INQUIRY were seized by 13 Male Derbyshire Police under a proceeds of Crime Court Order signed by Judge Burgess and the arresting Police team headed by DC 1518 Stephen Winnard.

As Ms Tara Andrea Davison makes legal statement in this disclosure and further in my recovered documents from her (now removed) web site:http://www.afbio.co.uk  of evidence that implicates the previous Conservative Government in criminal and corruption actions, in the covert supplying of WMD to IRAQ, IRAN and other Countries.

Within her statements are also disclosures that the Derbyshire Police seized other documents and files that relate to evidence recovered by herself as a Paedophile Ring Investigator that was also provided to the previous Labour PM Tony Blair containing names and identities of Senior Police Officers and Government VIP’s  who were involved as active participants in these Paedophile networks.

It is also recorded that Ms Tara Andrea Davison has also made legal statement to another Derbyshire resident Mr Peter Eyre that, at her time of employment as a Senior Civil Servant and Intelligence Advisor to the Select Committee of the DTI, from her Government Office, that the tragic fatal crash of Military Helicopter Chinook ZD 576 at the Mull of Kintyre on the 2/6/1994 was planned an act of deliberate sabotage orchestrated and auctioned by senior Government agents.

Details of this disclosure and the other related evidence contained in these recovered official documents from the personal website of Ms Tara Andrea Davison http://www.afbio.co.uk  were made known by myself Mr Gordon Bowden in an interview with DC Cyples and DC Rigby at Derbyshire  St Mary’s Wharf Police Station recorded as Incident Number 620-07/10/2010

As an ex RAF Engineer, Service Number T8079670 it is further my Duty of Care, to ensure yourself Baroness Scotland and the list of Cc Recipients of this Communication, record and act in your official remit Government capacity, to investigate the accuracy of these serious allegations, made by an ex Senior Civil Servant and Arms to Iraq investigator to establish that NO vital evidence, relevant to the Public “OPEN” Chilcott Iraq Inquiry is being withheld by the Derbyshire Police, for and under instruction by any Political Party that may further pervert the course of Justice.

I have requested (Recorded) from yourself and the list of Cc recipients previously, that you immediately take action under your Government Position remit and  acknowledge receipt of the copy of the Attachment declaration by Ms Tara Andrea Davison and copies of the 2 e-mail correspondences to the New Chinook review inquiry Team


Mr Gordon Bowden


To: ralph, bigdee, flipseal, romac100, dickhadlow
Cc: rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk; peter.eyre
Sent: Mon, 23 May, 2011 21:12:00
Subject: Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2

I appreciate that you all may not wish to receive this communication 

but I am duty bound to pass this on to the original civil team for

obvious reasons. The police have been notified and the Lord Philip

review team.

From my perspective we cannot say one way or the other without

opening  up another autopsy on one or all the victims…….one thing I 

can say for sure is the importance of an interview with the original

informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison who first advised me that this

was an inside job.

All I can say is that the areas that Gordon and  I are currently dealing 

in is highly dangerous and in that context I am sending this

 information to you all for safe keeping, should Gordon, I or others

 become  victims also.

I accept that this information may not be true but I can say for sure

that the origin of this message was from a reliable source who

had access to No10.

Read below  the communications exchanged.

You may choose to acknowledge receipt of this message but 

at the same time if you do not then I fully understand.

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Senior Operations Officer Airline/Helicopter – 

SAR Coordinator.  

Date: Monday, 23 May, 2011, 17:47

For your recordPeter

— On Mon, 23/5/11, PETER EYRE  wrote:

Subject: Fw: RE: Chinook Part 2
To: Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk, Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Cc: rafbowden@yahoo.co.uk, peter.eyre
Date: Monday, 23 May, 2011, 17:16

For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review BoardUrgent

The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Ladies and Gentlemen

You will recall my submission sent to you regarding the accident of 

Chinook ZD576 2/6/1994 and the information that I had received by telephone from an ex government Intel Operative Ms Tara Andrea Davison (the contents of the telephone call were noted by the Derby Police HQ, St Mary’s Wharf, Derby under incident number 620 dated 07/10/2010).

