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Mass Poisoning Event: killer lies – another whopper heaves into view. When will the arrests start?


Intro by The Masked Writer

Apparently the “speed of science” according to the numpty testifying to the EU Parliament on behalf of the criminal organisation known as Pfizer, is the same as the speed of not doing any science.

The excuse given for not bothering to test the key function required of any alleged “vaccine”, its ability to prevent transmission of a disease, was the “urgency” of having to “protect” people  from an alleged bug that probably never existed in the first place or if it did had a very low fatality rate and was of comparable threat to a cold or a dose of the flu.

So these criminal clowns protected millions of people from something the vast majority didn’t need protecting from by having them injected with a biochemical agent that they didn’t know would protect them because they were in such a hurry to protect them they didn’t bother to test it to find out.

And all this whilst remedies such as Ivermectin and Hydrochloroquine they knew damn well DID provide considerable protection were decried, victimised and shunned.

Fellow criminals such as Bil Gates and the whole sorry crew of degenerate psychopaths then promoted as “effective” something they could not possibly know was effective. Indeed, the injection of millions has known shown these jabs to be the opposite of effective with the jabbed at greater risk from “Covid” than the unjabbed and the millions who did not buy the hype and refused the jab breathing a huge sigh of relief at having made the right judgement call.

They promoted the jabs as safe as well and we already now know that the shots are far from safe and millions of duped citizens will pay the price for that lie with lifelong illness an in many cases an early death.

The crimes are so huge they boggle the imagination. And that is probably what protects the perpetrators of this mass poisoning event: it is hard for sane people to imagine the homicidal depravity of which the small percentage of the insane among us are capable. The viciousness is so ugly the mind is repelled.

Meanwhile these criminals are so well protected  by their accomplices in government and the media that not one has as yet been arrested and brought to trial.

If you or I had engaged in a program of mass-injecting our fellow human beings with a dangerous chemical on false pretenses, resulting in thousands upon thousands of injuries and deaths, we’d already be swinging from the gallows.

So how about we apply the principles of accountability and justice equally to all, even rich psychopaths?

Pfizer Exec admits “We never tested vaccine against transmission”


A senior Pfizer executive has admitted under oath that the company never tested their Covid “vaccine” to see if it prevented transmission.

Pfizer’s Chief Executive in Charge of Developing Markets Janine Small was testifying in front of the European Parliament’s Special Committee on Covid19 on Monday, when Dutch MEP Rob Roos asked:

Was the Pfizer Covid vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?”

Small then replied:

Regarding the question around, um, did we know about stopping the immunisation [sic] before it entered the market? No, heh,”

She further defended that decision by arguing Pfizer had to “move at the speed of science”.

Now, that the so-called “vaccines” don’t prevent transmission of the alleged virus knowns as “SARSCOV2” is far from news. We’ve known that for well over a year. It’s as undeniable as the fact this “virus” has never been associated with any new disease or that “COVID” is just a new name for old symptoms. The fact the whole thing is a scam has been clearly defined in the official literature for some time.

However, Pfizer admitting they never even tried to test it is news. It has long been suspected, given the incredibly short development time, but now it is confirmed.

To repeat, they have now admitted on record that from the very beginning they had no idea if their “vaccine” prevented transmission or not.

So everyone who said it did was knowingly lying.

The mainstream media has gone into revisionist history mode over this news, saying that nobody ever claimed the vaccines prevented transmission.

That is a complete and utter lie. See this handy video:


Everyone who claimed you needed to get vaccinated to “slow the spread” was lying.

Everyone who claimed it was a duty to “protect others” was lying. Covid passports, qr codes, none of it was based on any science at all.

To quote Rob Roos MEP again:

Get vaccinated for others” was always a lie. The only purpose of the #COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated.

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