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The Reality Of What Is Really Happening On The Ground In Ukraine


Why can’t the mainstream media just tell us the truth?  When it comes to the war in Ukraine, getting accurate information has proven to be rather daunting.  From the Russian media and pro-Russian sources, we are getting an endless stream of Russian propaganda, and I suppose that is to be expected.  On the other side, the mainstream media in the western world is often just regurgitating Ukrainian propaganda and repackaging it as “truth”.  For example, an article that was bring widely circulated earlier today says that the Russians “could buckle in 10 days” and it claims that the Ukrainians are inflicting catastrophic losses on the Russian military.  Day after day, we are being told that the Ukrainians are on the verge of victory, and of course that is complete and utter hogwash.  The Russians continue to win more territory, and the Ukrainian military has been suffering defeat after defeat.  But the Ukrainians want to project a positive narrative, because that gives them the best chance of enlisting outside help.

Personally, the people that I feel really bad for are all of the innocent Ukrainians that are stuck in the middle of this conflict.  Millions are needlessly suffering, and so let us hope that the shooting will end soon.

Most Americans don’t realize this, but the Russians are actually offering to end the conflict if six major conditions are met

  1. No NATO membership and a neutral position.
  2. Russian should be the second official language of Ukraine, with laws prohibiting it abolished.
  3. Recognise Crimea as Russian territory.
  4. Recognise the independence of Donetsk and Lugansk.
  5. Demilitarisation of Ukraine and abandonment of weapons that could be a threat to the Kremlin.
  6. Banning of ultra-nationalist parties and organisations in Ukraine.

But you won’t hear much about this on the major cable news channels, will you?

And that is because it doesn’t fit with the narrative that they are currently pushing.

I definitely understand the desire of many people to root for the underdog, but the reality of the matter is that the Ukrainian armed forces are greatly outmatched.

On the eastern front, the Russians just flattened the town of Avdeevka and essentially wiped out the Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade

The big news of the day is that the Russian forces finally decided to, shall we say, change pace, and by all account the intensity of the artillery, aerial bombing and missile barrage which hit the Ukie forces in the town of Avdeevka was absolutely unprecedented and following this barrage the LDNR forces broke through 8 kilometers of just about the most heavily defended sectors in the entire theater or operations. The Ukrainian 95th Airmobile Brigade (one of the most combat capable unit of the Ukrainian Army!) was defending this sector. According to reports, this entire brigade was basically wiped out.

The truth is that what the Russians just did to Avdeevka could be done to every single major city in all of Ukraine.

The Russians possess immense conventional firepower, and in this case it appears that they were trying to send a message to the other Ukrainian units that are now essentially encircled in the “cauldron” in the east…

So, not only did Russian encircle the entire Ukrainian forces in an operational cauldron, she then proceeded to cut that single force into two smaller cauldrons (but both still contained in the bigger, operational, cauldron) and now as a show of force, she destroyed the most combat capable Ukrainian unit in the most heavily defended town.

The “message” here is clear: we strongly encourage you to lay down arms or else…

Meanwhile, we may be about to see a new major operation in the south.

According to multiple sources, a Russian naval task force appears to be heading toward the Odessa area for a potential amphibious landing

Russian Navy ships can be seen in satellite imagery approaching the Ukrainian Coast. The Sentinel 2 satellite image, taken at 11:47 local time, shows at least 14 vessels.

The vessels were found by Naval News with the help of Damien Symon, an independent defense analyst. Preliminary analysis of the vessels suggests 3 groups. Two are made up of combatants, and one has several landing ships. The landing ships appear to have sailed directly from their staging position off the Crimean coast. Analysts are searching the imagery for more vessels.

Over in Mariupol, the Russians are using devastating tactics that they employed during the two Chechen wars

Rockets rained down on Mariupol, a port city on the Sea of Azov of about half a million people, over the weekend targeting residential blocks and systematically flattening suburban areas of the city. During the two Chechen wars, rather than sending troops to try and take the city, the Russian army simply flattened it with sustained shelling and then just marched in across a sea of rubble.

This is why the Russians have only encircled most of the major Ukrainian cities that they have approached so far.

It is essentially siege warfare.  The Russians are cutting off supply routes, and they will relentlessly pound opposing forces until they either surrender or are wiped out.

It isn’t a fair fight, and the death toll is rising with each passing day.

