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The UK’s Looking for a New Prime Minister – I’m Thinking of Applying for the Job

I’m thinking of applying to become the next UK Prime Minister (“PM”).  Yes, there are party rules for choosing a PM but I figured since our politicians have broken our social contract with them, their rules no longer apply.  On that basis, I’m seeing the job as “open to all, apply within.”

This is a personal opinion piece and please note it is tagged as “opinion” to emphasise that. I need to mention this at the outset because I wouldn’t want you to think it represents The Exposé and think poorly of them when they do such great work.

My Political Credentials

I know nothing about politics: I don’t follow politics and, in a nutshell, know next to nothing about it.  If you asked me to name more than five UK Members of Parliament (“MPs”) I’d probably need prompting when I reached number four, and even then, I may add some that are not MPs – for example, Nicola Sturgeon (I had to Google that to make sure I spelt her name correctly and that she was indeed not an MP).

I have no interest in politics: My lack of interest stems from a view that it’s mainly a game played by rich kids with little or no other prospects in their lives.  Wealthy parents, realising from when their child at a young age was too spoilt to be productive in society, pushed their child towards a career that they could buy with well-placed and sizeable contributions to certain organisations or causes.

For some it is a hereditary thing, of course – there’s already a politician in the family so that opens a lot of doors. In this respect, I have to say I score some brownie points.  There are politicians in my ancestry, albeit two to three generations ago.  But for some reason, politics didn’t follow down through the generations as is the case with some who like to keep things in the family.  And, knowing what I know about my ancestors’ lives it would be fair to say, and I don’t feel I’m being biased here, they lived in a time and place where there may have been some semblance of morality left in politics.

I can’t keep secrets: The whole notion that knowledge is power and the person who has accumulated the most knowledge, particularly about their opponents, has all the power is completely nonsensical to me.  This requires an innate ability to keep the knowledge acquired “secret,” a mentality I struggle to comprehend. Why would anyone want to gain sufficient knowledge simply to keep it a secret and then only to use it as a weapon? I simply can’t understand why anyone would want to live such a life – continuously looking for “knowledge” and making sure someone else doesn’t find damning “knowledge” about you or the damning “knowledge” you have about them.

I’m a failure at plotting and scheming:  Politicians spend most of their time plotting and scheming, how to manipulate and get others to do their bidding.  They’re not actually doing anything constructive or productive, but simply sitting in meetings, making plans – most of which are to satisfy those who put them in that position in the first place.  I can’t see being able to take any pride in doing this sort of “work” and I can’t imagine there’s any self-respect or self-satisfaction in earning money from such activities.  Doing an honest day’s work and knowing at the end of the day we did the best we could, that’s what makes us hold our heads up high.

I find it difficult to lie: We all tell “little white lies” because if we didn’t, we wouldn’t be able to get along with anyone.  Here’s an example of a little white lie: a mother proudly shows off her new-born – the ugliest baby you’ve ever seen – and you put on your broadest smile, cross your fingers behind your back and say “oh, what a gorgeous baby you have, you must be so pleased.”

But politicians go way beyond little white lies.  If they can get away with it, their lies know no bounds.  This I wouldn’t be able to do. When people have casually asked in the past – during the usual “politicians are corrupt, corruption comes with the job” conversations – why don’t I stand in an election, my answer has always been: “I’ll never succeed. If by some miracle I was elected, those in Whitehall would eat me for breakfast … because I’m too honest.”

I don’t want to be a politician:  Who would?

I think we’ve established I’m completely unsuitable for the job and I’m sure there are many more reasons why I shouldn’t be UK’s next PM. I’m not going to lie to you, in short, I would make a disastrous PM. However, considering our most recent 45 day’er, I feel the fact that I would be useless at it shouldn’t discount me completely as a potential candidate.

So, I’m thinking of making an application for the job of PM.  You never know, I could be the disaster the UK needs to derail the Globalists’ plans.  But, first the advert:

My Job Application: “Stay at Home, Protect the Public, Save Lives”

I thought I would begin with a winning statement: “I will hit the ground running” and “deliver.”  (It worked for Liz Truss so I’m feeling hopeful.)  If I were made PM, I would impose certain measures.  The measures wouldn’t apply to everyone or equally but only to a select few.

These measures are necessary to keep the UK from collapsing under the pressure of corruption. To put it simply, if too many people are corrupt at one time the UK will be unable to handle it – meaning more people are likely to die.

All MPs, SAGE members and all other government advisors must go into lockdown – “Stay at Home, Protect the Public, Save Lives.” If they are on holiday abroad at the time these rules come into force, they must return home immediately.  On arrival in the UK, they must go directly home and stay at home.

They must close their businesses, their children must not go to school, they must observe strict physical distancing – including no contact with members of other households – and their social events (including weddings and funerals) must be postponed.  They should not be meeting with friends.  If their friends ask to meet with them, they must say “no.” They should only leave home to shop for basic necessities or for doing one form of exercise a day. Initially, they will not require paperwork to go outside. However, tighter restrictions may be implemented if deemed necessary.

If someone in their household falls ill, they must not go to the hospital or visit the doctor’s surgery.  Instead, they should wait a few days to see if their condition gets worse and if it does, then they should phone, not visit, a doctor.  The doctor, or the receptionist, will phone them back, make a diagnosis and give instructions as to what they should do next.

They must register on a track and trace app so that their movements and their contacts can be monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  If they don’t voluntarily sign up for the app, we will use their smart devices to monitor them – the use of bracelets could be an option. All virtual meetings, text messages, phone calls, and social media and email accounts will be monitored. Any disinformation or misinformation they spread, online or in the media, will be censored.

Police will have the power to enforce these rules. Police will break up gatherings of MPs and their advisors and fine those flouting rules.  Should they not pay the fines then action will be sought in the courts.

During their stay-at-home order, they will be paid 80% of their salary up to a maximum of £2,500 per month.

These measures will be reviewed after three weeks to enable investigations to take place into the role each official has played. But investigations could take some time and so restrictions could be imposed for a year or more.

We are fighting corruption, when the information changes of course we must change course too.  For example, it may be that restrictions for some are relaxed as investigations allow and then subsequently new evidence comes to light which justifies restrictions to be tightened again.  During investigations, we could also discover things are twice as bad as anything seen earlier.  On the other hand, it is also right to try every option before issuing another stay-at-home order. It is a matter of weighing up the risks versus the benefits. And of course, we must remain flexible as to whom stay-at-home orders apply. As investigations progress there may be others, outside of government and their advisors, who should have lockdowns and restrictions placed on them.

I don’t have details on what the next steps should be. We are living in unprecedented times and we will have to review the information and make the best decisions we can based on the information we have at the time.

What do you think?  Do you think I’ll get the job? … Hopefully not.

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