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Tornado squawks 7700 in Scotland. Britain’s tanker fleet surges East to fuel Ukrainian aircraft.

RAF emergency: Typhoon fighter jet issues code ‘7700’ at 24,000ft over UK in mid-air alert

AN RAF Typhoon fighter yet has sounded an urgent 7700 ‘squawk’ from 24,000ft in the air.

RAF emergency

An RAF Typhoon fighter yet has sounded an urgent 7700 ‘squawk’ from 24,000ft in the air (Image: RAF)

The RAF Eurofighter Typhoon, which is a European multinational twin-engine, issued the alert as it travelled between Aberdeen and Inverness in Scotland. The 7700 code, transmitted from in Scotland, indicates a “general emergency” and typically means an engineering issue with the aircraft.

It is not yet known why the 7700 signal was transmitted.

The destination is not known.

Writing for Flightradar24, Ken Hoke, a Boeing flight captain, explained “squawking” is a way of an aircraft declaring an emergency with traffic control, so they can receive on-the-ground assistance.

raf emergency

The RAF aircraft was flying in Scotland (Image: CIV MIL AIR TWITTER )

He said: “If a crew resets their transponder to the emergency code of 7700 (squawking 7700), all air traffic control facilities in the area are immediately alerted that the aircraft has an emergency situation.

“It’s up to the crew to let ATC know what the exact situation is. It may be an aircraft problem, medical issue, or something else.

In some cases, a crew may not elect to change their transponder to 7700 (it’s not required). If I’m talking to Chicago Approach and have a problem, I’ll tell them the problem, declare an emergency over the radio and get vectors to land immediately.”

READ MORE: RAF ‘surges’ fleet of Air Tanker Voyager aircraft to Eastern Europe

raf emergency

The RAF plane sounded the urgent 7700 alert (Image: SKYWATCH EMERGENCY)

The Eurofighter Typhoon is a highly agile aircraft, designed to be a supremely effective dogfighter in combat.

They undertake air-to-surface strike missions and are compatible with an increasing number of different armaments and equipment.

It comes after it emerged the RAF surged two of its reserve Air Tanker voyagers for the very first time.

An aviation expert said the move was in response to “increased demand for aerial refuelling in Eastern Europe”. The move means the RAF now has 10 AAR-capable A330 MRTTs, which is an aerial refuelling tanker aircraft.

Many flights are being affected – RAF and civilian. Is Russia able to jam the flight’s control systems?
Where was the Tornado heading?
Are there Russian subs operating north of Scotland?  e.g.
Tornado combat aircraft can also provide ISTAR capabilities
when it is flown with the Raptor Pod, which can be attached to the
ISTAR platforms are those which provide Intelligence, Surveillance,
Targeting, Acquisition and Reconnaissance capabilities.
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21 Responses to “Tornado squawks 7700 in Scotland. Britain’s tanker fleet surges East to fuel Ukrainian aircraft.”

  1. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

    Two FR Aviation Dassault Falcon 20 jets in trouble (7700) in the UK within an hour from one another.


    While the Falcon 20 is primarily a business jet, FR Aviation is a military aviation company.

    “FR Aviation Limited trading as Cobham Special Mission.

    Cobham Aviation Services operates and maintains specially modified aircraft using state of the art technology to provide airborne special mission operations and training in Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe and the Middle East.

    Cobham Aviation Services provides clients with integrated services for airborne special mission operations. Its capabilities include aerial surveillance, operational readiness training, aircraft modification and integration, search and rescue, and environment surveillance and response.

    Cobham uses highly customised aircraft to conduct border protection and surveillance operations in Australia and the UK, as well as providing operational readiness training through electronic warfare training for the UK Ministry of Defence.

    Cobham is also a leading supplier of flight inspection services, providing services to civil and military customers throughout Europe and the Middle East. These capabilities span commissioning, return to service, engineering flight checks and periodic flight inspection.”


    Interesting that they’re having mainstream media begin covering it. I still think it’s NATO doing this to both sabotage and discourage their own air forces and to create an excuse to halt (end) public air travel.”

    I do think Putin is a globalist agent and then there’s also the apparent existence of super weapons like god-like directed energy weaponry and automated and remote controlled attack drones. Couple that with transhuman tech and human soldiers and airmen become largely obsolete and more of a liability than an asset, due to human free will and morals and ethics.

    It’s also a fact that Western militaries are being both neglected and also mass injected with debilitating or lethal covid injections. Serious illness and death has skyrocketed among US military personnel. Our human armed forces are being dismantled to prevent humanity from saving itself through military coups and to pave the way for further Talmudist “progress.”

