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16 Responses to “Wind turbines compared to a nuclear power station”

  1. ian says:

    Yes indeedy Chris. They are very variable too. No wind means no power. Not many folks however want a nuclear power station on their doorstep. Managers and staff desperately conceal issues in N power stations because the jobs are very well paid. I know that for a fact. I also live within 30 miles of Sellafield N plant, changed to that name after the 1950 accident polluted our area but was downplayed. We’re only Goy cockroaches after all. Windscale it was then. I’m surprised they chose Sellafield and not fluffy teddybear land, in their effort to make it sound wholesome.
    Not an easy one, but one they’ve decided to fix, by killing all of us. Stealing all we have. Destroying all the cars and infrastructure, and starting again with a reset. It would be better if we could at the very least, and without inciting any violence, take the b4stards with us.

    • Steve Kettle says:

      Why are countries not investing in Thorium fuelled nuclear power stations? While I don’t profess to know a hell of a lot about them from what I have read it seems they would be a hell of a lot safer than the current nuclear plants and Thorium is supposedly a lot more plentiful than Uranium or Plutonium.
      And all this would be irrelevant if the free energy devises were released to the world.

    • Chris x says:

      There are risks, which one would assume have been managed but I don’t live near any plants and don’t know any workers, although I have been on top of a research one.

      The reality is that we need electricity to run a modern society, and the most reliable methods are nuclear, coal and gas.

      I keep hearing from other people, how they do not trust the news and main political parties, so the NWO is not going to come without large resistance. There are far more of us than there are of them.

  2. FritzFreud says:

    Only Idiots advocate Nuclear Power.
    The solution is by far simpler.
    Let me Introduce you to Prof. Daniel Nocera former MIT Professor now at Harvard
    MIT Professor Dan Nocera believes he can solve the world’s energy problems with an Olympic-sized pool of water. Nocera and his research team have identified a simple technique for powering the Earth inexpensively – by using the sun to split water and store energy – making the large-scale deployment of personalized solar energy possible.

    Wind Turbines and Nuclear Power is something only Idiots conceive.
    Both are failure.
    They never take into the equation of toxic waste created by both
    The Solution is to run everything on personalized energy and keep the water clean.
    Energy from Water.
    You find many solutions on my substack.

    • Chris x says:

      Nuclear power is producing electricity as I write this post in large quantities around the world and has been for a long time. It works. All current energy production, excluding green, involves creating steam and sending it through a turbine apart from OCGT power plants.

      Dan Nocera may have a solution and if so, then let us see a full size plant in operation. I would postulate that the globalists will not allow this to be done.

    • ian says:

      Fritz, if you find every one on here so stupid, why don’t you go somewhere else. Coming on here and calling commenters stupid is not doing you any favours. Everyone on this site already is aware of power from hydrolysis of water, and cars etc being powered from it, but how many power stations are there? and are you likely to get one? Don’t think so.

      • FritzFreud says:

        You called me a fraud. you apologize.
        Nuclear Power is stupid.
        Do you know how a Nuclear Power Plant actually works?
        It is a steam engine, nothing else.
        It is the steam that generates the electricity.
        Nuke Rods heat up the water and the steam creates electricity.
        Deuterium is used to slow down electrons so they can split the atom which creates nuclear fission which heats up the water.
        It is the steam which creates the electricity.
        NPP’s are only made to create Plutonium for Atomic Bombs which is made out of depleted Uranium Rods.
        This is the only reason NPP’s exist.
        Again Nuclear Power is Idiotic.
        It is the most stupid way to boil an egg.
        It is a steam engine run by Idiots.
        And a danger to this world.

        • Steve Kettle says:

          We know all this Pal… get down off your soapbox you sound a twat.

  3. newensign says:

    Yes I agree with you Fritz. On a less sophisticated scale, a friend of mine run his car on water and baking soda from an adaptor he received from the USA, but one day his car was stolen – he found it abandoned but the only thing missing was the water converter – a warning from the authorities!!
    I can sympathise with the great loss of money from your patents, but then one has to remember that the enemy is in the government and therefore steal or block patents. A friend of a friend in the USA who has invented many frequency healing machines no longer patents them!

    • ian says:

      Your friend was lucky N’, similar people have been deaded.

    • FritzFreud says:

      As I am a proponent of Water as a Fuel since I saw water burning at 15…
      I know about 20 + technologies that have been suppressed by Government.
      What does make my technology different?
      It is the first technology that can theoretically go faster than light…
      In fact there is no real limit to this technology.
      Which opens doors to new fields of science based on this.
      This is way too big even for them to bury.
      Wilhelm Reich
      Nikola Tesla
      Victor Schauberger.
      Add all of them together and the technological Quantum leap of Humanity is ensured.
      You look at the Green new deal (SCAM).
      It is a scam.
      However you look at the combined technology of this and I can deliver an absolute Zero Emission World with water at its core free clean energy for everyone free education and faster than light travel.
      All within a decade.
      End of Poverty.
      End of Governments.

      • Steve Kettle says:

        There are probably hundreds of suppressed free energy devices Fritz, we’ve all heard about them and seen footage of them in action. Stan Meyers water fuelled car comes to mind and we all know what happened to him… We’re not idiots but we know that something has got to change before any of this comes to market.
        I think that is getting ever closer to happening and can’t come soon enough/

        • FritzFreud says:

          Stan Meyers at that time proved what I saw with my very own eyes.
          And his Technology can be reproduced.
          And I have see other technology…
          My AST however is not a free energy device.
          It is a Transportation System that produces absolute Zero Emissions while achieving speed faster than the fastest missile right now… 10 times the speed of sound and theoretically unlimited.
          And I agree… all this suppressed technology together and from tomorrow on we can have a new golden Age
          Instead of the Depopulation Agenda they present.
          I don’t think you are Idiots here… never said this.
          And yes… something must change.
          That’s why I am pushing this.

          • Steve Kettle says:

            Well good luck but watch your back.
            Something might change to help that’s close to being achieved so keep an eye out for some good news.

            • FritzFreud says:

              Good news don’t come from sitting and waiting.
              I be pushing until something breaks.
              I make good news.
              But until I am in a real position to make change I be pushing to break.
              What I discovered is enough to make a change.
              I shouldn’t be on the comments side to bicker with fools.
              My work speaks for itself.
              As does the fact that they ruined me personally & financially.
              As far as I am concerned their plans are a NO from me.
              So I be pushing whatever comes whatever may.
              Until something breaks.

              • newensign says:

                Yes keep pushing Fritz. The Government controlled schooling system has dumbed us down and made made good slaves to the system, but many like contributors on this blog have overcome that hurdle by study of history etc outside of the approved curriculum.

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