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The End of Cars?

For years now, roads in towns and cities everywhere in Europe have been subjected to very expensive redesign work. Chicanes have been built, roads have been narrowed and large pots containing trees have been planted in the middle of thoroughfares. All this has been done without consultation, at great expense and with absolutely no sense of logic. The only consolation is that speed humps (aka sleeping policemen) have been removed (at enormous expensive) since it has been established that they are a genuine health hazard.

The areas which have been altered are known as ‘low traffic neighbourhoods’ and many of the people living in them have found that they can no longer get to work or visit friends or relatives without making a long detour (which, inevitably, costs a good deal in fuel or fares). The other consequence is that other neighbouring roads which aren’t decorated with chicanes and potted trees are now massively busier than before as they have to take all the traffic. Just to add to the excitement, new, constantly changing speed limits have been introduced. In Wales (where the Government seems desperate to be the world’s first and most complete Western version of China) there is talk of 20mph speed limits on all urban roads. This, of course, will lead to more accidents and (since many cars are inefficient at such a low speed) much higher fuel consumption figures.

These changes are made by collaborators working for the conspirators. When one council in London organised a debate, just under two thirds of those offering a view said that they did not like their area being turned into a low traffic neighbourhood. The Council which had asked for input from the public considered this result and responded by ignoring the public and making the changes permanent.

This, of course, is a typical ‘Great Reset’ way of doing things. The people who have wriggled into power pretend to be interested in the views of the people. They hold meetings. They pretend to listen. And then they do exactly what they planned to do in the first place. New laws making motoring difficult and dangerous are being introduced almost daily. Smart motorways (proven to be dangerous and to cause long queues for no good reason whatsoever) are being built with unregulated enthusiasm. Toll roads are to be introduced and fitted with cameras and sensors which can automatically take fees from the motorist’s bank account. A senior police officer has encouraged cyclists to wear helmet cameras to catch motorists breaking the Highway Code. At least two motorists have been fined for travelling faster than a cyclist felt was appropriate when they were travelling in the opposite direction. One cyclist claims to have used his helmet camera to report over 1,000 motorists to the police (this is wholesale snitching).

According to the new UK Highway Code, drivers can get into trouble in the UK if they drive in a car which is stuffy. The punishment is two years in prison. It is also an offence to wear the wrong sort of sunglasses in sunny weather or not to wear sunglasses at all. Driving after taking hay-fever medicine can result in six months in prison. And driving on wet roads after a summer shower may be regarded as a driving offence. Paying at a drive-through or toll road with a mobile phone is also an offence. Not pulling in to the pavement or verge if a cyclist is approaching on the other side of the road may be an offence too. Life on the open road is such fun these days.

If motorists obey the instructions included in the Highway Code then the whole of Britain will come to a standstill.

For example, motorists must now give cyclists at least 4 foot 9 inches of space when overtaking them. That is the height of a short person. (There seem to be suggestions that cyclists should be given five feet of space – which is the height of a slightly taller, short person.)

The problem is that Britain’s roads mostly have lanes which are 12 feet wide. Most cars and other vehicles are between six and seven feet wide. If we assume that a cyclist will ride with his wheels three feet out from the kerb to avoid hitting pedestrians and tree trunks with his handlebars then it is clear that one cyclist on a road could hold up traffic for long periods and cause massive tailbacks. Since cars use more fuel when travelling slowly, this will lead to more pollution and greater use of fuel. If cyclists ride two abreast (as is common) then it will be impossible for a car to pass them.

As an aside it is worth remembering that cyclists pay no road tax and no insurance.

Finally, even parking a car can be extra hazardous, and intrusive, these days. Many councils have for some time demanded that motorists put their car number details into the parking machine. This is done to prevent motorists being good Samaritans and handing a partially unused ticket to another motorist but it also means that the authorities know precisely where motorists are at any time. Worse still, more and more councils are introducing special parking Apps which require the motorist to use their smart phone in order to park. The parking App is not just extremely intrusive, it is also a step towards using social credit to control motorists. If you have a poor social credit rating then you won’t be allowed to park. (I wonder how legal it is to force customers to buy a smart phone in order to park a car in a public car park.)

Taken from `Social Credit: Nightmare on Your Street’ by Vernon Coleman

Copyright Vernon Coleman June 2022

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One Response to “The End of Cars?”

  1. ian says:

    This morning I had to take Jinty for her INR blood test at the doctor’s. There is a free car par opposite which is normally half full, the front half. Today, the front half is for electric charging points only. Everyone else has to park at the back. I parked in an electric charge point. Two folks who came by looked at me parked there so I asked if I was likely to be jailed, both laughed and both said these parking places should have been at the back, they never think. I laughed, but thought oh but they do think. constantly shoving us pushing us, letting everyone in front of us, including non rd taxed vehicles, even bicycles and horses.

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