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Schools robbing pre-kindergarten children of their innocence without parental knowledge

Exclusive Footage — Private Schools Nation-Wide Pushing ‘Queer Inclusive’ Curriculum, Trans Ideology Starting in Pre-K

“It is clear that our schools, at the direction NAIS, are actively working to rob our children of their innocence and sow doubt about the most fundamental aspects of human nature. It is nothing short of child abuse. Parents of young children should be shaken to their core. Who are you trusting to teach your children? What are they learning? Teachers in Pre-K and K should stick to teaching children about primary colors and how to work with clay. That’s it,” an Undercover Mother said in a comment to Breitbart News.


Private schools across the country are training teachers to expose kids as young as four years old to sexually explicit content — in secrecy and without parents’ knowledge — directed by the National Association Independent Schools (NAIS) as part of a “queer-inclusive” curriculum.

Breitbart News has reviewed an extensive trove of NAIS documents and teacher trainings supplied to private schools nation-wide, which, under the guise of being “queer” and “LGBTQ+ inclusive,” urge the use of graphic sexual material in classes starting at Pre-K.

A nearly hour-long training workshop at NAIS’ flagship conference in 2020, reviewed by Breitbart News, features a discussion about how to talk to kids about “gender, and sexuality, and identity,” including how to talk to kids in Pre-K about “their bodies,” “penises and vaginas,” and “what they feel like inside, do they feel like a boy or a girl.” The conference covers how to teach sex, sexuality, and “gender identity” from Pre-K to Grade 8.

“Starting in Pre-K we talk about their bodies, the parts that they were born with, about penises and vaginas and whether they make somebody a boy or girl. But also their feelings, what do they feel like inside, do they feel like a boy or a girl? What does their head say? Do their heart and their body match up,” the lecturer explains.

The section also features a teacher talking about how she once drew from the wrong book and accidentally talked to children in Pre-K about “the vulva and the labia,” as they reacted in “horror” — stressing that teachers should be “kind to yourself” in instances of error.

“It was my first year so I was like, ‘okay, we’re just super progressive;’ so I went in there guns blazing and I just went for it. And I ended up talking about the vulva and the labia with Pre-K’ers. And it was just one of those moments, everybody’s looking in horror, and I’m like, ‘oh, no, I made a really big mistake.’ And I share that with you because it’s not perfect, right? It’s a practice. So be kind to yourself when you’re delving into this stuff,” the teacher told her fellow NAIS educators in the flagship conference.

Seven-year-old children, in Grade 2, the educator leading the lecture explains, ought to be taught about gender identity, “in terms of your head and your heart and your body parts matching up … and what happens if it doesn’t.”

She later goes on to detail what ought to be taught in Grade 5, explaining that students who are 10 should be educated on “internal and external genitalia … hormones and chromosomes … something you can only change with a whole lot of effort,” along with “gender identity,” “gender expression,” and “sexual orientation.”

Screengrab from an NAIS presentation titled “Through the Lens of Gender, Identity, and Sexuality Education: Prepare Your PK-8 Students for Their World”

NAIS-accredited schools make an effort to remove and dismiss parents from involvement in or knowledge of conversations about sexuality between teachers and students.

“I want to talk about some ways that you can set [learning about sexuality] in motion … in preschool, and all we really have to do is think about this topic the way we think about all other topics … we don’t start in the fourth or fifth grade with a complex subject,” one NAIS video called “Getting Ready to Get Ready: How to Implement a PK-5 Sexuality Curriculum,” begins.

The lecturer then goes on to list potential parental concerns around teaching sexuality to children, which are dubbed “Puritan Speak.”

“Puritan Speak” includes phrases such as:

  • That’s my job.
  • They’re just not “ready.”
  • That’s too much too soon
  • They’re too young to know that.
  • Won’t they lose their innocence?
  • But, what if my child isn’t ready?
  • But what if they tell other children?
  • Don’t you have to wait until they ask?
  • But what if they keep on asking questions?
  • You’re just trying to put ideas in their heads!

Screengrab from an NAIS conference presentation titled “Getting Ready to Get Ready: How to Implement a PK-5 Sexuality Curriculum”

Breitbart News obtained the materials reported in this story from a network of “Undercover Mothers” across the country, who are working together to expose and combat rampant political indoctrination in their children’s schools, declining academic standards, and opaque school governance and financial management — which they believe stems from the NAIS. The informal and independent group has participants from all across the political spectrum, including a number of moms who were once politically active Democrats.

NAIS member private schools across America are including provisions in enrollment contracts prohibiting parents from “[voicing] strong disagreement” with school policy or curricula, under threat of expulsion, so the identities of the mothers speaking out have been withheld due to fear of retribution.

Parents have also been barred by many NAIS accredited schools across the country from involvement in or knowledge of their child’s “gender identity.”

An enrollment contract reviewed by Breitbart News explicitly states that “parent/guardian approval will not be a prerequisite for respecting a student’s gender identity.”

“The School shall accept the gender identity that each student asserts. There is no medical or mental health diagnosis or treatment threshold that students must meet in order to have their gender identity recognized and respected. … Students ready to socially transition may initiate a process to change their name, pronoun, attire, and access to preferred activities and facilities. … The School will work with the parent/guardians of a student whenever possible and appropriate, but I/we understand and agree that parent/guardian approval will not be a prerequisite for respecting a student’s gender identity,” the enrollment contract states.

Schools accredited by NAIS across the country are lacing “LGBTQ+ inclusive” material through their curricula, learning materials and culture.

