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Doctor claims 50% of Children who suffer Myocarditis due to COVID Vaccination will be dead within 5 years

Fifty percent of young adults who get myocarditis from the Covid-19 vaccine will die within five years, according to former Eastern Ontario COVID Response Team member, Dr. Chris Alan Shoemaker.

In a recent episode of “The Ben Armstrong Show,” the host talked about the possible long-term consequences of the COVID-19 vaccine that people are yet to see happen. Based on Shoemaker’s data, around 95 percent of people in intensive care units are fully vaccinated – which makes sense as their immune systems are now damaged.

Shoemaker is a licensed physician with 45 years of experience and has worked in emergency medicine, family practice and on military bases. His works in direct patient care at the West Ottawa COVID Care Clinic and the Eastern Ontario Response Team to COVID-19, as well as his experience with the vaccines, have convinced him that the vaccine is more toxic than the virus. More toxic, more damaging and more lethal, especially in the long term as it damages the T-cells.

“Your T-cells are an important part of your immune system to fight viruses and cancer. It will kill you quickly or slowly,” Shoemaker explained.

“They make you four times more likely to get COVID. In the last eight months, 95 percent of the people in the ICU are fully vaccinated. The vaccinated have been harmed. Their immune systems are being harmed. Stop harming your immune systems. You are only going to perpetuate the pandemic.”

Moreover, Shoemaker believes that the vaccines are especially dangerous for children and is calling on the Canadian government to stop all COVID shots for them. (Related: Britain bans COVID vaccine for children under 12, says they are at very low risk of developing severe COVID.)

“Keep your needles out of the shoulders of our children. The medical facts on this are beyond dispute. Children are given zero help by these vaccines,” he said at a weekend demonstration from London, Ontario. “It kills two out of every 1,000 within a year. Do you want your child to be one of those two who will die?”

Britain’s Office of National Statistics recently released a report showing the vaccine’s horrific toll on children. After studying the first eight months of vaccination, hoping for a 10 percent reduction in death cases, they found the opposite: Double-vaccinated children died by 5,200 percent more than non-vaccinated ones.

“Your 10 to 14-year-old is now, by proven statistics out of the United Kingdom, 100 times more likely to die in the following six months than a non-vaccinated child. This is a horrible number,” Shoemaker said of the data.

In South Africa, where the rate of vaccination is only six percent, COVID-19 cases are minimal.

But in Israel and New Zealand, where vaccination rates are extremely high, disease rates are climbing.

“It’s all junk. It has bad stuff in it. The toxicity of this human-designed genome injected into your shoulder is 100 times worse than getting the virus,” Shoemaker said. “The shots go straight into your bloodstream, into your bone marrow, your brain, to your myocardium, ovaries, testicles.”

It also appears that COVID-19 vaccines are killing young doctors in Canada, where 38 doctors under the age of 50 died in a span of 40 days. “Many of them died within 10 days of their fourth jab. They were just following the rules. They were good people,” Shoemaker said.

The death statistics are too damning, and according to Shoemaker, the vaccines don’t even work.

Shoemaker called on Canada’s top officials to ban the vaccines to save children’s lives. “You are killing children in Canada by foisting these vaccinations onto them,” he said.

He also implored Canadians to stand up against the government. “They are feeding you a line. They are perpetuating a myth. They are not making you safer.”

Doctor claims 50% of Children who suffer Myocarditis due to COVID Vaccination will be dead within 5 years

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