Fox News reporter Steve Harrigan just returned from Ukraine, and this is his assessment of the conflict…

I think for me, Ukraine is a done deal. It’s flattened and they lost.

Sadly, that is a very accurate assessment.

But the western media is still encouraging Americans, Canadians and Europeans to volunteer to fight with the Ukrainian military.

Of course this isn’t anything like the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan.  When you go to war against Russia, you can be suddenly killed by a cruise missile while you are sleeping

THREE British ex-special forces troops are feared to have been killed following a deadly Russian airstrike on a base close to the Polish border.

It is believed they died instantly in the cruise missile blast which reportedly killed several more than previously through – possibly well over 100 – according to the Daily Mirror. Insiders have said the three men were not part of the foreign fighters unit that was being trained at the Yavoriv base on the edge of the border with Poland. It remains unclear which branch of special forces they had served in.

And once you get over to Ukraine, there is a very good chance that they may not ever let you leave.

If you doubt this, just listen to this testimony from someone that was miraculously able to make it out of the country.


Those that are pro-Russia get upset with me because I am not cheering for the Russians to win.

And those that are pro-Ukraine get upset with me because I am not cheering for the Ukrainians to win.

But this is not a game.

I was strongly advocating for peace before the war erupted, and I am strongly advocating for peace now.

So many are needlessly dying, and the longer this war stretches on the more likely it is that it will lead to a global nuclear conflict.

And if a global nuclear conflict happens, billions of people could die.

So I am not ashamed to be rooting for peace.

Unfortunately, leaders on both sides are making very foolish decisions, and so I don’t expect the shooting to end very soon.


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3 Responses to “The Reality Of What Is Really Happening On The Ground In Ukraine”

  1. Tapestry says:

    A very good assessment. Unfortunately the conflict is being dragged out as we in the West trained the Ukrainian NAZI regiments with our mugs from the SAS. These are the human shield killers of civilians in Mariupol and elsewhere.

    Now NATO is arming the Ukies with anti-aircraft Javelins and Sidewinders, and ant-tank weaponry. Putin says he won’t forget Britain’s role.

    Peace is right. We should be out of there.

    How many British political parties are actively campaigning for peace? One. The English Democrats. How much main media do they get? None. How many supporters do they have? Unknown but possibly around 1% of the electorate. This would be 50% if people know that Britain had a peace party. Let your friends know. We won’t get world peace unless we fight for it. http://www.englishdemocrats.party

  2. pete fairhurst says:

    A very good article

    The only sensible solution is for the Ukies to accept the Russians peace terms. The article clearly explains exactly what they are

    It’s not as if the Russians are inconsistent. They’ve been expressing the same sentiments for several years now. They’ve been very clear, they gave the US, ie NATO, exactly the same message earlier this year, or maybe late last year. Direct to old sleepy Joe Biden himself. The Russians will not budge and who can blame them? They have all the military cards and they will never accept destabilisation on their own border. Why would they? Nor would the US if all this was happening in Mexico would they?

    But the evil ones in the west have got a bigger agenda and game plan. They want an ongoing war as part of their longer term control plans. A war leading to economic chaos, primarily in the west, but likely globally too. Great Reset anyone?

    So they are willing to fight to the last Ukrainian. After all they have been training the Ukie nazis for years for this. Apparently they are even shipping their tame mercenaries in from Syria now. To keep the conflict going I suppose. The west did exactly the same in Syria of course, they imported their tame mercenaries from Libya at that time. Some of whom were in Iraq before that. The west has FORM in these things. It is pure evil, no other word for it

    As for the majority of folk here then, my old man correctly warned me about flagwavers many years ago. He went over on D day and he saw the war in the west from close up. He followed the front all the way to Luneberg Heath for the surrender too. Visiting Belsen on the way [he could never speak about that place, he became dumbstruck with tears in his eyes when asked]

    Anyhow he told me when I was very young: Never trust a flag waver, they mainly don’t know what war is really about

    Because flag wavers are usually useful idiots. Certainly these, virtue signalling, flag waving, morons in the west mainly haven’t got a clue who they are backing just now. So they are beneath contempt for me, because it’s not very hard to find out is it. There is plenty of info like this available. So anyone here in the west now draping them self in a Ukrainian flag is either a useful idiot, or evil. What other option is there?

  3. ian says:

    An excellent article followed by two excellent comments from Tap’ and pete. A good read.

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