In this report I highlighted the following:

  • Why wasn’t the possibility of inside or outside sabotage or external control of the aircraft looked at more deeply? This has been discussed at other aircraft accidents but did not play a significant part in this inquiry. The status and importance of the passengers onboard would have certainly made this a distinct possibility.

In regard to the latter i.e. that of sabotage; I have myself received vital information, from a very senior ex intelligence officer, that this was an inside job. It was during a very lengthy conversation on the 4th of August 2010 that this person disclosed that the Chinook was not an accident but one that had been planned from the office where the intelligence officer had previously worked.
You will also recall as per my communications below that I said the following:
Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.
I also passed comment about the TV interview carried out by the Strathclyde Police on the night in question when they gave a strong emphasis that there was nothing suspicious about this crash and that it was clearly a terrible tragic accident etc.
My response to your team was that the Strathclyde Police had no juristriction or authority to make such a comment as this was clearly not a police matter and should have been left the the aviation experts that were called in to investigate the crash and the circumstances leading up to it.
I have now received a very important communication from a person who at this stage wishes to remain anominous that strengthens the first report that I received from the Intel Operative i.e. that this was an inside job.

Below is the wording of that communication as it was received:

Time of receipt – Thursday 19th May at 1952 Local Time

To Peter Eyre

01 – Name = AB
02 – Email Address = f
03 – Your Message = AB reports that the Mull of Kintyre Chinook accident was done by an assassination hit squad. 

You are correct Peter, FADEC is just the smoke screen. The pathologist a “she” who carried out an examination of all the bodies reported at that time that they all died from extensive gunshot wounds. 

The weather was VFR! 

The Tara story almost half confirms this. “Thing are not going to plan.” 
I responded to this by sending the following:
Sent Thursday 19th of May at 2043 Local time
From Peter Eyre 
To F 

It is rather strange because this morning I was actually thinking about that….the fact that some could have survived and they would have had to do this……..how can you authenticate this….how did you know the coroners report or have access to it…..I presume you are in Scotland and how come this has now been let our the bag before……I know it was an intended crash and I know that the navy seals are also on the island with some very secret testing facility etc……..please feed more to me if you canPeter


The following was F………. response

Received Friday 20/5/2010 at 1208 Local Time

From F

To Peter Eyre

Good Morning Peter,

It’s the old story… It’s like trying to drown the rubber duck in the bath and eventually you get fed up and it pop’s up to the surface…truth always comes to the surface.

I’m also have  a keen interest in developments over the years.

The whole incident just doesn’t add up. Flying top brass from Belfast to Fort George or Inverness for a meeting is strange. Why Inverness ? Fort George is the barracks for the Black Watch. The military must have secure locating in Northern Ireland , so why Inverness . If they wanted too meet on the UK mainland why not Blackpool or Prestwick London for that matter. It’s ridiculous going to Fort George .

The mode of transport is also suspect. Chinook is a very capable aircraft but it’s slow and noisy. It would have been cold down the back. Why were these senior people being headed into a cattle truck, when they could have flown BA to London ? Or BA to Edinburgh ? The HQ for the army in Scotland is two minutes from Edinburgh Airport , it must be secure, no Fort George was the destination so that they had to fly over the Mull of Kintyre.

The weather was VFR. The RAF wouldn’t operate to these regulations but the Met man does and so this gives us an indication of the weather.

VFR Flight Rules.

Below FL 100

5 km flight visibility, 1500m horizontally from cloud, 1000ft vertically from cloud

At or below 3000ft

For fixed wing aircraft operating at 140kt or less 5 km flight visibility Clear of cloud and in sight of surface

For helicopter Clear of cloud and in sight of surface.

Any pilot regardless of his training always keeps and eye on high ground, cloud and his position with both. To suggest as the media do that they flew into terrain is stretching it a bit.

 We can authenticate this by either obtaining the coroners report, or getting a statement from the women coroner. The problem with this is that her life could be in danger. These are very very serious issues and allegations  Peter.

As with everything compartmentalisation is at play here. The corner just did her job, it wouldn’t occur to her that this was an execution. We don’t do these things in Britain do we. Remember she was a women, I do think that’s significant. She would be thinking Army – Northern Ireland – guns – helicopters- and so these things are quite normal to her.

