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What is Dr. Robert Malone’s Game?

ER Editor: Malone has aroused the suspicion of many people, including credible voices such as Karen Kingston and Dr. Jane Ruby. How could the ‘inventor’ of mRNA (or at least one of the developers of it, embedded as he has been in deep state operations that produced it) really be a plausible critic of it, as he proceeded to attack the Covid ‘vaccines’ he helped develop? How could he even develop it with a clear conscience when it was known to be so toxic? (Allegedly, he got caught by the injectable product he took twice, with personal physician Dr. Meryl Nass competently helping him out of the dire health crisis he found himself in.)

Malone recently attacked Stew Peters‘ video, Died Suddenly, in a highly insulting way while silently refusing Peters’ offer to appear on his show. And now he’s going after an aging psychiatrist, Dr. Peter Breggin, and his wife for a colossal sum of money on dubious charges of being personally attacked by Breggin over the mass formation psychosis theory. Breggin has sussed Malone out, in our opinion. And Breggin isn’t alone in being targeted by Malone, apparently: he’s also gone after Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Harvey Risch.

We’re publishing Breggin’s piece within the framing comment of Dr. Paul Alexander.

Memorable words from Breggin —

No other psychiatrist in the world was better equipped than me to understand the risks and dangers of mass formation psychosis and to explain them to the public.


Breggin provides some references below the article, one of which is his critique of Desmet’s theory. We recommend it. It gives an indication as to why, all of a sudden, Desmet would spring to prominence. We know perfectly well by now that people and their theories don’t get any air time unless somebody in power wants them to.


Readers may be interested in this short (6 minute) video:

Doctor Robert Malone | Dr Peter Breggin & Doctor Judy Mikovits Ask, Is Doctor Robert Malone Part of NIH ACTIV (Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines)? Who is Doctor Robert Malone? (See Citations In Description)


This has gotten out of hand! Dr. Robert Malone now sues the Breggins (Dr. Peter Breggin) for $25 Million; the Complaint that is filed in court focuses on scientific & public political disagreements

The fundaments surround the Breggin’s criticism of Malone’s concept of mass formation psychosis; why would this lawsuit be brought? Over this? I must be dreaming; we should be united!

This is a shocking development! Very sad too.

I am urging that people step back. That Dr. Malone steps back and pulls back and finds a way to discuss his grievance with Dr. Breggin. We have to work this out else the other side wins and gets what they want. That calmer heads prevail. This is not the way to go and I am sure they can address this with a side bar and without this heavy handed approach. There is no need for this and we are in a battle of our lifetime against radical insane deepstate criminals with their COVID madness and we must unify. We face a cabal hell bent on bringing us to heel using COVID to remove all freedoms and liberties and to ransack and re-arrange the world. Breggins are stellar people and to make this step, then Dr. Malone is engaging in the very same actions that have plagued us, this being moving to chill and silence people you do not agree with. IMO this is what the effect will be and IMO and based on the fact I am not a legal scholar, this will get tossed out as frivolous and vexatious. No merit.

Dr. Malone, you joined our movement and fight and we have shared the podium with you to bring the message. I admire you. You may not know it but folk like Breggin welcomed you to join the fight so it is disheartening it has gone sour and I urge and plead that this be reconciled. I urge you to step back and recognize Dr. Breggin is not the enemy. Your enemy is CDC, NIH, FDA, Bourla, Bancel, if you are on the right side of history. I have no reason to think you are not. Please get in touch with Peter Breggin and work this out. Be magnanimous here. I know you will do the right thing here, you are a good man. We must be compassionate with gracious mercy and civility and I ask all to remember this.



At the ages of 71 and 86, Ginger and I are in the fight of our lives. In all our years of doing reform work, no individual and no group has ever been so intensively and persistently attacking us on a personal level as Dr. Robert Malone — starting ever since August 2022 when we criticized his concept of mass formation psychosis in depth without even mentioning his name.1

Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin

Dr. Robert W. Malone filed a lawsuit on October 30, 2022, against Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Breggin, seeking damages for $25,350,000.00 or $25 million for short.

