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Court to hear allegations of abuse by Mountbatten at Belfast home

by | Oct 17, 2022 | 0 comments

Conor Macauley – RTE.com Oct 16, 2022

A Belfast court will hear allegations this week that a senior member of the British royal family abused a young boy at a notorious children’s home in the city in the 1970s.

Arthur Smyth, a one time resident of Kincora, has waived his anonymity to make allegations against Lord Louis Mountbatten, an uncle of King Charles III.

Lord Mountbatten was murdered along with three other people when the IRA detonated a bomb on his boat in Mullaghmore, Co Sligo, in 1979.

The Kincora boys home in east Belfast, the site of alleged child abuse during the 1970s. Click to enlarge

Mr Smyth’s solicitor, Kevin Winters, said the allegations would form part of a civil action against state bodies responsible for the care of children in Kincora.

“He alleges to have been abused twice as an 11-year-old by the deceased royal,” Mr Winters said.

“It’s the first time that someone has stepped forward to take allegations against Lord Mountbatten into a court.

“That decision hasn’t been taken lightly. He understands only too well that it will be a deeply unpopular case with many people coming as it does within weeks of the passing of the queen.

“However, litigation involving mental, physical and sex abuse isn’t undertaken to deliberately offend sensitivities. It’s taken for many reasons including exposing perpetrators and the institutions or other agencies which helped suppress the truth.

Mr Smyth now lives in Australia. He told the Sunday Life Newspaper he had been abused by Lord Mountbatten in 1977 but only realised who he was two years later from news reports after his murder.

The police are also part of the legal action because of their failure to adequately investigate allegations about the children’s home which were first raised in the early seventies.

A public inquiry into historical abuse at a series of institutions reported in 2017.

It found that 39 boys had been abused over the years at Kincora, and children there had been let down by the state.

Three former Kincora staff were jailed in 1981 for abusing 11 boys. They have since died.

The public inquiry found no evidence to substantiate claims that security force agencies had been complicit in the abuse.

A report by Northern Ireland’s Police Ombudsman last month found major deficiencies in how the then RUC had responded to abuse complaints raised by residents at the time and said officers had failed in their duty to the victims.

The PSNI, which replaced the RUC, apologised.




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4 Responses to “Court to hear allegations of abuse by Mountbatten at Belfast home”

  1. ian says:

    Another very expensive distraction. Old Dandruff Mountbatton abused kids all his life.

    • Aldous says:

      Hi Ian. I saw your earlier article on the Southampton hospital and was going to post this:

      I remember that day very well when Mountbatten was assassinated but what I remember mostly was the Warren Point carnage on the same day.
      From memory the first bomb hidden on a parked trailer that killed about six soldiers was a trap to draw the main target in for the main bomb.
      The IRA had studied British Army tactics and had a good idea where to place the bomb(s) hidden in milk churns. When this went off, 12 more soldiers were killed and a lieutenant colonel leading them was never found as the blast was that massive.
      The British Army’s day was complete when two innocent onlookers across the border in Eire were mistaken for the bombers and shot at killing one of them.
      I think the massacre was in retaliation for so-called Bloody Sunday.
      Mountbatten had been advised it wasn’t safe (to go to Eire) and there were serious security issues. The security around the small boat (for instance) that he used was very well known and common sense safeguards virtually non existent.
      Placing a bomb on it must have been child’s play. Talking of which, I think a young lad was killed alongside him.
      A very bad day but especially for the young lad and the innocent onlooker in Eire.
      Squaddies know that they are legit targets and Mountbatten was warned about making the trip but obviously thought he was untouchable.
      He was wrong.

      • ian says:

        Yes Aldous I remember it too. If I remember correctly, the army handbook instructed soldiers to regroup nearby after an attack on them which they did in a large lay-by. This was anticipated and the lay-by was boobytrapped.

  2. Aldous says:

    I doubt much if anything will come from the court hearing as the ‘allegations’ go back to 1977 – 45 years ago or two generations by the usual definition.
    Cui bono and why now I’m asking myself?
    Justice delayed is justice denied and it doesn’t come much more delayed than 45 years and counting.
    “Lord Mountbatten was murdered along with three other people when the IRA detonated a bomb on his boat in Mullaghmore, Co Sligo, in 1979.”
    I don’t agree with that wording because four people may have been killed but one of them was assassinated. The other three were bystanders who were in the wrong place at the wrong time as it were.
    There are degrees of ‘murder’ (as it were) and I’m not exactly sure where Mountbatten’s killing categorizes.
    I wouldn’t want to see some killer sent to the electric chair for killing such a monster but I wouldn’t want to encourage it either by turning a blind eye. It’s a conundrum.
    Revenge is a dish best served cold but remember to dig a grave for oneself as well as the one being revenged upon.
    Arthur Smyth saw a kind of justice in 1979 and I can’t see any good coming out of this in 2022.

    British-American Is Executed in Georgia
    April 8, 1995

    Nicholas Lee Ingram, a 31-year-old British-American whose death sentence for a killing here 11 years ago had created an outcry in England, was executed tonight after a one-day delay in which his lawyers went all the way to the United States Supreme Court in an effort to overturn his sentence.

    The execution by electric chair took place shortly after 9 P.M. at the Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Center, a 1,400-inmate prison in Jackson, about 40 miles south of Atlanta. Mr. Ingram was pronounced dead at 9:15 P.M.

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