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Delingpole interviews Yeadon

JAMES DELINGPOLE: You and I would agree that the human immune system is a marvel of God’s creation.


JD: So marvellous that we never needed vaccines. Even in the days of cowpox and smallpox, we never needed vaccines to protect us from things that our body was perfectly capable of dealing with all by itself?

MY: Yes. We’ve even got the evidence in the case of influenza, whatever that really is, that the industry made vaccines against influenza, which is at least similar to the claims for Covid, in that we were told they were both respiratory viruses transmitted in your breath, I guess, and the people who are most at risk are the ones who are elderly and they’re already ill. I think that profile is the same. And in fact, in my view, there’s never been a pandemic, and Covid-19 is a psy-op, and it’s really just flu-like illness misattributed by using an untrustworthy diagnostic method, the PCR.

I remember thinking, immunologically, ‘Why is it that elderly people are vulnerable to these illnesses?’ And I think the answer is because they don’t respond well to the illness, whether it’s viral or whether it’s not viral. Either way their homeostatic mechanisms to return them to good health are either not responsive enough or they’re almost clipping the trees already in terms of health – and a small deficit and they die. In which case, if they won’t respond well to whatever this disease is, why in the world would anyone think they would respond well to a piece of the organism?

And the answer is you’d be mad to think so, because they wouldn’t, would they? If you don’t respond to the whole illness, you’re not going to respond to a bit of the illness and suddenly become protected. It’s illogical. It’s so illogical. And I remember people saying to me, ‘Oh well, you clever dick, we’ve got flu vaccines and they work.’ And I said, ‘No, no, the boot’s on the other foot, they don’t work.’ And that might be why they don’t work, that the people they’re given to are not capable of responding to them, because it’s the same problem for why they’re vulnerable in the first place. In other words, back to your comment, James, [Covid] vaccination was never an appropriate . . . was never, ever an appropriate response.

JD: No.

MY: Even if we pretend for a moment – because I can’t lie, I don’t believe the narrative at all – but if we just accept the narrative was true for a moment, that there’s a new pathogen, the elderly and frail are most vulnerable, it would be mad to try and help them with a vaccine, because the reason they’re vulnerable is because they don’t damn well respond to this novel threat. Why would they respond to a vaccine? And they don’t.

What you should’ve done, if there had been a pandemic, which there hasn’t, but if there had been, you would want to support them with good nutrition, you know, keep them cheerful, make sure we get in the sunshine, not lock them away and make them wear masks and make them stressed – that’s guaranteed to make more of them die than necessary.

But as I say, there hasn’t been a pandemic. And two words. Denis Rancourt.  I’ve cited him many times. His data’s very good. He looks at all-cause mortality, only looking at age, sex and date of occurrence. And he did that every week for each of the individual 50 states of the US. And there was no pandemic. There were no excess deaths until the nice man who heads the WHO told us there was a pandemic. And countries adopted all sorts of, in my view, murderous protocols, you know, mass inappropriate mechanical ventilation. You never ventilate people who can breathe for themselves through an area that’s not obstructed and a chest wall that isn’t punctured with a knife or road traffic accident. So, in other words, if a person turns up and they’re breathing, you don’t sedate, integrate and ventilate them. And if you do, they’ll probably die. What you do is you give them an oxygen mask with a higher concentration of oxygen and probably a low-dose Valium and an arm round their shoulder and a cup of tea. And I bet you, in an hour they’ll be feeling a lot better.

JD: A cup of tea would be good.

MY: 2mg of diazepam, a cup of tea and a biscuit, arm round the shoulder and give them an oxygen mask. I think most people would have gone home, but instead they admitted them and murdered them. That’s what they did.

JD: What I was hoping you were going to do was give me a crumb of hope, and when I was talking about the immune system, the miracle immune system . . . I was hoping you were going to say, ‘But what they hadn’t planned for was the ingenuity of the human immune system, which will yet do something to offset all this damage.’ But it sounds to me like what you’re describing is a very deliberate attempt to bypass the human immune system, and kind of immobilise it to destroy it, so our last defences have been . . .

MY: Yes. If this material lands in your lymph nodes, you know, where there’ll be lots of sleeping T cells ready to come out and fight invaders. If it lands in your cells of your immune system, I’m afraid other cells of the immune system will think they’ve been infected and kill them too.