Why would Dr. Malone make his claim so large — over 25 million dollars? The effect of what he is doing should be obvious. It threatens us with financial ruin and ties up our energies. Does he want to make us too afraid and too exhausted to criticize his public policy theories and his numerous highly destructive attacks on leaders of the health freedom movement?  

The defamation suit (meaning libel, and slander) was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Virginia (Charlottesville Division). Service has been discussed between the lawyers for both sides and agreed to, but it has not been completed. The suit, already filed and ready to be unleashed, has had a suppressive impact on our planning and activities over the past two weeks.

Contrary to some rumors, we have never made “personal attacks” against him, and indeed the Complaint that is filed in court focuses on our scientific and public political disagreements with him. However, Malone’s defamation claims focus on our public policy differences. Much of it relates to opinions and analyses we already documented in our book COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey

We have not defamed Malone. In our entire 110-plus combined years of reform work, no one has ever threatened us with a defamation suit, because we simply do not defame people.

Dr. Malone’s Unprecedented Attacks On Us, Exceeded Only by One, Decades Ago

Except for one occasion, we have never had to endure such personal attacks. Not even from the psychosurgeons in the 1970s whose lobotomy practices my international campaign closed down and whose research institute led by Harvard’s director of neurosurgery lost all its government funding.2 Not even from the electroshock company and their cabal that in 2018 was forced by my medical/legal report in a product case to inform the FDA and the medical world that shock treatment causes brain damage.3 Not even the U.S. government agency director who lost his job and his many other compromised colleagues whose eugenical, racist program Ginger and I forced to shut down. Their huge interagency program was about to be funded by Congress to do eugenical research on “inner-city children” from in the womb to adulthood to find biological and genetic causes for their alleged propensity for violence.

The One More Dangerous Set of Circumstances

The only other time in our lives that we have been so threatened was in the early 1990s. I had been approved as the single medical expert confirmed by a federal judge to review all the discovery from Eli Lilly regarding alleged harms from Prozac for a consortium of attorneys handling approximately 150 cases involving suicide, murder, and psychosis. 

Of course, Eli Lilly, tried to discredit me in a myriad of ways, but the federal judge approved my credentials for appointment as the sole scientific expert for reviewing discovery, and the judge for the first trial would do the same. I was qualified to testify not only about psychiatric drugs but also about the corporate and FDA approval process. I was empowered by the courts to have access to all of Eli Lilly’s secret files about the development and marketing of Prozac, including all their clinical trials and all FDA correspondence. 

What Near-Disaster Happened Next?

My position as the central scientific expert for all the dozens of lawsuits against Eli Lilly was not merely a threat to that one drug company. Multiple other companies had Prozac-like drugs, such as Zoloft and Paxil coming down the pipeline. Many financial interests had motives to do what happened next. In fact, we had many threats against our lives and contacted the FBI about one of them. We consulted with local police about wearing vests and carrying a gun, both of which we eventually decided not to do.

As we were getting nearer to my initial deposition against Eli Lilly. Everyone in our house became progressively sicker from week to week. I, Ginger and our daughter became chronically ill with exhaustion and with dry nagging upper respiratory infections. Multiple visits to physicians could find no cause. This went on, probably for a couple of months, until a plumber on a routine job was aghast to find that someone had entered our basement and removed the chimneys from the converted oil burner and the gas water heater, spilling fumes and particles into the house.

We Are Not Complainers

We are not complainers, and we have rarely talked about what we have been through as freedom fighters together for the past forty years and decades before then as individuals. Nor do we feel sorry for ourselves. By our deeds, we have earned our enemies, and the good that has come from our work has confirmed our choice on how to live.  

Before we were together and then as a team, we have each searched our souls when something evil has appeared on our horizon. Our impulse has always been to step forward to take on the challenge, but in recent decades we have learned first to determine if we are especially equipped to deal with the threat and if others can and will do the job as well or better. We went through this process before deciding to take on COVID-19 totalitarianism, and we ended up writing what remains the single deepest and broadest investigation into predatory globalism — COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey. We did it again when we decided not to back down from Dr. Malone’s initial threats to sue us. No other psychiatrist in the world was better equipped than me to understand the risks and dangers of mass formation psychosis and to explain them to the public.   

