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Who was Jeffrey Epstein and who were his clients?

“It is a simple fact that all of Jeffrey Epstein’s primary associations were either members of, working for, or closely associated to, the Rothschild family.”

March 2023

Mandelson, Starmer, and Jeffrey Epstein how are they all connected ?

Epstein Mandelson Starmer-Trilateral-Commission

Starmer brings in Mandelson ‘The Prince of Darkness’ and Blair

Lord Mark Sedwill profile – Rothschild & Co
He is President of the Special Forces Club, Chairman of the Atlantic Future Forum, Co-Chair of the Trilateral Commission, a member of the IISS Advisory Council, a Trustee of the RNLI, an Honorary Colonel in the Royal Marines and an Honorary Bencher of Middle Temple.

Is a vote for Starmer a vote for Rothschild ?

Here is a private email sent to an oligarch by one of their managers in 2010 to illustrate this power dynamic going on behind the scenes.


Who was Jeffrey Epstein and who were his clients?

Two contact books belonging to Jeffrey Epstein have been leaked to the public. No more, no less. The one infamously referred to as Epstein’s “little black book” was leaked by Gawker in 2015 and listed his contacts from around 2005. A second “little black book” listing Epstein’s contacts from 1997 was also made public by Business Insider in 2021.

2005 black book (released 2015 unredacted)
1997 black book (released 2021 redacted)

In these you’ll find the surnames of families making up a fraternity of financial interests that constitute the modern western oligarchy. You’ll also find the more familiar names of public figures who manage the institutions these oligarchs stay a few degrees removed from to keep up the appearances of institutional independence, and further more, western democracy. Oligarchs like David Rockefeller Jr. and Evelyn de Rothschild. Their managers like Henry Kissinger and Peter Mandelson.

It’s this latter managerial class used by oligarchs to interface with institutions Epstein moved in. Though his role was a little different. Blackmail is used by oligarchs to keep their managers loyal and obedient. As giving them the appearances of power for ratification purposes in a dummy democracy can easily lead to them usurping the real thing. Pedophilia is particularly potent in this regard due to the extent it is taboo. Facilitating this was Jeffrey Epstein’s function and why the circumstances surrounding him have confounded those who cannot square this practice with the theory of governance they were taught in high school. Which was democratic and incorrect.

Here is a private email sent to an oligarch by one of their managers in 2010 to illustrate this power dynamic going on behind the scenes.

full article – thehotstar.net

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