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Informed Consent Stampeded Out of Way in Rush to Get Everyone Injected

A vaccine harm support group campaigner is pleading with health bosses to ensure the public is given informed consent over covid injections.  Jackie Fletcher is from Justice, Awareness and Basic Support (JABS).  Her son, Robert, suffered catastrophic brain injuries as a result of an MMR childhood vaccine in the 1990s and she has been campaigning ever since to raise awareness of vaccine harm.

Jackie and Robert Fletcher

All people, and this includes parents too, have a right to make an informed consent for themselves or their child. The standard for Informed Consent is set by the UK Supreme Court’s Montgomery ruling of 2015. In relation to Covid-19 injections, as they are being offered under an emergency measure certificate and therefore still going through the vaccine trial process the Nuremberg Code of 1947 also applies.

For an informed decision to be made the person must be given all the information about what the medical procedure or vaccination involves. The benefits and risks must be explained in relation to the individual’s personal health status, age and sex. The person must be told of any reasonable alternatives to what is being offered and what the risks will be if the procedure or vaccination does not take place.

Has the government put in place necessary procedures and instructions for health professionals to follow this legal requirement and for patients and parents to have the time to make a considered decision?

In a heartbreaking interview with Holding the Line, Fletcher claims she was not given informed consent about the risks involved. She believes millions of others in the UK are also not being told about the pros and cons of the covid injections.

She said: “What we are finding is that informed consent is being stampeded out of the way, particularly with the covid injections. In the haste to get everyone vaccinated they have not allowed for sufficient time to personalise it in relation to the individual, to determine the risk in terms of their age, sex and health situation, and to discuss the alternatives, so the person is fully informed and able to make a proper judgement.  It is very much, let’s see how fast we can get people through the system.”

The covid injection drive-in centres were a clear example of informed consent being “bulldozed out the way” by the medical profession. It was impossible for those administering the injections in those circumstances to offer clear advice, in private, and for personal implications to be fully discussed, especially if there were multiple people in the vehicle. JABS also had serious concerns about young people being encouraged to keep returning for covid injection boosters when they were not at significant risk from the disease.

Click on the image below to watch the video on Odysee.

Journalists Against Censorship, Holding the Line: HTL interviews Jackie Fletcher from Justice, Awareness and Basic Support (JABS) about injection harm and informed consent, 17 October 2022 (28 mins)

By Henry Widdas

A vaccine harm support group campaigner is pleading with health bosses to ensure the public is given informed consent over covid injections.

Jackie Fletcher, whose son suffered catastrophic brain injuries as a result of a vaccine, is making the call as non-covid excess deaths spike around the world.

Some scientists are blaming the covid injections, while shocking data from Pfizer shows its covid injections have clear links with deaths and severe health issues (see links below).

Mrs Fletcher, who is from Wigan, set up Justice, Awareness and Basic Support (JABS) in 1994 after her then 13-month-old son, Robert, was left severely disabled by the measles part of his MMR vaccine.

It wasn’t until Robert was 19 years old, and after extensive legal battles, that this harm was acknowledged by the government and compensation provided by the taxpayer-funded Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme.

In a heartbreaking interview with Holding the Line, Mrs Fletcher claims she was not given informed consent about the risks involved. She believes millions of others in the UK are also not being told about the pros and cons of the covid injections.

The principle of informed consent is enshrined in medical ethics and law. It means a patient must have sufficient information and understanding from a medical officer before making decisions about their medical care.

And from that informed consent, Mrs Fletcher says, the patient also has the right to decline the medical procedure.

Mrs Fletcher believes that there are many thousands of people in the UK now suffering with covid injection harm who will be facing the resistance of the medical establishment when they seek acknowledgement of the harm done to them and try to claim compensation.

She said: “What we are finding is that informed consent is being stampeded out of the way, particularly with the covid injections.

“In the haste to get everyone vaccinated they have not allowed for sufficient time to personalise it in relation to the individual, to determine the risk in terms of their age, sex and health situation, and to discuss the alternatives, so the person is fully informed and able to make a proper judgement.

“It is very much, let’s see how fast we can get people through the system.”

She said the covid injection drive-in centres were a clear example of informed consent being “bulldozed out the way” by the medical profession.

She said it was impossible for those administering the injections in those circumstances to offer clear advice, in private, and for personal implications to be fully discussed, especially if there were multiple people in the vehicle.

She said JABS also had serious concerns about young people being encouraged to keep returning for covid injection boosters when they were not at significant risk from the disease.

For younger people deciding to be injected in order to protect elderly loved ones, Mrs Fletcher said it was important that they consider the risk/benefits for themselves and not for other people.

This advice is arguably even more relevant in the light of a report by the British Medical Journal from February 2022 that claimed the treatment does not reduce transmission by reducing viral load (link below).

Mrs Fletcher said the government’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had a duty to collect and investigate reports on all adverse reactions.

But she said: “Our experience with the MHRA over the years is that it has continually failed to address this situation. We know they do not automatically follow up.

“I have attended meetings with the senior executives of MHRA and I asked them whether when they receive a Yellow Card report (the system used to report injection harm), do they follow it up six months later to see if the person has fully recovered or if their condition has further deteriorated? And they have said that it is difficult enough to get a doctor to fill in a form in the first place so to get them to follow it up is very hard to do.

“That seems bizarre for a health watchdog. They should be duty-bound to make sure what is being given and pressed forward in the fastest possible way is safe.”