Our own personal safety has never been our ultimate standard for taking action — and we have been blessed with a feeling of being protected when we have decided to make a stand about something we deem to be of great importance in respect to human well-being and freedom. 

We have at times been penniless as a result of our reform efforts, but separately and then together, we were always young enough to feel confident we could recover. But now, at our ages, the lawsuit by Robert Malone does threaten financial ruin.  

Is Dr. Malone merely protecting himself and his new career transition from the man who “invented mRNA vaccines”4 — one of the worst disasters in human history — to the man who is leading the health freedom fight on a worldwide level? Or is Malone’s mass psychosis concept being further developed and used by others, such as the Department of Defense or the intelligence community? Malone has boasted about this Deep State background:5

“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.”

Malone has stated that these Deep State connections have been severed and no longer have influence over him.  

The Escalation of Malone’s Threats

We first heard from Malone through emails to us on August 6 and 7, 2022, ten days after we published criticism of Mattias Desmet’s book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism. Malone has used Desmet’s concepts to develop his concept of mass formation psychosis. We invited Malone to come on my TV/radio show and later on to join me on someone else’s venue, but he never responded to us and later verbally attacked one of the venues that invited him to debate me. 

Next, on September 5, 2022, on a short phone call, Malone issued the first legal threat against me and hung up immediately:  

Voice (very dark, demanding tone): Is this Dr. Peter Breggin?

Me (hesitantly): Yes…(thinking it’s spam and ready to hang up)

Voice (continuing dark and demanding): This is Dr. Malone. Why are you targeting me? I will have to send you a cease and desist letter.

Me: Are you threatening me? (Then calling to Ginger, who’s nearby) Ginger, it’s Malone on the phone.

Ginger (entering my office): What’s he saying?

Me: I’ll put him on speaker. 

(Malone hangs up.) 

On his substack the following day, Malone referred to reading my comments about his phone call to me. He even provided a link to my column without denying my description of it. But within a short time afterward, he seemingly had second thoughts about confirming the call and deleted it from the end of his substack.6

After that, on September 26, 2022, his attorney, Steven Bliss, sent us a Demand Letter that included other defendants, mainly on the grounds of their interviewing or publishing us. The letter demanded retractions, apologies, and money for compensation: 

Dr. Malone demands that you retract the false and defamatory Statements, is a written apology, and fairly and fully compensate him for the presumed and actual damages suffered, including loss of income, insult, pain, humiliation, embarrassment, mental suffering, and injury to his reputation.  P. 4

The Demand Letter also cited legal cases to threaten us with the large amounts of money we would have to pay if they sued us. Our attorney briefly replied that the demands were unacceptable and the allegations untrue.  

We began to learn more about Dr. Malone’s threats and criticism of other leaders of the health freedom movement. We felt that someone needed to alert the community to these disruptive and harmful events which were creating conflict among people. On October 6, 2022, on America Out Loud, we published “Dr. Robert Malone Attacks and Maligns Leading Freedom Fighters,”7 citing attacks on his substack against Peter A. McCullough MD, Harvey Risch MD, and the Wellness Company to which they belong.

Twenty-five days after our column exposing his attacks on others, on October 30, 2022, Malone filed the lawsuit against us for the more than $25 million. In accordance with our attorneys’ warnings, we have written nothing more about him or his suing us — until now.

Examples of Dr. Malone’s Recent Actions that Harm the Health Freedom Movement

On October 19, 2022, an extreme left-wing magazine, The Daily Beast, quoted an interview with Malone about his April 26, 2022 Demand Letter sent to Ginger and me, as well as to other entities.8 In his interview with the Daily Beast, Malone attacks journalists Stew Peters and Jane Ruby by name and mentions us as “two allied conspiracy theorists” without naming us. Malone’s motives in making available to the Daily Beast the contents of this relatively private Demand Letter are unclear, but the result is a grand humiliation of the health freedom movement. The Daily Beast declares in its headline, “Inside the Anti-Vaxxer Civil War.” Yet Malone regularly presents himself as wanting to bring people together and end conflict in the movement. 

