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Jan 19.22 Britain lifts covid restrictions – Canada Next!

Criminal investigation in progress with UK Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court

The covid vaccines are a murder weapon. Criminal investigation in progress with UK Metropolitan Police and International Criminal Court.

This is potentially the beginning of the World’s largest criminal investigation and it will never end’ – Dr Sam White

Constable Steve Winn at Market Harborough Police Station receives notification of criminal investigation into covid vaccines.

Partial transcript. Full transcript and video link below.

So the reason we’re today, you may or may know this, I gather maybe not. The covid-19 vaccinations are now under criminal investigation with CID Police Station in Hammersmith in London. IT is a Metropolitan Police Investigation. This has come about as a result of the catastrophic deaths and injury figures to both adults and children across the UK. 

Just letting you know that we have the evidence to forward to you should you need it. So as far as we are aware, all chief constables around the UK should now be aware of this case because it’s an international situation. And that is why we are here today to ensure that you here at this police station and in the surround areas are aware and are upholding your duty to protect the people of the UK.

There is significant and irrefutable forensic evidence and hundreds of witness statements from victims, whistleblowers and experts to confirm serious harm injury and death caused by the covid-19 vaccines. This evidence is currently being gathered by Hammersmith Police. It is my understanding that they are overwhelmed by the amount of people coming forward to make statements.

Now if you are wondering, which I am sure you are, why you have not yet heard about this, there is a deliberate blanket campaign of misinformation underway by the Government and the main stream media. The UK Government controls mainstream media and senior Government ministers, civil servants and the media are implicated in the following alleged crimes and evidence to support that has been submitted to Hammersmith CID.

Transcript and video http://doctorofmetaphysics.com/2022/01/18/the-covid-vaccines-are-a-murder-weapon-criminal-investigation-in-progress-with-uk-metropolitan-police-and-international-criminal-court/

Work from home rules axed in England as Plan B Covid restrictions are scrapped

Thanks Zol

No longer work from home.
When regulation lapses government will no longer mandate face masks anywhere.
Tomorrow [Jan 20?] face masks no longer required in schools.
No penalties for unmasked people.
Relaxed requirements to visit care homes.
Self isolation remains for those who test positive.

More at https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/work-home-rules-axed-england-25988771?utm_source=mantis_rec&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=more_like_this

Boris Johnson announcement

Lift illegal covid restrictions in Canada

Thousands of truckers are uniting people across Canada as they converge on Parliament in Ottawa, Canada on Jan 29.22, and remain until the government lifts covid restrictions.


CONVOY 01 CW McCall 3 mins

Please listen and feel justice and reconciliation prevail!
Unable to embed. https://youtu.be/lqYTX7parRw

Freedom Convoy 2022 – Big Wheels to Ottawa

‘We are doing this for our future Generations and to regain our lives back.’

Featured Image


Canadian truckers protest mandates at U.S./Canada border

In the early morning hours on January 17, 2022, Canadian truckers took to the roads to protest against the vaccine mandate policies being implemented in Canada and the U.S. that would prevent unvaccinated cross-border truckers from doing their essential work.

More at https://lorphicweb.com/canadian-truckers-protest-mandates-at-u-s-canada-border/

Please share far and wide to help people see the truth, and support truckers taking a stand on behalf of us all. TY

Stock up on food, water, gas, essentials, medication, emergency supplies, etc. TY

Without Prejudice and Without Recourse
Doreen A Agostino


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2 Responses to “Jan 19.22 Britain lifts covid restrictions – Canada Next!”

  1. David 2 says:

    We are coming to the point where it gets interesting. A lie requires two more lies and so on. Main stream media has a lot of defending to do.

  2. Derek says:

    Every lie this government has told is another shovelful of dirt on their coffin. But with no alternative in the opposition, we need new brooms galore. The bombastic nonsense this obnoxious oaf spouts needs silencing.

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