But here’s the thing. Most people who have been injected have not been made ill. And although it’s an appalling death rate, I think it’s something like 1 in 2000, maybe 1 in 1000, varying tremendously between batches. This is on average. So let’s say it’s 1 in 1000, that’s about 10 per cent of the normal annual death rate, which is about just under 1 per cent in a population. So 0.1 per cent is . . . it’s like an extra month’s worth of dying. So most people have not become very ill and died. Now, my sincere hope is, is that it’s for the better of the two reasons I can think of. One is that it’ll get them later, which I know Dolores Cahill worries about [but] because my knowledge of pharmaceutical manufacturing, I think the most likely explanation for the fact that most people got away with it, lucky them, was because they were injected with something that just like junk, not particularly good for you, but not particularly dangerous.

So if we were able to say, ‘We’ve had enough, folks, you can all go home with your WEF and your WHO and lies and your diabolical plans,’ things I think would go pretty much back to normal. They’ve killed, you know, they’ve only killed a small fraction over the numbers who normally would have died –  which is still awful. I’ve heard estimates of between 10 and 20 million, you know, deliberately murdered. But the population of the world is very big, humanity flourishes if left alone to get on with it. So we’re nowhere near the end.

But here’s where I do get very worried. Mandatory digital ID or just digital ID, I saw this morning, James, that the EU and the WHO have announced that they’ve entered into a partnership to develop some kind of international digital health passport. Some sort of digital vaccine record. And you know, you don’t need this. They need you to have it. I’m afraid that there will be people who will say, ‘Oh, well, I’d better register for this so I can go on holiday.’ I mean come on, you’re weaklings. You’re weaklings. Just don’t go on holiday for a couple of years. Seriously.

That’s the only thing that we can choose not to do. Of all of the things [this is what] they must install in order to gain control over us. The other one is central bank digital currencies. I’m not aware of anything that even James Delingpole can possibly do to stop them doing that. Obviously, we’ll sign petitions and talk to our MPs and demonstrate, and they’ll do what they like, because it’s something they’re going to do. And if they want to deprive us of cash, or make it increasingly difficult to spend cash, again, I really don’t know what I can do about that, other than, you know, keep the pace up of cash purchases.

But the thing you can choose not to do is not to sign up to the digital ID. Yes, it will involve you in inconvenience. For example, they might not let you leave the country or get on an aeroplane, but if you sign up, they can put in place the three components that will, I think, begin the human slaughterhouse. If you have a digital ID, and they’ll say, ‘Oh, you only need it to get on an aeroplane.’ And then it’s, ‘Ah, you also need it to enter large retail spaces like Bluewater or something like that.’ And then it’s like, ‘Oh, you need to use it when you go into a supermarket with more than three checkouts,’ or something. You can imagine the slithery way, it becomes an everyday thing. And then eventually, eventually you’ll need it in order to do anything. Like, before you can get cash out of a cashpoint – assuming it still exists – I bet you they’ll say, ‘Present your digital ID’, and they’ll say ‘Valid. Now what transactions do you want, Dr Yeadon?’

So that’s one half of the system that uniquely identifies you in a globally consistent single format database. There is no such thing at the moment. So when people say, ‘Oh, we’ve got passports’, no, we’ve got 198 different formats of passports. This would be one format. It won’t be run by your government, but by some corporation. So don’t sign up for it. You do not need it. I keep saying, they need you to have it. But in terms of central bank digital currencies and ultimately depriving us of cash, if they’re prepared to ignore the wishes of their electors, citizens, which they probably are, we can’t really stop them doing that. But we can choose not to sign up. I’ve publicly said I’m not going to sign up, even if they say, ‘Well, you’ll need it to get access to your bank accounts,’ I’ll say I’m going to have to put them in the hands of a proxy, then, because I’m not damn well signing up for digital ID. I’m not doing it. Once that’s in place, they can do whatever they like. So don’t sign up, please, it’s the end if you do. But I still think we’ll win, James. I do think this lot are going to be able to murder a lot of people. I don’t think they’re going to take down everybody. And then this Gollum-class AI will pull their life support, or something like that. They’re not going to win.

To be continued.

Source: conservativewoman.co.uk

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