    • Tapestry says:

      Interesting Ash that the Cobham flights were heading out to sea as was probably the Typhoon. Russian missile-firing submarines might be what they are looking for. Who is disabling these flights? Which branch of NATO would be disabling RAF and Cobham and other flights? This might be coming from the space directed energy weaponry. Who controls that? The CIA?

      The CIA wants Britain to be defenceless against missile attacks it seems, if the flight interference is CIA. Finding the submarines, attacking them and shooting down missiles will all be orchestrated by the DEW flight disabling weapon, so that the narrative can be controlled, if CIA – and the crushing of all sides to the conflict can take place. Russian missiles and flights are getting through. Yet the British air tanker flying over Romania was 7700ed. Could the Russians or Chinese have a space energy weapon as well as the CIA? It’s not easy to read.

      Do they all have a space weapon non-aggression pact?

      Britain has no business to be in this war at all. We should leave NATO as well as the EU asap.

      • TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

        If the CIA wants Britain to be defenseless against missile attacks, that lends more credence to the Putin-as-globalist-agent theory. When I said NATO is doing it, I meant some secret intelligence group within it, i.e CIA.

        If the CIA is interfering with British missile defenses, it obviously wants it hit by Russian missiles. It could be one of the ways they’re setting up for WWIII to start for real.

        I think they’re planning for Sweden, Finland to be used as platforms for invading Russia. However to be able to militarize those nations to set up the invasion without revealing the true nature of NATO and the Western (Jewish) rulers they need a good excuse. Russian missiles hitting Britain would a good excuse to garner up both public and military support. Likely we’ll have NATO fortifying Sweden and Finland whereupon Russia will answer with a preemptive invasion (much like in the Ukraine) and WWIII will be underway…

        An added benefit is that NATO pilots and airmen get discouraged and demoralized. Pilots and soldiers are obviously not needed any longer, or else they wouldn’t be destroying masse with the covid injections and also having many discharged for non-compliance. The shots (milder, most common variant) are especially harmful to pilots as micro clots grow larger in lower pressure.

        About China, have a read through of this thorough investigation of the hidden Jewish history of China and the Jewish origins of Chinese communism. Unless the rumours of a coup is true, we should consider China to be firmly under globalist control.

        How Jews took over China and created Chinese Communism


      • TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

        Meanwhile, still-under-control 7700s keep coming from airliners. Clots incapacitating pilots, probably. Flights originating or bound for Britain seemingly over represented. Can of course also be blamed on Russia.

        I think the fact that commercial airliners seem to be getting hit with the interference weapons speaks against it being Russia doing it, even if Putin is a globalist agent. They’re hardly in firm or full control of Russia and I think hitting airliners would make patriotic Russians in the gov’t and military suspicous.

        I they were in full control of gov’t and military in Russia, I don’t think they could keep up the anti-globalist charade, as too many would know. And that’s why they need to weaken and invade Russia so they can fully conquer and subdue it.

        I think the Russians increasing troop deployment and expanding the war to Western Ukraine to end it quickly also points to Putin being a globalist agent. Instead they’re letting the “Ukrainians” regroup and rearm over and over, causing a slow bleed of Russian soldiers which over time, if this goes on, could cause many tens of thousands or more Russian casualties with not much of anything gained but death and destruction. The result would be weakened Russian defenses and an emptied out Ukraine (for Jews to settle as new home land.)

      • Tapestry says:

        Ash, it’s like that movie Valkyrie, but inside Russia this time. The German resistance to Hitler was brutally eliminated after failing with their coup attempt. When Britain was recently hit with one or more missiles, the fires started in Russia on a daily basis, as if in retaliation for the strike on RAF Welford etc. Call the space direct energy weapon the CIA. The fire can be stoked anywhere at any time to foment more war as you describe.

        Britain will be sacrificed to make war with Russia seem inevitable and necessary. Russia will then be crippled by the DEW progressively and Putin will be rescued in time as Russia implodes, and head for Patagonia! But first they have to get the real war going – which means missile strikes hitting Britain and not being covered up by the media.

        Why do you think the strikes and attempted strikes from Russia to date have been covered up? That tends to suggest Putin is actually a nationalist and not a globalist.
        Why are the flight system disablements being covered up?

      • TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

        “Why do you think the strikes and attempted strikes from Russia to date have been covered up? That tends to suggest Putin is actually a nationalist and not a globalist.
        Why are the flight system disablements being covered up?”

        Possibly they want a slow, secret escalation to build up internal support for WWIII among non-satanist people within military and intelligence while keeping the general focus on the Ukraine campaign (propaganda and military.) That way, once they’ll have everyone on board for when they do pull the trigger. And they’ll have neigboring Finland and Sweden as NATO territory by then.

