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WEF Attendee Liz Truss Says British Economy “Needs A Reset” As Market Conditions Worsen

New British PM Elizabeth Truss has been touted by many including the mainstream media as a “far-right” politician with wide appeal to British conservatives.  This is fast becoming a prerequisite ideological position to take in Europe as the open border/socialist policies of leftist political leaders are leaving the EU in economic ruins and as they approach an energy based catastrophe not seen since WWII.

Boris Johnson revealed himself to be nowhere near as conservative as many initially believed with his support of draconian covid mandates, stopping just short of enforcing vaccine passports but still requiring proof of vaccination for major venues.  All this while holding lavish parties at his official residence during the lockdowns he helped enforce.  Adding to the problem were Johnson’s tax increases in the midst of an inflationary crisis, which led to widespread public discontent and his eventual resignation.

When Truss became a potential candidate to replace Johnson some in the alternative media warned that her ongoing associations with the World Economic Forum and attendance at Davos events might be a red flag of another political pretender playing at being conservative while actually serving the interests of globalist institutions.  This was, of course, called conspiracy theory by “fact checkers” in the MSM.

It is a concrete reality that the new PM has been a participant in the Davos meetings held by the World Economic Forum, a central hub of globalism that acts as a think tank and propaganda mill where new narratives are born.  Specifically, the WEF is most known for its “Great Reset” mantra, which is part of founder Klaus Schwab’s “4th Industrial Revolution” concept.  A key focus of the Great Reset is something called the “Shared Economy,” which is described as the complete erasure of private property and the implementation of communist-like governance over individual economic participation.

The Shared Economy is the source of the phrase “You will own nothing and be happy,” which actually comes from an article written by the WEF and published by Forbes Magazine titled ‘Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better.’

Far from being a “conspiracy theory,” the Great Reset is commonly presented by the WEF as the ultimate end game – An agenda, not just an idea.  This has rightly caused concern among the public, because many WEF concepts that are presented at Davos end up being adopted by major governments and instituted into law.  And, many Davos attendees tend to climb the political ladder rather quickly into positions of significant power.

Any legitimate conservative leader or candidate would therefore know about globalist terminology such are the term “Reset” and try to avoid using it at all costs.

No right wing leader would want to be associated with a globalist agenda that the majority of conservatives would rather go to war against.

It could be taken as a limited gaff or mistake, but Truss’ recent use of the term raises eyebrows considering her past affiliations with the WEF.  She states that:

“We believe in making it easier for our wealth creators, doers and makers to get things done…

Britain’s economy needs a reset. We cannot continue on the current trajectory of managed decline. Instead, we must take a new direction. I will lead us down that path to a better future.”

This comment was made not long after Truss addressed the plunge of the Pound and the near bankruptcy of the UK pension system.

A key requirement built into any economic “reset” would be the collapse of the old model.  Truss might simply be describing what is likely to happen rather than what she wants to happen, but she does present the concept of a reset as a solution, and not as a threat.  Meaning, she should be watched carefully by conservatives.


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4 Responses to “WEF Attendee Liz Truss Says British Economy “Needs A Reset” As Market Conditions Worsen”

  1. sovereigntea says:

    Nazis & Bolsheviks the twin pincers of Satan working together as one.

    We see this in Zelensky too


  2. sovereigntea says:

    Surely @Trussliz cant be channelling Lenin ?

    “The way to crush the bourgeoisie (Marxism use for ‘working class’) is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” -Vladimir Lenin

    • Mick says:

      The bourgeoisie refers to the middle classes, but mostly their authority figures like bureaucrats and administrators who keep the status quo – people like police commissioners, mayors, magistrates, tax and customs inspectors.

      Marx often used the term working class, and Trotsky said if you must work for a living because you have no wealth to support you, then you are working class – not to be confused with the toiling class of course. Marx said, “Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains.” How on earth people fall for the nonsense the elites are Marxists I don’t know, but if they don’t know left from right do they know ass from elbow?

      To understand how and where bosses and owners rip off the workers maybe take a look at Marx’ Surplus Value.

  3. sovereigntea says:

    Who is Rupert Murdoch? (VOSTFR)

    “Red Rupert” who also had a bust of Lenin in his room

    Associate of Bill Gates & also WEF attendee

    Small world eh ?


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