The Mull of Kintyre is the perfect place for this its very remote even at the best of times. It’s interesting you say Navy Seals were in the area. I was thinking this as well. I think they were executed  in the air, and the assassins parachuted out the back into the sea, and then picked up by your seals. The aircraft then flew into the hillside. I don’t think it’s possible to survive an air crash like that.

It was reported to me that the Coroner said “they all had gunshot wounds to the head” The coroner told her brother … just in the passing…the brother told me…

An enquiry led by Lord Philip is taking place in Edinburgh . Three privy councilors Malcolm Bruce MP, Lord Forsyth and Baroness Liddell will make sure that we talk about FADEC and computer errors. This means the pilots can be pardoned and it’s all blamed on the humble microchip.
This was F reply:
 From F 
To Peter Eyre
Received Friday 20th May at 1539 Local Time.
Indeed Peter,

This is quite interesting. You say you have submitted a report to Lord Phillip, so I assume that would be on the basis of the information Tara provided. One has to wonder what they were doing wrong that they all deserved to die.

Do you think this is MI5?

They don’t want people like you and I looking under the carpet! They blamed the pilots.


I then responded to F with the following and also attached my report and receipt to the Review Board as follows:
Sent on Friday 20.5.2011 at 1605 Local Time
To F
From Peter Eyre
Hello F

I have attached my own investigation/summary of events based on the information I had at the time and naturally added that an Intel Operative had given me inside information…..I made sure it was delivered by hand to EDI for the attention of Lord Phillip and the board….I also insisted in obtaining a receipt.

I also later sent them a letter insisting that the person who gave me the information be pulled in for an interview without delay

I will give you a bell…….



I than spoke with F for some considerable time who against voiced his concerns for the safety of the person who examined the bodies…….in this regard, for that persons protection we will obtain details for our own files on this review.

All communications are thus duplicated and distributed to other third parties within the UK and overseas for our own protection.

Certain Political figures have also been notified and media outlets in the event of persons coming to harm.

Regarding the first report to you with the information received from the Intel Operative…..this information was recorded by the Derby Police as per the above reference number of 620 07/10/2010 and was eventually passed onto the MoD as they considered this not to be a police matter.

However, Now that there are indications that the cause of death may be other than from what one could expect in an air accident this has now become a police matter.

Both myself and Mr Gordon Bowden attended the Police at Derby St Mary’s Wharf HQ on both Saturday and again today. After some delay we insisted that we be interviewed to have this statement put on record owing to the nature of the information and as added protection for Gordon and I.

We were interviewed by DS Burns 1884 and DC Palmer-Coole 457

Interviewed commenced at 1145 and finished at 1335.

Both the above advised us that this information should be passed onto the review board which I told them I was doing anyway, but insisted that the Police record this communication to add to the police file that we started back in October 2010.

They both told us that the file had been closed however; we both insisted that it be opened again and this information be entered as it could, if correct, now possible become a multiple murder inquiry.

They agreed to receive the information and record it and that we pass it to you for your attention asap. 

in view of the nature of this information and its connection to the previous report from Ms Tara Andrea Davison, I am sure you would agree that there is serious cause for concern.

Please find attached my original report and your receipt.

May I now  request that you both acknowledge receipt of this email by return email.

Your Sincerely

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Senior Operations Officer Airline/Helicopter – SAR Coordinator.  

— On Tue, 19/4/11, Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:
For the attention of the Mull of Kintyre Review Board
From: Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk <Alexander.Passa@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject: RE: Chinook Part 2
To: peter.eyre7@btinternet.com
Cc: Ada.Munns@scotlandoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Tuesday, 19 April, 2011, 9:21
Dear Mr Eyre,

Thank you for your email of 18 April 2011.

As Secretary to the Review I am responding on behalf of Lord Philip and his panel.

As you will no doubt be aware, the Mull of Kintyre Review’s stated policy is that any material or comment provided is done so in strict confidence. The Review will not comment on, or release any material prior to the Review’s publication. It would be wholly inappropriate to enter into any correspondence regarding any line of inquiry the Review is taking or with whom the panel has spoken.


