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Military coup d’etat in Russia could prompt total mobilisation

Dima summarises all the moves and gives his assessment as to what has happened within Russia’s military yesterday.   Prigozhin claims that forces within Russia have been attacking their own front line forces from behind with missiles.  He blames Shoigu and Gerasimov for territorial losses Russia incurred last year, and he directed his forces to take over the camps where the main Russian army command is based in Rostov On Don.  The Wagners split their forces into two, one taking the northern flank, another the southern flank.  Rumours of Russian attacking Wagners’ convoys, although no photographic evidence.  Nevertheless three helcopters weres shot down although many air crew refused to carry out orders to attack the Wagners.  Wagners managed to enter the military camps in Rostov by 5 am, leaving theirown base at 1 am.

Russia C-I-C Gerasimov left Rostov on Don, as did Shoigu.  The Wagners have taken over the base of the fighting in Donbas, and secured the hills to the South and settlements to the north.  Surovikin asked Wagners to stop, whom Prighozin respects.  Wagners have 25,000 troops now in Rostov-On-Don.  No shot was fired, apart from Wagners shooting down three helicopters, it is claimed.  Shoigu left the area.  Wagners said they will not withdraw as they were being attacked by Ministry of Defence forces and they were based in open ground and forests making an easy target for Shoigu and Gerasimov to bomb them and they were taking losses.  His forces needed better accommodation and he says he did this to secure his troops.

On 21 May Prigozhin’s contract had ended and he needs a new contract.  He received his final salary in June and there was no offer of a new contract, so he could not pay his men after June.  The big issues are security and money.  Wagners now have every building in Rostov On Don.  This is not a political coup but he was trying to get Shoigu and Gerasimov replaced.  Prighozhin says nothing bad about Putin.

Russia needs to stop this situation, but it would bring civil war if done by force and must end as soon as possible.

Kiev is going for total mobilisation, doing three mobilisations since October adding hundreds of thousands of soldiers – it will be triple the size of the Russian army in Donbas before long as Russia has only made one mobilisation.  Shoigu is trying to build his own private army.

Now there is a stand-off in Rostov.  Putin can declare martial law and announce total mobilisation, as politically the Russian people don’t want a civil war.  Is Prigozhin trying to  prompt Putin into a 5 million soldier mobilisation, and declare martial law?  Prigozhin will need to offer his soldiers money or property to keep them loyal.  They can raid the stores in Rostov On Don,  and will have all the armaments they need.  They claim they have had to capture ammunition to keep their battles going and want proper supplies.  Now they have them, and are located on a city where Russian people live and the forces of the Russian Federation won’t attack them.

Is there a link between Putin and Prigozhin?  Will the problems spread to Moscow?  Why is the Russian High Command so keen to stop the Wagners who just captured Bakhmut despite cutting off their ammunition?  Is the West running the Russian High Command and Moscow through Russian intelligence with a secret plan for Russia to lose the war, as with Germany in WW2?  Has Putin changed sides against the West (having to play a double game to survive), and wants Prigozhin to force Russia to get on and win the war?

Ella Moss channel –

Ella Moss

Михаил, did you see Prigozhin’s camp bombed by Russian forces? This is what drove him to this suicidal act. The real treasonous asses are Shoigu and Gerasimov. They have been doing horrible things to the wagner group for a while. But bombing Prigozhin’s camp is the true knife in the back. Did you see the dead Wagnerites? Do not blame Prigozhin for going nuts over this.
I just watched Putin’s address after Wagner took Rostov. He was clearly reading from the teleprompter.
I’ve been having my doubts about Putin for a while. I am pretty sure he is being manipulated precisely the way Fletcher Prouty has told us how American presidents are manipulated. Whether you are locked in the Oval office or Kremlin, you depend on the info you get on your desk. You really have no clue of what’s going on in the real world.
Jealous Shoigu and Gerasimov were doing horrible things to Prigozhin for a while – like depriving his soldiers of ammo, taking away Prigozhin’s ability to communicate over satellite phone or refusing his entry to the ministry of defense. Now Prigozhin tells a story of having to take his soldiers over mine fields out of Artemovsk/ Bakhmut. But what drove him to turn his group onto Moscow is bombing his camp by RF forces.
He is going to lose this fight UNFORTUNATELY. As always, the real treasonous asses like Shoigu and Gerasimov are going to stay at the top, and a true patriot is going to gulags.
Alexander Khodakovsky, [06/24/2023 8:36 AM] ====================================
Thank God that despite all the mess that is happening, our soldiers stand in their positions and do their duty. I don’t know how to qualify the situation, but if something happens on the front line now, this will also be a consequence of what is happening in the rear in the narrow and broad sense. Anticipating the development of events, I wrote publications that the monopoly on the use of force should be in the hands of the state. Paying tribute to the feat of the Russian fighters who fought in the PMC Wagner, I anxiously awaited what was happening before our eyes and hoped that this would not happen. The temptation to straighten your shoulders and show strength at a time when all the country’s resources are directed against the enemy is very strong, and it turned out to be impossible to resist it. The authority of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is high, and events have not yet entered an irreversible phase – soon everything will stabilize. But as in family dramas, it is wrong to look for the culprit in the actions of only one side.
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This graphic could have been more inspired but I am very sleepy.

