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Headlines May 24, 2022 – China Breaks with the WEF over Russia

HenryMakow.com – May 23, 2022

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com

Just when reading about the collapse of the West was getting boring, Jim Stone revealed that Chinese delegates walked out of the WEF Davos Conference over criticism of Russia.  This is incredibly significant.

It means Russia and China are defying the Rothschild-run NWO. It seems almost certain there will be a nuclear war.


The West has allowed itself to be eaten by satanist termites. It seems almost fitting the house should collapse.  It makes me sad to think of what would be lost. How can we stop this tragic gadarene swine rush to agony? Society is certainly possessed by demons. My hope is that the Rothschild-controlled West feels so much economic pain that the Rothschilds are forced to back down. The West is the aggressor.


Continues … with more headlines and links

Headlines May 24, 2022 – China Breaks with the WEF over Russia

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One Response to “Headlines May 24, 2022 – China Breaks with the WEF over Russia”

  1. Tapestry says:

    The West has allowed itself to be eaten by satanist termites……not in our house. Just the government sadly. Many people are neutralised by their requirement to be entertained – making them into ‘news’ junkies. From there the Devil can take over their minds. Turn off the TV. It is far the most dangerous item in every household. Slavery starts with the remote.