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Coming This Winter: The European Commission Pushes EU States Towards WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

Between the beginning of June and the middle of 1 July 2022 Europe saw a tripling of Covid cases. Since then, case numbers have been falling again, but remain high among people aged 65 years and over, with consequent increases in hospitalisation rates and intensive care unit (“ICU”) admissions in this age group. Overall, more than 2 300 people still die every week in the Europe Union (“EU”) of Covid. These numbers are worrying not least since they are likely to be an underestimation of the real situation.

Our regular readers would be forgiven for thinking these are words to introduce one of our usual and repeated warnings about the harms due to Covid injections or another of our articles about the “pandemic of the vaccinated.”  But it’s not.  They are words taken from the first paragraph of the European Commission’s ‘EU response to Covid-19: preparing for autumn and winter 2023’ published on 2 September 2022.

Please note the Commission’s sleight of hand: “people still die every week in Europe of Covid.” “Of” or “with” Covid as opposed to “from” or “due to” Covid has been one of the manipulative terms used by governments around the world to create the numbers of deaths by labelling anyone who died after a positive PCR test as a “Covid death.”  It is known that the use of a PCR test during the so-called “pandemic” was fraudulent.  The Covid test has merely been used as a tool to fabricate the numbers of Covid “cases.”  It has been key to creating the illusion of a pandemic to modify our behaviour.

Next in the Commission’s introduction to their document comes another of their psychological tactics – public guilt and shaming, blaming the public’s behaviour for the increase in “Covid deaths”:

“All countries have lifted most restrictions and their populations are experiencing pandemic fatigue, which can lead to changes in behaviour. These factors make it easier for the virus to circulate rapidly in the EU and this opens the door to new variants emerging that could evade immunity, spread more easily or cause more severe disease.”

Now that they have attempted to make the public feel responsible for the deaths “of” Covid, then comes the push for more vaccines while, again, making out that it is the behaviour of the public that is to blame, highlighting those who have chosen not to a part of their experiment. And of course, there is no mention that their experimental injections are unsafe and ineffective:

“Among people aged 60 years and over, 7.5 % are still unvaccinated and 16.3 % have not received their first booster. Looking at the vaccination rates in adults, 14.1% of people aged 18 and over are unvaccinated and 35.5 % have not received their first booster.

“While protection from vaccines continues to be high against severe outcomes (severe diseases, hospitalisation and death), protection is also waning, as most people received their last shot several months ago.

“The past 2 years have shown that the EU could face another Covid-19 wave this autumn and winter. With people returning from holidays, schools reopening, and colder weather driving people indoors for social gatherings, infection rates could further spike.

“This communication … urges Member States to put the necessary integrated strategies and measures in place to help avoid a surge of Covid-19 this autumn and winter … Moreover, the Commission calls on Member States for continued coordination of preparedness efforts across the EU, ahead of the next wave and further rollout of vaccination programmes … by continuing to act now, we can limit the expected pressure on our healthcare systems, the disruption of our economies and challenges for our society.”

The only strategy that should be put in place is to immediately halt vaccinations and hold those who have manufactured, supplied, marketed, promoted or administered them accountable for the harm they have caused.

We could pick out all the misinformation and disinformation contained in this document and demonstrate how the overarching plan is to “herd” us into the arms of a waiting one-world health dictatorship under the watchful eye of the World Health Organisation.  But it would make this article unnecessarily lengthy and there is ample information on our website as well as dozens of others who have been warning about this for many months.  So, below we have simply extracted some phrases and statements from the European Commission’s plan to highlight that the hour is near and now is not the time to be complacent.

Vaccines are the Solution

The next three pages of their 14-page communication are focused on vaccines: vaccine development and availability; and rolling out the next Covid vaccination.

“Different vaccines will be made available at different times in the coming weeks and months, Member States should consider both the potential protection offered by adapted vaccines and the benefits of vaccinating people in particular risk groups at the right time … they should be rolled out ahead of the next wave … The priority of national vaccination campaigns should remain improving vaccine uptake of the primary vaccination course and first booster dose.”

Essential Areas for Increased Efforts

The next 8 pages deal with “essential areas for increased efforts.”  Below we have highlighted a few statements contained within the Commissions document which indicate their upcoming plans, a repeat of the failed and harmful policies of 2020/2021.  The emphasis is as per the Commission’s document:


“There is an urgent need to develop and sustain resilient population-based integrated surveillance systems … Data from such surveillance systems will enable countries to closely monitor the spread and intensity of circulating respiratory viruses and to detect changes in trends and the emergence of new variants of concern. This will, in turn, guide control measures and mitigate the impact of new variants. These systems will be a key element at this stage of the pandemic and for possible future cross-border health threats.

“On 18 July 2022, the ECDC and the World Health Organisation Regional Office for Europe published guidance13 with practical advice for countries on setting up effective surveillance systems and ensuring continuity of national surveillance in the 2022-2023 winter season and beyond.

Wastewater-based surveillance has emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic as a complementary tool to gather information on large population groups … 26 Member States have received direct action grants to support wastewater surveillance and related activities.”

Non-pharmaceutical interventions

“Examples of highly effective non-pharmaceutical interventions include wearing masks and more restrictive measures like limiting the size of gatherings. Particularly if such interventions are implemented ahead of or at the beginning of a next wave, their impact will be greatest. It is therefore possible that any of the non-pharmaceutical interventions will need to be reintroduced in the coming months … Other measures such as working from home or limiting the size of mass gatherings.

Political commitment and community engagement are key for the success and the effectiveness of nonpharmaceutical measures.”

