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Was the White House prepared for demolition on 22.1.2022?

Max Igan shows a video with a series of strange flashes which could be weakening the central columns of the building, prior to a false flag?

These took place on 22.1.2022.

He adds to this that all the swabs people are doing are harvesting their DNA.  This can be used for targeting individuals.  Bio-coded directive energy explained.  They can bio-resonate your body. And send a signal which only affects you.  Kill you.  Fill your mind with images, voices or thoughts.  Bio-metric tracking.

Boris is introducing a Data system – social credit scoring.  The false flag will make this system permissible in peoples’ minds.

Graphene computers being assembled inside us.  Brain to computer interfaces.

TAP – I find Max a great talker and he has a sharp logical and scientific mind. His own story is interesting to follow let alone his topics. But then he comes to the end of his talks where he features ‘logic’ as the driving force behind his ideas, and then he fades away with nowhere else to go. Perhaps awakened people power is another of his beliefs. He must by now have realised he is engaged in a spiritual war. His own voice and style are like a prayer, albeit a long one! If he ended his talk in more priestly style it would fit very well, calling on God to bring the free human race through this attempt at our genocide by Satan and his army of slaves, his talks would be more complete. Or some such finale.

He is one of the best commentators and we need him to take his message somewhere which will drive out the Evil. Logic is a good start but it is only the start. Power is spiritual before it is political or economic. When Jesus drove the money-lenders out of the temple (and the animals which were to be sacrificed in Satanic rituals), did he say this was simply a logical exercise? Max featured this story and should give it more thought. Evil needs driving out in prayer first. Devil and demons have to go if we call on God and Jesus to remove them from our Realm. If you have seen exorcism, you know how this works.

Can Max research exorcism?

There was an interesting comment came in from South Africa, about ubuntu Zulu culture being powerful enough to drive out evil and survive spiritual attack. And they didn’t need to call on Jesus as they had their own spiritual pathway. I made a note to come back in later and read it and the links but it had disappeared when I did. The Satanic forces are circling all the time without let.

The original indigenous peoples around the planet knew more about spirituality than us which is why they’ve been genocided and still are being genocided in Australia. As were the gnostics and the Druids across Europe. Libraries were all burned – hiding how our enemies access Evil using grimoires and rituals calling on particular demons. In our culture we have Jesus, but all other pre-Christian cultures know how to drive out Evil. We have been stripped of all spiritual power, and need it to be rediscovered and brought to bear.

The new vaccine babies being born give a clue as to what future the Satanists have planned – highly numerate, physically powerful, rapidly growing to adulthood,  showing little emotion, obeying orders without question and possiby lacking in any spiritual dimension – the perfect robotic slaves.  These are being born to vaccinated parents, it appears from the small amount of video seen so far.

The Neanderthals were a highly spiritual people who were exterminated.  Homo Sapiens was intended to be a more controllable version of human, and yet we have become too independent minded since we were set free in the Reformation to build the modern world, and the powers of Evil, not of Creation, want us removed and replaced with a species in their power that will not compete.  We know how to compete economically and politically but not spiritually.  That is why we are currently losing this war.  We have to call on God for help if we are not doing so, identify the Demons our enemies have called upon and drive them out.

People like Max who are highly logical baulk at being involved in something as illogical as spiritual power, or leaning on religions where the history has been adjusted by politically powerful Satanic entities.  Yet the fact is that exorcism works and driving out of demons, which is an observable phenomenon.  Logic can only hide from such facts for so long, or be overwhelmed by the forces that are otherwise being deployed.  The appearance of Great Evil in our lives is a challenge to Logic.  Max would be a great spiritual exponent if he wanted to follow his first few steps any further in this direction.  He has an open mind.

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2 Responses to “Was the White House prepared for demolition on 22.1.2022?”

  1. Tapestry says:

    I find Max a great talker and he has a sharp logical mind. His own story is interesting to follow let alone his topics. But then he comes to the end of his talks where he features ‘logic’ as the driving force behind his ideas, and then he fades away with nowhere else to go. Perhaps awakened people power seems to be another of his beliefs. He must by now have realised he is engaged in a spiritual war. His own voice and style are like a prayer, albeit a long one! If he ended his talk in more priestly style it would fit very well, calling on God to bring the free human race through this attempt at our genocide by Satan and his army of slaves, his talks would be more complete. Or some such finale. He is one of the best commentators and we need him to take his message somewhere which will drive out the Evil. Logic is a good start but it is only the start. Power is spiritual before it is political or economic. When Jesus drove the money-lenders out of the temple (and the animals which were to be sacrificed in Satanic rituals), did he say this was simply a logical exercise? Max featured this story and should give it more thought. Evil needs driving out in prayer first. Devil and demons will have to go if we call on God and Jesus. If you have seen exorcism, you know how this works. Can Max research exorcism?

    There was an interesting comment came in from South Africa, about ubuntu Zulu culture being powerful enough to drive out evil and survive spiritual attack. And they didn’t need to call on Jesus as they had their own spiritual pathway. I made a note to come back in later and read it and the links but it had disappeared when I did. The Satanic forces are circling all the time without let. The original indigenous peoples around the planet knew more about spirituality than us which is why they’ve been genocided and still are being genocided in Australia. As were the gnostics and the Druids across Europe. Libraries were all burned – hiding how our enemies access Evil using grimoires and rituals calling on particular demons. In our culture we have Jesus, but all other pre-Christian cultures know how to drive out Evil. We have been stripped of all spiritual power, and need it to be rediscovered and brought to bear. (This is becoming a post so I’m moving it up into the above)

  2. Gordon says:

    Just as evil has to be invited in so too the “Devil and demons will have to go if we call on God and Jesus.” God through Jesus must be invited in.

    Henry, I’m going to send you an email with some photos. In days gone it may have been called a vision but as I was talking to God in the garden one evening strange things were happening in the heavens.