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Come on Britain, US and the West. Stop sending weapons and money to kill innocent Ukrainians.


In the UK there is only one political party which stands for an end to the killing.  That’s the English Democrats.  Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dem are all quite content to send weapons and money which are being used to shell civilian areas of Ukraine in the Donbas.  The killing of children as they play is a daily event.  Yet there is nothing in the Western media.  Nor has there been throughout the last eight years.

Robin Tilbrook, former soldier and Chairman of the English Democrats wants an end to this.  Vote for him and his party.  Support him.  Stand with him in support.  Don’t let it be said that you did nothing while children are shelled on a daily basis sometimes by our weapons, by Ukrainian soldiers trained, advised and assisted by British and American agents.

Our government and politicians are doing nothing to stop this and have no plans to bring peace to Ukraine.


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5 Responses to “Come on Britain, US and the West. Stop sending weapons and money to kill innocent Ukrainians.”

  1. ian says:

    The thing is, it’s not the UK that’s sending weapons. It’s the government, which despite appearances does not represent the people, it represents the same bunch of criminals and murderers, who are killing the British people too with the Cvid scam. I have not participated in the political fiasco for some time now, but if however I lived in England, then the English Democrats would be an option.

  2. Aldous says:

    “Britain and the West have no business doing this. I am ashamed of my country.”
    ‘Me Too’ Tap but I’m even more ashamed of the brain-dead sheeple who can’t or refuse to see the glaring wood for the trees that is clearly hidden in plain sight. Mental illness takes many forms, cognitive dissonance being just one of them.
    I don’t know at times if to feel sorry for these sheeple but most of the time I would just like to put them down like my wife’s terminally sick dog that keeps unloading itself on the newly laid carpet.
    The vet says there’s still some life left in the old dog but are sheeple who flush their brains down the toilet every visit even less worth saving?
    Just a thought.

    • ian says:

      Well said Aldous. None of this could happen if the masses were awake.

  3. Tapestry says:

    Shelling playgrounds with cluster warhead. Supplied by the UK no doubt. Britain is the most shameful country – down in the depths with the others that murder children using their armies. This is Satanism, not war. And our politicians are Satanists. It’s time to ignore the mainstream and only vote for those who oppose murder of innocents in our name.

  4. danceaway says:

    What an incredible account from this child; we have no comprehension what these people have suffered and endured but our elite want to continue. Yes, it has to be Satanism we are witnessing.

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