Based on earlier experience, Malone should have anticipated that dealing with the Daily Beast would result in negative propaganda against people in the health freedom movement. Malone had a verbal conflict on the air on Fox News with Alex Berenson, a former New York Times reporter who is known for in-depth analysis of the failings of COVID narrative. The Daily Beast quoted a Malone substack where he fumed at Berenson after incident — and the Daily Beast must have delighted to title their piece, Fox News’ Favorite Anti-Vaxxer Guests Are at War.9

Ironically, Dr. Malone makes speeches complaining that “something” is tearing our movement apart.10

Our Relevant Background and Motives for Publically Criticizing Malone

I have been called “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for protecting children, women, older people, and other vulnerable groups from psychiatric abuse.11 I have written more than 70 scientific articles, most of them on these reform themes, and more than twenty medical and popular books on the same subjects, several coauthored by Ginger Breggin.12 My work has been endorsed by many wonderful people.13

I have opposed psychiatry’s reliance on drugs and opposed all use of electroshock and psychosurgery, also called lobotomy and psychiatric surgery. In the early 1970s, in a several-year-long campaign working with the U.S. Congress and many others, I stopped the worldwide resurgence of lobotomy and other forms of psychosurgery.14 Projects throughout the U.S. and North America shut down, and probably some in India and Japan. My efforts included writing legislation and successfully lobbying for a Psychosurgery Commission, which found the treatment too experimental for clinical use. I testified in the Kaimowitz trial and helped establish the comparison between state mental hospitals and concentration camps, leading the three-judge pan to apply the Nuremberg Code protects to the inmates of state hospitals. The trial also led federal agencies to stop their psychosurgery programs at NIH and the VA.

In the 1990s, led by Ginger, we stopped a massive eugenical program funded by the federal government. The government was starting to fund a multi-agency investigation into the biological and genetic causes of violence in “inner city” children.15 To document and describe this lengthy, arduous and successful campaign, and other issues surrounding psychiatric oppression, we wrote The War Against Children of Color

We also began to criticize Prozac in the 1990s and other antidepressants in-depth and we coauthored Talking Back to Prozac. I began to testify more frequently against the pharmaceutical industry in product liability cases on behalf of injured patients or their families. Painful lessons about the pharmaceutical industry and federal government agencies prepared Ginger and me to research and write COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey

In the last six months of 2019, leading up to COVID, we began an organized drive to stop the use of a new FDA-approved device for treating ADHD.16 The device involved placing two electrodes on children’s foreheads and stimulating their brains all night by pushing electrical impulses backward up the trigeminal nerve into the brain. It hammers the brain with an unrelenting abnormal electrical/mechanical impulse that could do nothing but harm the brain. It was a prescription for disaster.  The FDA studies were too short and too small to determine anything positive but did reveal potentially serious adverse effects. The company stopped pushing the device, and very little was heard about again for several years. It seemed to have fizzled. But recently, in October 2022, the company is once again promoting it, and I’m looking into resuming our professional and public campaign against the bizarretranshumanistic machine.17

As a psychiatrist, I also have a lifelong commitment to stopping abusive, politicized psychiatry, as exemplified in the USSR and now in Communist China — a trend we are now seeing in cases drawn to our attention in the U.S. involving the use ofpsychiatric diagnoses against doctors and others who challenge the establishment narrative for COVID-19.  

What We Have Decided

Ginger and I have been working together for forty years on these projects, and I  had been a psychiatric reformer for more than thirty years before we married. Combined, we have over 110 years of standing up for vulnerable people and for freedom.  

Although we often spend more than half the week on reform work, we never take money for it and instead finance it ourselves. Over the years, I have earned most of my income from doing individual and couples therapy, helping people withdraw from psychiatric drugs, and offering medical expert testimony and consultations. After COVID-19 began, in August 2020, I finished work on my pro bono 62,000-word medical and psychiatric expert report for attorney Tom Renz that helped to stop the Governor of Ohio’s relentless emergency edicts.18

We will continue to write and speak, and to join others in collaborative work about any and all public issues that draw on our special areas of commitment, knowledge, expertise, and experience. Few things could be more threatening at our age than being sued for the first time in our lives with a demand for enough money to wipe us out several times over. This late in our lives — I am 86, and Ginger is 71 — we  will not betray our lifelong devotion to human wellbeing and human freedom. We will not be silenced — we will continue to stand up for freedom of speech and for our reform work which increasingly focuses on freedom in America and around the world.  

