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Someone’s Ring Is Twitching

Although it’s good to to see the facts coming out I think we’re witnessing a planned and controlled pressure release and appeasement of the angry public. They want justice, revenge, scapegoats and prison time for some of the “major figures” in the covid scam. I believe they will get that in some form but it will be theater with the actors out the back door of jail and on to their next assignment as soon as the media circus ends and the cameras stop rolling. It will also not repair the damage the “trial” vaccines have done to them. Trial as in they’re doing the exact job they were designed to do.

Charlie on the other hand tried to play Billy big balls and swim with the sharks and it didn’t work out. To me it looks like he is genuinely frightened. Of the people or of the law I’m not sure but his body language is telling. He’s having his Ratner moment of self destruction while deflecting and going in to victim mode. “It wasn’t my fault. You were lied to. I was lied to as well. Honestly, it’s not my fault”. Classic sociopath behavior perhaps?

Luckily for him hanging was abolished but whether it be legally, morally, publicly, lawfully or karmicly. Charlie has it coming and I think in his higher mind he knows it. Yes, Charlie has one too although it’s not talking to his lower mind as his ego prevents it.

Albert Pierrepoint would have been disappointed his services were not required on this one.

Mene mene tekel upharsin. Karma’s a bitch Charlie and she’s coming for you.

“Daniel reads the words “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN” and interprets them for the king: “MENE, God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL, you have been weighed … and found wanting and your kingdom will be taken from you.”

We must send Charlie love. He’s going to need it.

In peace.

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