Mrs Fletcher said that although the MHRA had upheld its duty in 2008 when it withdrew its recommendation for the H1N1 vaccine after a very few cases of narcolepsy began to emerge, the covid injection was another story.

“The Government’s MHRA has had over a million suspected adverse reactions reported including deaths after the Covid-19 injections.

“The Government knows vaccines can cause harm but the onus is on the individual to substantiate that they have been more than 60% harmed by the product and that there was no other medical explanation.

“Parents and individuals who set out to apply for a vaccine damage payment expect the arbitration system to be fair and impartial but it is very much a case of, you prove it and if you can’t, go away.

“So people now faced with a severe covid vaccine reaction don’t realise what kind of turmoil they are setting themselves up for to try and access what is a derisory amount in the first place.

“It is now £120,000 but if you have died or your partner has been severely harmed and can no longer work, and might have had 30 years of work ahead of them, that is a lot of money to lose because they hadn’t been warned that these side-effects could occur.

She said more investigative journalists needed to explore these issues as it was difficult to get the information out there, particularly with tech giant censorship.

Jackie and Robert Fletcher

Mrs Fletcher was inspired to set up JABS after realising she was not suffering alone with her son Robert’s devastating brain injury from the MMR injection.

Upon contacting various health agencies about the harm done to her son, an advertisement was put in the local free newspapers asking if anyone else had suffered similar issues.

Around 30 families came forward and a meeting was set up at Wigan Town Hall for them all to attend. From that meeting JABS was formed, and it has been campaigning ever since.

Holding the Line approached the MHRA for a comment, asking if it followed up on Yellow Card reports of injection harm.

It responded to say that it “may” follow up on Yellow Card reports and that these reports by members of the public did not necessarily mean that the injuries were caused by the treatment, and that they could be coincidental.

An MHRA spokesperson said: “The Yellow Card scheme is one of several sources of evidence we use when evaluating the safety of vaccines. We analyse the Yellow Card reports submitted to us and seek independent advice from the Commission of Human Medicine’s Vaccine Benefit-Risk EWG as part of a robust vaccine surveillance strategy.

“As stated in our summary of coronavirus Yellow Card reporting, a report of a suspected side effect to the Yellow Card scheme does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine, only that the reporter has a suspicion it may have.

“Underlying or previously undiagnosed illness unrelated to vaccination can also be factors in such reports. The relative number and nature of reports should therefore not be used to compare the safety of the different vaccines. All reports are kept under continual review in order to identify possible new risks.

“Levels of spontaneous reporting vary depending on awareness and the seriousness of the event. For that reason we use a range of tools and approaches to ensure that events are not occurring more frequently than they would in the general population, or in Clinical Trials.

“We will enhance this system by analysing reports in the context of near real-time information to allow continuous evaluation of the ‘observed’ number of reports of a suspected serious side effect compared to ‘expected’ numbers – i.e. based on the naturally-occurring rate that would normally happen in a given time period in the same sized cohort and in the absence of vaccination.

“We encourage anyone to report any suspicion or concern they have – reporters do not need to be sure of a link between a medicine or vaccine and a suspected side effect and encouraged to report if in doubt. Every report is taken seriously, and we may get in contact with reporters to obtain further information.”

Related links:

Featured image: Think you ever signed for a vaccine with “informed” consent? Think again – – not even close!


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5 Responses to “Informed Consent Stampeded Out of Way in Rush to Get Everyone Injected”

  1. Occams says:

    Small wonder; With Australia reporting an over-70% miscarriage rate in pregnancy, no mystery as to ;why’ they want everyone vaxxed.

    Just wait, Purebloods. The show has only just begun

  2. newensign says:

    It still amazes me how many people believe it is for their good! Here is an interesting take on the scam:

  3. ian says:

    I was contacted by my lifelong friend at the weekend. He said, his daughter and family were away this week, and him and ‘Liv were at their small holding. A tiny place with about an acre of land, a horse, some hens, and a dog or two. The hens are truly free range, and the eggs are beautiful. He said pop over one day this week, and I’ll give you some eggs. I went over today, and took them a fresh loaf. I sat and talked to them for a an hour and a half or so over a cup of tea and some cake. Ron is an excellent cyclist, though too old to compete anymore, and as I was leaving, I asked if he’d been out cycling, he said no as he still has a really sore arm from the flu/Covid booster which they both got yesterday. I do so wish he’d told me when he phoned me. Bugger.

  4. Tapestry says:

    I tried to warn people but they either laughed at me, or thought I was weird and to be avoided. I wish they’d make up their minds. If I’m weird I can’t be funny, right. Now it’s ongoing tragedy watching the results. It feels like it’s just too late to warn anyone now. You wonder when the killing will end. There is a political party that works against the slaughter in its online campaigning. The Teds. No one else as far as I know. Avxers won’t believe there is any political solution to the problem. Yet political intervention is the only way the killing can be stopped.

  5. newensign says:

    Yes Tap, its a hard slog trying to warn people of the V dangers, but the way I look at it is we have done our duty and warned them. What they do with the advise is up to them, they can’t come back and say why did you not tell us! A friend told me of a man who got very ill when he had the first jab, all he could say was how glad he had the jab as he would have been a lot worse!!! The Government is very shaky at the moment, so perhaps the TED’s time will come quicker than they think!

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