        As for why their covering up the plane interferenses and vax incidents, I’d guess because they want a phased organic reveal. Like having more and more of their media notice and ask questions and then have more and more “uncovered” followed by a reveal.

        If they – as they do – want to abolish public air travel, what better way than to make it unsafe and then halt it “to protect the public.”

        There’s tons of things pointing towards Putin being a Jew and a globalist puppet. There’s evidence of him being of Jewish descent, of him having close ties with Chabad, Russian Jewry and to Israel. There’s also the fact that Russia makes huge sums of money on oil and gas yet the country and people only get poorer and poorer. Because Jewish oligarchs, like Putin, takes it all for themselves. Also, it seems that Putin may be a pedophile. He did kiss a little boy on the stomach and told the media he “wanted to stroke him like a kitten.” Russian ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko accused him of being a pedophile shortly before being murdered.

        There’s also a strong Rothschild connection to Putin Russia, among other things their central bank is member of the Rothschild Bank of International Settlements. He also neglected to sieze the central bank and its assets before the globalists could freeze (steal) it.




        I’d be extremely happy to be wrong about Putin but it seems I’m not and I’d wish for more critical thinking and investigation about and of Putin among anti-globalists. I think we’re falling in the exact same trap our predecessors were led into in the 30s by central banker funded (Aschke)Nazism and central banker agent Adolf Hitler. No champion is better than a false one. I think what will/can stop the Talmudist plot is not some world leader being on our side (unless there’s a coup in Russia or China) but rather the truth about this Talmudist/Illuminist/Globalist conspiracy against mankind reaching and being accepted by significant portions of the general public and, most importantly,
        those unwittingly serving it.

        The truth is the most potent weapon of all but it has to be truth. We have to be discerning and not fall for neither red herrings nor for false champions. That only leads us, and those we can influence and enlighten, astray.


  2. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

    My comment with new military 7700s got caught by your moderation filter. Maybe maybe because it contains multiple links.

  3. danceaway says:

    Ukrainian aircraft not based in Ukraine?

  4. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

    Reposting since my original comment is still stuck in moderation.

    Two FR Aviation Dassault Falcon 20 jets in trouble (7700) in the UK within an hour from one another.


    While the Falcon 20 is primarily a business jet, FR Aviation is a military aviation company.

  5. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

    “FR Aviation Limited trading as Cobham Special Mission.

    Cobham Aviation Services operates and maintains specially modified aircraft using state of the art technology to provide airborne special mission operations and training in Australia, the United Kingdom, Europe and the Middle East.

    Cobham Aviation Services provides clients with integrated services for airborne special mission operations. Its capabilities include aerial surveillance, operational readiness training, aircraft modification and integration, search and rescue, and environment surveillance and response.

    Cobham uses highly customised aircraft to conduct border protection and surveillance operations in Australia and the UK, as well as providing operational readiness training through electronic warfare training for the UK Ministry of Defence.

    Cobham is also a leading supplier of flight inspection services, providing services to civil and military customers throughout Europe and the Middle East. These capabilities span commissioning, return to service, engineering flight checks and periodic flight inspection.”


  6. danceaway says:

    Noisy plane overhead just now; in the past this has related to the B52s and Fairford.

    • Tapestry says:

      B52 and the new hypersonic missile maybe having a test run over Ukraine. maybe the ‘7700’ ghost will intercept the attack…Usually the target would be a munitions depot……big bang to be expected in a couple of hours time. Moscow might have a reply. Could be an eventful day. NATO is simply prolonging the agony, and asking everyone to take a share in it. Russia would be a far better ally than the USA. Quit NATO and the EU. Go for peace with the English Democrats.

  7. danceaway says:

    Another noisy plane just now……must be quite low……..

  8. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

    Small charter jet in, seemingly, big trouble near Mallorca. Squawked 7700 and descended very rapidly from 40,000 ft to nearest airport. Possibly vax caused, if there’s just one pilot on such planes.


  9. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

    Transatlantic A340 flight from Munich appears very much to have crashed.

    According to the flight24 tracking, It headed back soon after take off but appears to have reached zero altitude before reaching the airport. It descended rapidly and approached the ground at high speed then seems to have spun around on the ground. I hope it’s some tracking malfunction but it doesn’t look good.



  10. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:


    Anyone hear anything about this??

  11. TheAshkeNazisDidIt says:

    Luckily, I see now I was wrong. It didn’t show an airport indicator there but it turns out there was. They were in a major hurry to get down though, apperently, as they didn’t fly back to Munich even though it was just 20 minutes away.

  12. danceaway says:

    The rate of descent was incredible.

  13. Tapestry says:

    There would be a news report if it crashed. It hIt trouble when nearing English Channel.

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