Hosting Appeal

Dear Visitor. The Tap has become increasingly busy and we can't stay online without your help. We need a hosting account upgrade to help cope with the increased activity and keep this free blog online. In this age of great change The Tap is a valuable independent resource where we can come together and share information the controlling parasites would rather we didn't have. Please help if you can and donate a small amount towards the hosting costs. Your donation will make a huge difference. Thank you in advance. Click here to donate

Dr. Lee Merritt: The Connection Between Parasites & Cancer + COVID Shots & 5G

Dr. Lee Merritt, the Medial Rebel, joins me in this episode to discuss a serious issue: cancer. However, Dr. Lee touches on something that others have known but has been rarely shared and that is the connection between parasites and cancer. We’ll also talk about how the COVID shots have caused cancer to explode and the use of 5G and other EMFs are making matters worse.

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