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Hungary asks the people – do you support sanctions against Russia?

Far from being the so-called “fascist” that his foes never tire of fearmongering that he supposedly is, Orban is objectively the last remaining practitioner of true Western Democracy in the world.

Over a month and a half after “The German Foreign Minister Discredited The Entire Concept Of Western Democracy” by stubbornly declaring that her government will continue sanctioning Russia despite the hardships that this has brought upon the German people, Hungary rose to the occasion to save that very same concept through its forthcoming national consultation on this issue. Prime Minister Orban, who’s a bonafide conservative-multipolar visionary that vowed to double down on his independent foreign policy in complete defiance of his country’s political enemies after winning re-election, will solicit his people’s feedback on seven questions of relevance to their national wellbeing that read as follows:

“1. Do you agree with the Brussels oil sanctions?

2. Do you agree with the sanctions on natural gas supplies?

3. Do you agree with the sanctions on raw materials?

4. Do you agree with sanctions on nuclear fuel?

5. Do you agree that the Paks investment should be covered by the sanctions?

6. Do you agree with sanctions which have the effect of restricting tourism?

7. Do you agree with the sanctions that are causing rising food prices?”

Through mail-in polling to each household in order to assess its citizens’ stance on the position that their elected representatives should have towards this issue, Hungary is practicing the purest form of Western Democracy. It’s also wisely seeking to avoid the protests that rocked nearby Prague in early September, which were caused not by “Russian propaganda” like Czech officials falsely claimed, but by those same officials’ counterproductive policies connected to the anti-Russian sanctions. Far from being the so-called “fascist” that his foes never tire of fearmongering that he supposedly is, Orban is objectively the last remaining practitioner of true Western Democracy in the world.

This observation leads to several “politically incorrect” conclusions. First, the bloc’s most comparatively Russian-friendly state is also its most democratic. Second, its leadership sincerely values feedback from their citizens when formulating its policy towards the EU’s anti-Russian sanctions. Third, if a majority of people reject Brussels’ demands, then it would be anti-democratic for the bloc to punish Hungary for refusing to comply with them. Fourth, Budapest’s example could inspire other EU societies to peacefully rally for similar consultations on this issue. And finally, judging by the German Foreign Minister’s stubborn stance, Berlin might encourage its vassals to violently crack down on those demonstrations.

The takeaway is that those states on radical anti-Russian trajectories also happen to be the least democratic despite their rhetoric to the contrary, which exposes this concept as hollow whenever it’s referenced by their representatives. They took for granted that their people were successfully brainwashed into regarding Western Democracy as a “secular religion” whose “political priests” can’t be questioned, yet that and this artificially manufactured “faith” itself were always nothing but illusions that were just exposed as fake after folks finally had to choose between this sacrificing for this “belief system” or preserving their own socio-economic wellbeing.

Instead of deferring to their own people by having them democratically decide how their elected representatives should formulate related policies, the EU elite (many of whom were never directly elected) believe that “they know better” and aren’t afraid to forcefully impose their will onto everyone else in the event that those very same people peacefully rally for their own national consultations. Considering this, there’s no doubt that Western Democracy no longer exists in practice anywhere in the world apart from Hungary, having transformed into a unipolar-liberal dictatorship that’s nowadays completely disconnected from the desires of everyday people exactly as President Putin recently noted.


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This article was originally published on OneWorld.

Andrew Korybko is an American Moscow-based political analyst specializing in the relationship between the US strategy in Afro-Eurasia, China’s One Belt One Road global vision of New Silk Road connectivity, and Hybrid Warfare. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

He is a regular contributor to Global Research.

Featured image: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (Source: NEO)

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