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How to Save Serbia and the World

Zoran Zhivkoviћ – 

The Word from a Serb – (Applies to the whole world, but especially to the gatdam uSA these days)


Zoran D. Živković March 10, 2023

The private banking system is one of the most dominant forces in the world today, and its power and influence is growing by the day. However, this system represents a clear and present danger to national sovereignty, especially in countries like Serbia, which is still recovering from the devastating consequences of war and economic sanctions. This thesis claims that the private banking system must be dismantled in Serbia and replaced by a public banking system that is accountable to the people and the government.

In Serbia, the private banking system has existed since the 1990s, after the collapse of the communist regime. During that period, the country went through a period of rapid privatization, which led to the emergence of a small group of wealthy individuals who control most of the country’s economy. These individuals care little for the interests of the people and are only interested in maximizing profits, even if that means destabilizing the economy, Serbian society, and redrawing Serbia’s borders for financial gain.

It cannot be emphasized enough that the private banking system represents the single greatest threat to Serbia’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Powerful banking families control this system and use debt to take control of countries, effectively manipulating their political and economic systems. As a result, Serbia must nationalize its banking system and become part of the BRICS alliance in order to regain its sovereignty and protect its territorial integrity.

Politicians in Serbia were elected by the banking cartel and their intermediaries, starting from the reign of Milošević until Vučić and all those in between, which resulted in the compromise of the territory of Serbia and the increasingly poor citizens. Vučić betrayed Kosovo and Metohija. If we do not free Serbia from the banking cartel, we can expect that the regime that replaces Vučić will probably negotiate for Sandžak, and the regime that follows after that will negotiate for Vojvodina, while the Serbs suffer and die needlessly because of the already determined outcome.

The system that the politicians in Belgrade should fight are the banks, but no political party, ruling or opposition, demands the nationalization of a Serbian bank in connection with joining the BRICS. The only way to stop the wars of aggression against Serbia and gain national sovereignty and financial independence is through genuine resistance against the international bankers.

Thomas Jefferson once said, “I believe that banks are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that surround (these banks ) will develop to deprive the people of all their property, until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.” His words are true not only for the United States of America, but also for Serbia today and the world in general.

Also, we have to ask why Serbia became part of the NATO peace plan in 2006, despite the fact that NATO bombed it just seven years earlier. NATO bombing resulted in the deaths of thousands of civilians, the destruction of schools, hospitals, churches and factories, as well as the use of depleted uranium that poisoned the country and caused the highest rates of childhood cancer. However, the Serbian government has not taken any steps to sue the West for war crimes and reparations. We can only conclude that the banking cartel and its intermediaries bribed the political elite in Serbia.


It cannot be emphasized enough that the solution to Serbia’s problems lies in the nationalization of its banking system with the support of an asset-backed currency and inclusion in the BRICS alliance. This would allow Serbia to regain its national sovereignty and financial independence, as well as to protect its territorial integrity, putting an end to the banking cartel’s manipulation and exploitation of the country.

Given these dangers, it is important that Serbia takes steps to end the private banking system and replace it with a public banking system that is accountable to the people and the government. This can be achieved by the following measures:

Nationalization of the banking sector: The government should nationalize the country’s banking sector and bring it under state control with assets secured by currencies. This will ensure that the banks are accountable to the people and the government and more responsive to the development needs of the country.

Creation of public banks: The government should create public banks aimed at promoting the long-term development of the country and the well-being of its citizens. These banks should provide affordable loans and financial services to ordinary people, small businesses and the agricultural sector.

The government should strengthen financial regulation to prevent illegal activities, such as money laundering and tax evasion. This will help stabilize the economy and prevent financial crises. Promotion of Financial Literacy: Government should promote financial literacy among people to empower them to make informed financial decisions and avoid exploitation by private banks and financial institutions.

In conclusion, the banking system must be recognized as the greatest threat to the national sovereignty, economic health and territorial integrity of Serbia, and measures must be taken to combat its control over the country’s political and economic system. Nationalizing the banking system and joining the BRICS alliance is the only way to restore Serbia’s independence and put an end to the exploitation and extermination of its people by the international banking cartel and their intermediaries. Establishing a nationalized Serbian bank based on natural resources such as oil, gas, coal, iron, copper, zinc, antimony, chromite, gold, silver, magnesium, pyrite, limestone, marble, salt and arable land, freed from the control of private central banks, can offer stable and globally recognized long-term value.

This approach can help navigate sanctions, provide the means to overcome barriers to access to conventional bank lending and capital markets, and bring new value to the Serbian national economy. The use of natural resources as collateral, similar to the resource-financed infrastructure model, allows asset-backed money to be subject to the same degree of public policy as any other development finance instrument used by low- or middle-income countries, such as Serbia. Moreover, the historical use of asset-backed currencies such as the gold standard, along with the potential of blockchain technology to facilitate their establishment, supports the move to asset-backed currencies as a viable alternative to existing fiat currencies and central banking systems. By adopting an asset-backed currency, Serbia can strengthen its economic independence and establish a globally recognized long-term value that is resistant to fluctuations in the global economy.

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One Response to “How to Save Serbia and the World”

  1. Steve Kettle says:

    Ditto for every other country going. The international banksters and their minions are nothing but parasites, they bring nothing to the table but expect to gorge on everybody else’s labour and resources. hopefully their end is coming…

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