Authored primarily by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin. The Breggin’s new best-selling book: COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey is available at Amazon and on the America Out Loud Bookstore. In the US, the book is available directly from us for a special discount at www.WeAreThePrey.com.


https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/robert-malone-vaccine-inventor-vaccine-skeptic/619734/  Sometimes he is billed more precisely as “inventor of the core mRNA and DNA vaccine platform technology that the various COVID shots are based upon.” https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/robert-malone-covid-media-narrative-cola/
5 https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/robert-malone-covid-media-narrative-cola/
6  https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/well-being-stoking-rage?utm_source=substack&utm_campaign=post_embed&utm_medium=web

7 https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/Dr-Robert-Malone-Attacks-and-Maligns-Leading-Freedom-Fighters
Inside the Anti-Vaxxer Civil War, Featuring Stew Peters, Robert Malone, and Jane Ruby (thedailybeast.com)  The Demand Letter was not public and was probably shared by Malone.
10 https://rumble.com/v1nl12y-dr.-robert-malone-warns-something-strange-is-happening-worldwide-tearing-ou.html
11 International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology (ICSPP) (Editors). 
The Conscience of Psychiatry: the Reform Work of Peter R. Breggin MD (2009).  Also see these two brief bios:  https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/peter-r-breggin and https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/brief-bio and my extensive My extensive resume is here: https://z0sqrs-a.akamaihd.net/6905_breggin/uploads/Peter-R-Breggin-MD-resume.pdf
12 Some of Dr. Breggin’s books include 
Toxic Psychiatry (1991); Talking Back to Prozac (1994, coauthored by Ginger Breggin); The War Against Children of Color (1994, coauthored by Ginger Breggin), Medication Madness (2008), Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry (2008), and Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal (2013).  13 https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/what-people-say-about-dr-breggin
14 https://breggin.com/lobotomy-and-psychosurgery;
  Peter and Ginger Breggin, the War Against Children of Color (1994).
15 https://psych.breggin.com/the-antipsychosurgery-campaign-now-called-the-first-violence-initiative/ Our book  about this huge reform campaign to stop the federal “violence prevention initiative” is thoroughly documented in our book, Peter and Ginger Breggin, 
The War Against Children of Color (1994).
16 https://www.madinamerica.com/2019/08/monarch-etns-brain-device-inspires-stop-psychiatric-abuse-children-project/ and https://www.madinamerica.com/2019/12/peter-breggin-michael-cornwall-stop-psychiatric-abuse-children/
17 https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2022/10/17/2535585/0/en/NeuroSigma-Announces-Commercial-Launch-of-The-Monarch-eTNS-System-for-the-Treatment-of-Pediatric-ADHD-at-Annual-Meeting-of-the-American-Academy-of-Child-and-Adolescent-Psychiatry.html
18 https://breggin.com/article-detail/post_detail/dr-breggins-covid-19-totalitarianism-legal-report  

Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Breggin

Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin have been married and working together for almost 40 years. Peter is known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his many decades of successful reform work in mental health. He has published more than 20 medical and popular books, several coedited or coauthored by Ginger, including the huge bestseller Talking Back to Prozac. He has written more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and testified in court more than 100 times with many cases related to drug company and medical malfeasance. The couple has now turned their attention to the misuse of science and the suppression of freedoms surrounding COVID-19 and its origins by those they identify as “global predators.”

Peter and Ginger have written the bestselling new book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey with introductions by top COVID-19 scientists and physicians, Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH; Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD; and Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko. The book is available everywhere.



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One Response to “What is Dr. Robert Malone’s Game?”

  1. Belyi says:

    He has bothered me from the start. He says he thought the mRNA would stay round the injection site and not circulate in the body.

    So if it stayed in the arm, what would be the point of it? He must have known the damage it would do and it has been difficult to understand why he was held in such esteem by so many people, not, though, Dr Jane Ruby. Glad it’s all coming out now.

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