A NAIS-affiliated school mission statement reviewed by Breitbart News states, “We are committed to making each member of the community feel that her or his whole identity is acknowledged, supported and appreciated. We believe that an appreciation of diversity and inclusivity is essential to our mission, our goals to serve, lead and flourish…”

Another school with children of “Undercover Mothers” has posters on hallway walls featuring illustrations of various sexual preferences, portrayed as cartoon whales. Illustrations include: “pansexuwhale,” “bisexuwhale,” “asexuwhale.” Other posters at the same school display various gender expressions, portrayed as cartoon deer. Those illustrations include: “transgendeer,” “gendeerfluid.” The cartoon portrayals are evidently to appeal to children.

Posters on hallway walls featuring illustrations of various sexual and gender preferences, portrayed as cartoons. (Breitbart News)

Other “Undercover Mothers” from a different school in a different state shared images with Breitbart News of a similar poster hanging on campus, of a cartoon gingerbread man labeled “The Genderbread Person.” The poster illustrates the difference between “Identity,” “Attraction,” “Sex,” and “Expression.”

The same school — located in Georgia — has a book at the school library accessible to students called, “Gender Queer,” by Maia Kobabe, which includes illustrations of boys engaging in oral sex.

***Warning: Graphic Content***

“The Genderbread Person” poster (left) and illustrations from the book “Gender Queer” by Maia Kobabe (right).

Breitbart News spoke to one mother who removed her child from a NAIS-accredited private school on the West Coast, after he was made to “affirm his gender” — at 8 years old, in Grade 3 class.

“It is clear that our schools, at the direction NAIS, are actively working to rob our children of their innocence and sow doubt about the most fundamental aspects of human nature. It is nothing short of child abuse. Parents of young children should be shaken to their core. Who are you trusting to teach your children? What are they learning? Teachers in Pre-K and K should stick to teaching children about primary colors and how to work with clay. That’s it,” an Undercover Mother said in a comment to Breitbart News.

NAIS did not respond when reached for comment by Breitbart News.

NAIS, the national accreditation association for private schools across the country, is registered as a 501(c)(3) and is technically prohibited from engaging in political advocacy in official capacity.

Emma-Jo Morris is the Politics Editor at Breitbart News. Email her at ejmorris@breitbart.com or follow her on Twitter.

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5 Responses to “Schools robbing pre-kindergarten children of their innocence without parental knowledge”

  1. ian says:

    Our rulers couldn’t make it any clearer if they tried, just how much they hate everything wholesome and good in Western society. From deliberate immigration policies to destroy us, to the deliberate destruction of the traditional family by stealth, ie promotion of female promiscuity, where only 100 years ago, you’d have been put in a mental asylum or workhouse for getting pregnant, now it’s a way of life to some. We have a 4 by 4 down the road from us, ie four kids by four different blokes. Never worked a day, and wants for nothing. Then there’s the non stop attacks on toxic masculinity.
    Please don’t get me wrong here, I’m not some woman hating toxic asshole, but I do think that the country worked better, and people were happier in the 70,s 80,s and 90’s. Yes there were grievances to sort, equal pay in like for like jobs, for example, but that was the employers, not the men. Many women now fall for the all the shit, and use up their best years chasing a career, then finding themselves left with little except money.

    I admit that I’m no expert, and I run mostly on feelings, and I know that some women might resent my views. Despite these things, I feel that there is a concerted effort to destroy white western life as we knew it.

    • ian says:

      Oh, and before someone says it, no I do not want it to go back 100 years. I think the way that some girls were treated is gut churning. My mother was born out of wedlock, and brought up by a relative, as was my wife. I know how it affects people.

  2. Gordon says:

    Ian, don’t apologise for telling the truth. I had an aunt whom I never knew until she was released from a mental asylum in the final year of her life. She was admitted to the asylum as a young girl by her father, my grandfather, for having fallen in love with a protestant lad while her family were Catholic.

    As a boy I recall several conversations around the dining table of young men having been beaten-up for hanging around public conveniences. Those known to be poofs were beaten-up, thrown out of town and told not to come back. Changed days!

    Nowadays everything is topsy-turvy. What was good is now bad. What was bad is now good and everything has become debased and politically correct.

    Our heritage is being intentionally diluted with the influx of migrants and what was Anglo Saxon, Viking, Caucasian fair skinned redheads and blondes is rapidly becoming a hybrid race of dark skinned Brits, not British! Just take a careful look at your TV ads and newscasters, they’re telling you something. I sometimes wonder if I’m in the UK. The majority won’t see it because it’s so in your face and of course politically correct by today’s standards.

    I make no apology for telling the truth.

    • Tapestry says:

      The preferred races are usually not just a different skin type, but also from a religion which does not believe Jesus is the Son of God. Demonic possession is what is afflicting us and the only defence, a belief in Jesus as the most effective power source to drive out demons, is what the system wants gone. Or they themselves, agents of the Devil can be driven out as well. Christians and Christian beliefs are being targeted everywhere – schools, television – even in churches.

  3. sovereigntea says:

    Key figure pushing his agenda into UK schools is Peter Tatchell.According to Tatchell a nine year old child can consent to sex with an adult.(video)

    Every time Peter Tatchell mentions ‘schools’, a member of PIE gets a ghost boner


    Several of my friends – gay and straight, male and female – had sex with adults from the ages of nine to 13. None feel they were abused. All say it was their conscious choice and gave them great joy. While it may be impossible to condone paedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive and harmful.


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