Today with Alex Christoforou – 12 Feb. 2023

Trudeau/Biden conversation (imaginary) about object over Canada:

A benefit for the collective west of the sanctions on Russia has been the strain the sanctions have put on both the Serbian and Hungarian economies; collective west are now going for control; Samantha Powers is in Hungary ( equivalent of John McCain/ Lindsay Graham/John Bolton ); Coll west were furious that their previous effort at regime change in Hungary did not work, and are doubling down. Alex goes into the detail of the situation these two nations face, surrounded by Nato countries, etc. A very informative few minutes with  Alex.

Annalena Baerbock backtracks slightly on her comment about being at war with Russia. Alex explains that this is what she very likely was hearing behind closed doors, but was not meant to repeat. Public must be kept in the dark.

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