We have no dentists or GPs but HMRC pays ’16 diversity Tsars £1 million a year’ each to do nothing!

Political commentator Sophie Corcoran reacts to HMRC paying ’16 diversity tsars £1 million a year’, adding the Treasury needs to ‘stop wasting money on woke positions.’
This young woman is a great example of how the Conservative majority should press forward… she is intelligent, argumentative, and fact-driven. I love it!
It has been a while since I thought of someone as a genuine ‘breath of fresh air.
It’s always EASY spending somebody ELSES money and no matter what we think of GB News…THE TRUTH IS THE TRUTH! and the people must know what is REALLY going on.
Spread the word any way you can!


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One Response to “We have no dentists or GPs but HMRC pays ’16 diversity Tsars £1 million a year’ each to do nothing!”

  1. ian says:

    The TV guy doesn’t get that it’s designed to destroy us and our country, and was devised by people who hate us.