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Vaccines cause autism

Steve Kirsch’s newsletter – May 22, 2023

Executive summary

According to one of the world’s most respected authorities on autism, all, or nearly all, of the world’s top 100 scientists in the autism field know that vaccines are the primary driver behind the autism crisis in America. They just aren’t allowed to talk about it in public. If they did that, they would lose their funding, their job, and be the subject of intimidation techniques from their peers. So they keep quiet and nobody knows what they really think.

Did you know that there are large pediatric practices in America located in high autism areas that have ZERO kids with autism? Normally, we’d simply study what these practices have in common that are different from their peers. It’s called “copying what works.” Showcasing these best practices would dramatically improve the health of kids in the US and reverse the staggering rise in autism rates which are now nearly 5% of people under 40 (per my survey of 10,000 kids).

Note: I make my 10,000 children survey record-level data public for everyone to see. The CDC doesn’t.

If these “best practices” were adopted and encouraged by the CDC, FDA, and NIH, we’d be the healthiest nation on earth and autism rates would drop to insignificant levels.

The reasons there are no studies examining these best practices include:

  1. Almost nobody knows these practices exist and who they are. They keep a low profile. Otherwise, the health authorities would shut them down.
  2. A common key strategy used in these practices is to avoid vaccination entirely and avoid the use of acetaminophen entirely. The drug companies would not allow a study like this to be published. The journal wouldn’t believe it either; it’s so counter narrative.
  3. Another key strategy is if giving a vaccine, give them one at a time rather than multiple vaccines at once. If they admitted this, the CDC credibility would go way down.
  4. Clinical outcomes simply don’t matter if you don’t follow the narrative.
  5. If it became known that the CDC, FDA, and NIH have been giving advice that made Americans chronically ill, it would tarnish their reputation and nobody would trust them in the future.

The bottom line is that the experts know how to solve the chronic disease crisis in America, but they are not allowed to talk about it. And even if they did, no one would listen or believe them. They would be labeled as liars and misinformation spreaders. Trust me, I know something about that.

In my case, I’m not afraid of having my medical license revoked because I don’t have a medical license. And I’m not afraid of any reputational damage because I’m already disrespected by the mainstream community and banned for life on Wikipedia, LinkedIn, Medium, and so on. Google rates me as the world’s #1 misinformation superspreader. Most of my former friends won’t talk to me. So I have nothing to lose!

I will fund a study to identify the common unique practices of clinics with superior health outcomes (including zero autism). And I’m also going to fund a robust statistical analysis on my survey data to prove that it shows a causal link between vaccines and a variety of chronic diseases in a way that is impervious to attack.

The bottom line is that the mainstream medical community and CDC will never do these studies. And if they did, they’d never publicly release the underlying data.

But I will do these studies and release the data. And America will finally learn the truth about the incalculable damage that the CDC, FDA, and NIH have done.

Want to help me get the job done?

Continues in full …


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5 Responses to “Vaccines cause autism”

  1. ian says:

    (Quote), all, of the world’s top 100 scientists in the autism field know that vaccines are the primary driver behind the autism crisis in America. They just aren’t allowed to talk about it in public.”

    If you were doing something, that is knowingly causing this awful Affliction, which not only destroys the child’s life, but the life of the parents too. You deserve to be executed by some horrid method. They aren’t allowed to talk about it??? boil my blood.

    • pete fairhurst 2 says:

      Yes Ian, blood boils indeed

      This shows you exactly what the pharma “business” model is. Sick folk are far more lucrative that healthy folk, infinitely more so. Low level permanent sickness is what they ideally want

      Which means that there is a built in incentive for them to act to act this way

      It is also very helpful for the pharma corps when they’ve got all the politicians on their “campaign contributions” payroll too. Also the government “regulators”, which have all been captured by them too, certainly in UK & US and I expect, Australia, NZ, Canada and the EU too. He who pays the piper…..

      It really is the most demonically evil scheme imaginable. They deserve to rot in hell

  2. danceaway says:

    On UKcolumn today, Mark Anderson pointed out that the CEO of Pfizer was at the just concluded Bilderberg meeting; apparently has been donating profits to Ukraine!! We know what this means……!

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