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Within Mere Months, Moderna’s COVID “Vaccine” Efficacy Turns Into AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE

Well, we have warned and warned and been censored all over the place on this subject and yet, those responsible for the experimental COVID shots are not the only murderers in this plannedemic.  Those who have openly censored the people trying to warn of the dangers of the shot are just as guilty for running interference for their Big Pharma sugar daddies.  Now, it’s becoming clear that the shots are doing nothing but creating disease, not stopping it.

Ethan Huff has the latest on the Moderna shot, fraudulently referred to as a “vaccine,” as it is now clear that it is doing nothing but creating autoimmune diseases.

New research conducted by Moderna in partnership with the Kaiser Permanente healthcare group reveals that the company’s messenger RNA-based (mRNA) Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” cause the immune system to turn against itself in just a few months.

Also known as negative efficacy, the phenomenon involves progressive immune degradation in a manner similar to AIDS and other autoimmune diseases. In essence, the “fully vaccinated” become walking immune time bombs that Moderna claims require additional injection intervention.

It appears that the only reason Moderna even piloted this new damning study is to market new and additional shots to “fix” the problem created by the first round of shots. (Related: Moderna’s entire existence is nothing more than a stock market pump-and-dump scam.)

After 150 days, the company says, its first mRNA injections remain above 50 percent “effective” against BA.1, a so-called “sub-variant” of the Omicron, or Moronic in anagram, variant. The first two shots and initial booster are not, however, effective against any of the other variants or subvariants, the company claims.

The primary double-dose and booster regimen produces negative efficacy against the “currently dominant BA.5” subvariant after just a few months, the company claims. The same is true for BA.2, BA.4, and BA.1.12.1, though at varying intervals.

“Negative effectiveness means that a vaccinated person is more likely to contract COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, than an unvaccinated person,” one report explains.

Getting triple-jabbed increases risk of covid infection, Moderna admits

All in all, getting the first three “doses” of Moderna’s mRNA offerings for the Fauci Flu is a really great way to destroy your natural immune system, the company now admits.

It is that third booster, the company insists, that causes immune resistance to turn negative, leaving a person prone to infection with “covid.” Negative efficacy could also “be due to differential risk behaviors among vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals when protection from antibodies becomes minimal,” the company says.

Hung Fu Tseng, a Kaiser researcher in Southern California, refused to provide any comment or explanation for these claims. All he would say is that the manuscript produced by his employer “is under review by a journal.”

“I can’t comment on your questions now,” he told The Epoch Times in an email. “I can, however, answer your question[s] when it is accepted.”

The paper was published ahead of peer review completion in medRxiv, a pre-print server that captures pre-print studies such as this one preview and evaluation.

Similar research out of Sweden also confirmed that covid injections, not just from Moderna but also from the other companies involved in Operation Warp Speed, do, in fact, give people vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS), which is basically what this all is.

“Somewhat implausibly, we even observed a negative VE against Omicron infection from week 14, indicating that vaccinated individuals experienced a higher risk of infection than those unvaccinated,” those researchers wrote in their pre-print paper.

“This may relate to harvesting bias in this analysis of the first event of a common outcome (as infection with Omicron is getting close to ubiquitous in many areas now). More unvaccinated individuals had already been infected, leaving a larger pool of vaccinated individuals susceptible to their first infection later by Omicron.”

“As a result, a higher risk among vaccinated individuals might be observed for a limited time period.”

We fully expect Moderna to use these revelations as justification for the release of more, and more, and more mRNA injections to cover up the tracks of the previous ones. Those who took the initial series of mRNA injections will likely have to continue getting injected for the rest of their lives, all for the mere chance of maybe not dying early.


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3 Responses to “Within Mere Months, Moderna’s COVID “Vaccine” Efficacy Turns Into AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE”

  1. Gordon says:

    This is for Weaver to get it out to the world.

    The Vaccine Conspiracy and the Pandemic of the Vaccinated

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