Reopening of schools

“As children return to school after the summer break, it is crucial to maintain safe school environments … Important measures such as promoting the vaccination of pupils and staff against Covid-19.”

Strengthening healthcare systems and capacity

“In the summer of 2022, EU health systems continue to face challenges due to an increase in Covid-related hospital admissions and the need to clear the pandemic-induced backlog of non-Covid care.

“More than EUR42 billion in investments are earmarked for fostering better healthcare under adopted recovery and resilience plans, and almost one third of this amount is dedicated to investment and reforms to drive the digitalisation of health systems.”

Use of Covid-19 therapeutics

“To date, eight Covid-19 therapeutics of different categories have been authorised, including six antivirals, addressing different stages and severity of the disease.”

The need for multi-country clinical trials

“The Clinical Trials Regulation allow swifter authorisation of clinical trials across Member States … With the Regulation and the CTIS [Clinical Trials Information System], commercial and non-commercial sponsors can now apply for clinical trial authorisations in up to 30 EU/EEA countries at the same time … Over the coming years … it will ensure that the EU offers an attractive and favourable environment for carrying out clinical research on a large scale.

“The Emergency Task Force, established as part of the EMA’s revised mandate, provides advice on clinical trial protocols, including joint clinical trials, to developers of clinical trials that are carried out in the Union.

“Finally, two EU clinical trial networks have been established under Horizon 2020: one focusing on Covid-19 therapeutics and one for Covid-19 vaccines. The therapeutic trials network includes large-scale adaptive platform trials carried out in intensive care populations, hospitalised patients and primary care patients … The vaccine trial network includes public health focused vaccine trials in the elderly, the general adult population and children.”

Focusing on addressing post-Covid condition (“long-Covid”)

“Emerging evidence suggests that as many as 1 in 8 people who recover from Covid-19 will experience debilitating symptoms lasting much longer than expected, leading to an impaired quality of life … The EU Strategy on Covid-19 therapeutics … acknowledges that post-Covid condition requires a different therapeutic approach to acute Covid-19 … It should be recalled that the best way to prevent the post-Covid condition is to avoid being infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the first place.”

Transport, mobility, travel

“To respond to the specific challenges affecting the transport sector and disruption of the supply chain, the Commission and EU Member States should rely on the tools already developed so far, in particular Green Lanes, Contingency Plan for Transport, and appropriate health protocols.

“Travel restrictions should only be introduced or reintroduced where they are absolutely necessary … Should Member States wish to activate contact tracing of cross-border passengers, common tools, such as the EU Passenger Locator Form, are available to exchange passenger data to enhance their contact tracing capabilities.

“Member States can make use of the EU Digital Covid Certificate in case the epidemiological situation this autumn and winter makes it necessary for countries to temporarily reintroduce travel restrictions. The EU Digital Covid Certificate Regulation, which has been extended until June 2023, provides the necessary framework to manage the impact of restrictions on free movement and to facilitate travel … Possible adaptations to the validity period of certificates issued for the first booster may become necessary.

“The emergency brake procedure agreed in that Council Recommendation 2022/10745 continues to ensure a coordinated approach among Member States in response to the emergence of potential new variants of concern.”

Global Dimension

The Document ends with the EU’s “Global Dimension” boasting “sharing” almost 482 million ineffective and harmful doses of Covid injection with “countries in need.” It remains committed to donation and exportation efforts in the upcoming months “should there be an increased interest for original formulations and adapted vaccines”:

The challenge has clearly shifted to ‘getting shots into arms’ or administering the vaccines received.  This is why, for instance, the EU has put forward a Vaccine Support Package for its African partners … The Commission supports strengthening of national healthcare systems in Africa, for example by engaging at the regional level to improve health security through a One Health approach, digitalisation of health systems and by supporting public health institutes.

“Team Europe has mobilised so far more than EUR 900 million to support building capacities in South Africa, Senegal, Rwanda and Ghana and at regional level for regulatory strengthening and the African Medicines Agency (AMA), the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) and the Partnership for African Vaccine Manufacturing. Within the framework of matchmaking events, the EU has been enhancing collaboration between African and European companies concerning the value chains of the pharma and medical technology industry. The EU has also launched a new initiative on local manufacturing of vaccines and medicines to support efforts in Latin-America and the Caribbean.

“Moreover, the EU is actively contributing, alongside the US and other global partners, to the successful implementation of the Global Action Plan to beat the pandemic.

“The fight against anti-vaccination mis- and disinformation should be continuously addressed globally.

“Lastly, the EU believes it is vitally important to build on the lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and to strengthen the global health architecture – with a reinforced WHO at its centre. The EU is determined to be a driving force in the negotiations on a new, legally binding, international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response [WHO’s pandemic treaty] and on targeted amendments to strengthen the International Health Regulations 2005 … Moreover, the new Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response, to which Team Europe has already pledged at least52 EUR 588 million, will provide funding to support pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, including the implementation of the amended International Health Regulations and the new international agreement on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

“The forthcoming EU global health strategy will provide the political framework with priorities, governance and tools, enabling the EU to speak with one influential voice and making the most of Team Europe’s capacity to protect and promote health globally.”

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One Response to “Coming This Winter: The European Commission Pushes EU States Towards WHO’s Pandemic Treaty”

  1. Belyi says:

    I receive eheadlines every day from our local paper as I don’t waste money buying it. Today it announced that despite this being the 8th wave (can’t tell how they work it out as the article was behind a pay wall) people don’t seem to be very interested so muzzles and distancing are off the agenda for the moment.

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