It is 1:40 am here in Tbilisi, Georgia. I woke up by pure coincidence, and out of habit, checked Telegram.


Oh, you know … this:

Businessman Yevgeny Prigozhin accused the Russian military of “missile strikes on the rear camps” of the Wagner PMC, as a result of which “a huge number of fighters” of the military company died. […]

Prigozhin, citing a decision made by the Council of Commanders PMC Wagner, stated the following in a video appeal:

“The evil that the military leadership of the country bears must be stopped! They neglect the lives of soldiers, they forgot the word ‘justice’ … Those who destroyed our guys and the lives of many tens of thousands of Russian soldiers will be punished. I ask you not to resist [Wagner]. Those who attempt to resist will be perceived as a threat. All roadblocks, all aircraft above our heads. I ask you to stay in your homes along the route of our route, do not go out into the street. After we finish what we started, we will return to the front to defend our Motherland. The presidential power and law enforcement agencies will continue to work in the usual manner. We will deal with those who destroy Russian soldiers and then return to the front.”

And then this:

Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of Wagner Group private military company, is under investigation for allegedly advocating a mutiny against the government, Russia’s anti-terrorism committee said on Friday.

All of Prigozhin’s claims are “entirely unfounded,” the body said in a statement, adding that the Federal Security Service (FSB) has “opened a criminal investigation on account of calling for an armed rebellion.”

“We demand the immediate end to all illegal activity,” the anti-terrorism committee stated.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry accused Prigozhin of spreading falsehoods over a video circulating on social media that claimed the Russian military had attacked a base of Wagner fighters.

“A large number of our fighters died. We will decide how we will respond to this atrocity. The next step is ours,” Prigozhin said in a statement commenting on the alleged attack. He then vowed to march on Moscow and hold those responsible to account, warning the military to stay out of his way.

The Defense Ministry described Prigozhin’s claims as “an informational provocation” and said the Russian military was fighting on the frontlines against the Ukrainian troops.

According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been briefed about the situation involving Prigozhin and Wagner, and “all the necessary measures” are being taken to resolve the matter.

Surovikin issued an appeal to Wagner, asking them to lay down their arms.



MILITARY CHECKPOINTS ARE REPORTEDLY BEING SET UP IN CERTAIN SWANKY AREAS OF MOSCOW (New Riga and Rublyovka), AND ALSO IN ROSTOV. I cannot independently confirm this report but it is all over Russian-language Telegram. Could be a space lizard psyop. BUT IT MIGHT NOT BE.

One of numerous videos floating around social media, which claims to show military vehicles cruising around Moscow on June 23-24:

OMON (Russian SWAT) have also reportedly been put on high alert/are being deployed in the capital.



Full disclosure: I have absolutely no idea what is going on. None. Maybe this is all an elaborate psyop to “trick the Ukies”. Or maybe we are entering Black Swan Mode. Or something in-between.

I do not know, and I do not pretend to know. I am relaying what I am seeing. Maybe everything will be resolved 15 minutes from now. But too late—I am going to bed.

Goodnight. Guys, please don’t do anything rash in the next 6-7 hours.




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