Alex Passa

Secretary to the Mull of Kintyre Review

1 Melville Crescent

Edinburgh, EH3 7HW


From: PETER EYRE [mailto:peter.eyre7@btinternet.com] 
Sent: 18 April 2011 17:05
To: enquires@mullofkintyrereview.org.uk; Munns A (Ada)
Subject: Fw: Chinook Part 2

To:The Rt Hon Lord Philip, Rt Hon Malcolm Bruce MP, the Rt Hon the Lord Forsyth of Drumlean and the Rt Hon the Baroness Liddell of Coatdyke.

Good Afternoon Regarding my previous report to you (as delivered by hand) and subsequent emails on the subject of the review of the Chinook accident at the Mull of Kintyre.

Would you please confirm that you will make arrangements for the informant Ms Tara Andrea Davison to be questioned regarding her comments made to me “that this was an inside job” etc to have this aspect of the accident cleared up once and for all?

It would be extremely unprofessional not to do so.

Please acknowledge receipt of this email when convenient

Peter Eyre

Aviation Consultant – Ex Senior Operations Officer (Airline and Helicopter) – Ex Search and Rescue Coordinator(Helicopters)

I guess by now you are really thinking do things like this really happen here in the UK….well my friends we are only just touching the surface. Try counting up the numerous false flags including 9/11, 7/7, Time Square New York, Detroit attempting airline bombing, UPS ink jet bomb UK, South Korea Navy Corvette sinking and so many more…….the best and most ridiculous being the killing of, Bin Laden recently when he had actually died in December 2001 due to renal failure in the Rwalpindi Hospital……..when will you all see and understand that the axis of evil lies right here in the West. Soon you will see the take over of Libya…… with Syria and Iran on the horizon with more work still to be done in Yemen, Somalia and Sudan…..then as they say “Job Done.”

In closing I would just like to point out that I did made contact with the father of Flt Lt Tapper (who was the commander of the Chinook) and briefed him of my two reports…..it was extremely difficult for me to do this but owing to the distance between us I was not able to meet with him and do it more professionally. He explained to me that he had got over this and that he would speak with Alex Passa directly. He later left a message to say he had spoken with Alex and that he did not want to be further involved in this and that he would leave it in the hands of Alex Passa.

I must say that since my first communications with Ms Tara Davison there has been a very strong reluctance by the police to take a statement on this tragic event. It became evident that they certainly did not want to be involved with it at a local level and the very fact that Monday was the first time I had been interviewed certainly reflects a cover up. Surely the failure to investigate these serious claims is in itself a breach of the Police Discipline Code.

Peter Eyre – Middle East Consultant – 13/4/2011    www.eyreinternational.wordpress.com 

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3 Responses to “Was the 1994 RAF Chinook Helicopter crash an accident or was it sabotage – Part 3”

  1. newensign says:

    Interesting Sovereigntea, I have a friend in Northern Ireland who had a relative in the military in Northern Ireland who knew many of those that were killed in the helicopter crash and mentioned that some of those detailed to go to Fort George refused, saying it was a meeting of little importance and a waste of time, and were told they would be put on a disciplinary if they did not comply! Why would they put all their important assets on one helicopter? All the NI intelligence officers were taken out with one hit. I did not know the victims of the crash were shot as well!

  2. sovereigntea says:

    Assasinated just like the British squaddies robbing banks in NI. SAS were told they were IRA hence they became deceased. Dog tags told a different story.
    RIP Scotty (ginger hair & moustache) the very much disillusioned AWOL hero who forced me to promise I would never join the military ( at age 19) “everything is a lie”.

    Not the only time SAS & military were sold down the river see abandoned “Telephone engineers” in recently post Soviet Russia betrayed by HMG. They died in a hole with an extraction team awaiting for an order that never came whilst the BBC media whores and Whitehall vermin claimed they were doing everything they could to save them. I would testify thus in court should we ever find an honest one.

  3. newensign says:

    Quite true sovereigntea, its all about the enemy keeping us confused and divided. It was the MI5 that set up the IRA, using 2 members of the Stern Gang, one of who became the Mayor of Dublin!

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