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ILLEGAL Maritime Arrivals in UK From SAFE COUNTRIES – Extensive Data from UK Boat Tracking Station


ER Editor:  Below is an encyclopaedic breakdown of illegal migrants entering the UK via boat crossings since the beginning of 2020, with some reporting going back to 2018. This all carefully documented by MigrationWatchUK.org.

When we see how helpful the UK government can be in allowing these practices to go on (see below for details), it’s clear the eminently challengeable ship-them-to-Rwanda policy is no more than window dressing.

We’re also including this short summary piece first for useful perspective:

Quick Facts On Illegal Boat Crossings


1. The number of boat arrivals since 1 January 2018 has now passed 50,000 and crossings are now double what they were compared with last year (which was an all-time record).

Source: See our Boat Tracking Station which has been recording the numbers for the past two years, based upon bulletins by the Ministry of Defence / Home Office, along with reports by reliable journalists.

2. Seven in 10 are men between the ages of 18 and 39

Just under 30,000 out of 43,800 people who crossed in boats between 1 January 2018 and the end of March 2022 were males aged between 18 and 39 (Source: Home Office statistics on irregular migration, released May 2022).

3. 98% have no passport when processed

A Freedom of Information release in February 2022 revealed that just 317 people were recorded as being in possession of a passport, despite more than 16,500 people detected illegally crossing the Channel in boats during that period (see our paper and press release).

4. One in six boat crossers already claimed asylum elsewhere

In March 2021, the Home Office revealed this eye-opening fact (relating to those who came in small boats during 2019) – see p.5 of this government document. Thousands of those crossing on boats are failed asylum claimants who have already tried their luck and been rejected in other European countries, such as France, Germany, Greece, Denmark and Switzerland (see summary). Some would have us forget this important context and receive everyone coming as a fresh claimant. This is patently absurd.

5. Zero are directly coming from place of persecution

The Refugee Convention is only meant to protect those coming directly from the place of persecution. Clearly those crossing from France (a safe and civilised country with a well-functioning asylum system) are not doing so.

As an MP on the influential House of Commons Home Affairs Committee has said“Anybody coming across in a boat is potentially committing an unlawful act, as well as the people who are facilitating that, because they are not coming directly from a dangerous country”.

16th June 2022


Boat Tracking Station – Illegal Maritime Arrivals From Safe Countries


What you need to know:

  • At least 10,948 people have crossed illegally in around 328 boats since the start of this year (up to 15 June 2022) – just over double the 5,087 that were reported during the same period in 2021.
  • 28,526 were reported crossing during all of 2021 (3.4 times the number that were disclosed as illegally crossing by boat the year before: 8,466).
  • In total, a population the size of a large town – at least 50,082 people – have been detected coming illegally by boat since 1 January 2018.
Large numbers have already been rejected for asylum in Europe and 98% have no passport – often due to deliberate destruction of documentation (see paper). So the UK is, more and more, a magnet for failed asylum claimants who cannot be vetted for security purposes and who are often obstructing efforts of the authorities to identify them. As we saw with the Parson’s Green tube bombing and other crimes, this means a public safety nightmare. Here are 3 key facts to remember. We are the only think tank that is holding the government to account on this (to make a donation, click here).Figure 1: Reported illegal arrivals by Channel crossing in small boats.

Figure 2 below shows that Thursday 11 November 2021 saw by far the highest ever daily number of illegal arrivals via this route – 1,185 in 33 boats, although 1,131 people illegally entered on Tuesday 16 November (the second highest). Saturday 20th November saw the third highest detected daily total – 886 people in 25 boats. As Figure 3 below shows, November 2021 has been by far the worst month ever recorded, with nearly 6,900 people having crossed in illegal maritime journeys.Figure 2: Ten worst daily totals so far all occurred during the period from August to November 2021.

98% of those entering the UK via this unauthorised route claim asylum here. They tend to be served papers for their entry, then may be held for a few days in detention (and given a mobile phone) and are then bailed into tax-payer funded accommodation into the community while their asylum claim is considered.

This despite people not being able to be identified or vetted properly for security reasons due to having usually deliberately destroyed their documentation. Despite laws in place to penalise this, the government increasingly refuses to use them (see our blog).

Asylum rules provide the grounds for treating an asylum claim as inadmissible to the UK asylum system if a person has earlier presence in, or connection to, a safe third country. It also provides for the person to be removed to that or another safe third country, with that country’s permission.

However, of the 15 enforced returns of individuals considered for removal on inadmissibility grounds between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2022 (during a period when there were around 40,000 arrivalsby boat and lorry), not one was to France.

Between 1 January 2021 and 31 March 2022:

  • 13,473 asylum claimants were identified for consideration on inadmissibility grounds
  • 12,277 individuals were told removal was being considered in their case.
  • 75 individuals were found to be inadmissible because another country was judged to be responsible for the claim, owing to the claimant’s previous presence in, or connection to, a safe country
  • There were 15 enforced returns of individuals considered for removal on inadmissibility grounds
  • 6,573 individuals were subsequently admitted into the UK asylum process for substantive consideration of their asylum claim

The 15 returns were made to Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland.

For further information, including breakdowns of the data by quarter and nationality, see Asy_09a and Asy_09b of the summary tables. See Home Office summary.

Overall, asylum-related removals (ie. of those whose claims were rejected or whose application was deemed fit to be processed in another country) plummeted from 18,000 in 2005 to just over 1,100 in the year to June 2021 (see our report). These figures includes all asylum claimants, not just those who entered the UK after traveling here in boats.

Please also help us to hold the government to account by checking each reported incident below in Annex A. Our Tracking Station is unique in enabling you to do so. If you identify a discrepancy in the figures below please contact: admin@migrationwatchuk.org

Border Force crews have said they were being used as a ‘taxi service’ by illegal immigrants (see our summary and the independent report itself). Yet the government allows it to continue, and encourages it by undermining enforcement.


As the release of official figures on this has been sporadic at best, the following estimates are based on both specific information released by the Home Office, and other bodies, and on individual media reports:


299 people successfully crossed the Channel (see Home Office figures, September 2020).


1,843 people successfully crossed the Channel (see Home Office figures, September 2020).|


8,466 people were reported as having illegally crossed, while there were 15,600 recorded attempted crossings during 2020. For a breakdown of arrivals from the beginning of 2018 until the middle of 2020, see Home Office figures released in September 2020. In 2020, those from Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria and Eritrea were among the most common stated nationalities of those arriving (Home Office summary).


At least 28,526 people were reported illegally arriving (see Home Office illegal immigration statistics).


10,948 people reported crossing without prior permission in around 328 boats (by 15 June 2022).

Total reported: (January 2018 up to 15 June 2022) = 50,082

11th May 2020



Published to The Liberty Beacon from EuropeReloaded.com


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