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Global spread of autoimmune disease blamed on western diet

Thanks to Aldous for the link.


More and more people around the world are suffering because their immune systems can no longer tell the difference between healthy cells and invading micro-organisms. Disease defences that once protected them are instead attacking their tissue and organs.

Major international research efforts are being made to fight this trend – including an initiative at London’s Francis Crick Institute, where two world experts, James Lee and Carola Vinuesa, have set up separate research groups to help pinpoint the precise causes of autoimmune disease, as these conditions are known.

“Numbers of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the west,” Lee told the Observer. “However, we are now seeing some emerge in countries that never had such diseases before.

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5 Responses to “Global spread of autoimmune disease blamed on western diet”

  1. ian says:

    Obviously not the vaccine doing the damage, it’s the Western diet. I nearly said, that you couldn’t make it up, but they obviously have.

    • sovereigntea says:

      Stinks of a rearguard operation focussing the sheeple on diet rather than adverse reactions. A sign that a new distraction is required.

  2. sovereigntea says:

    False Flag Spoiler Alert $400 million US Biolab Kazakstan raided by bandits under cover of chaotic colour revolution attempt.
    In light of the civil disturbances which have swept across Kazakhstan, the risk of a biological catastrophe is growing because of secret US military laboratories in regions of Central Asia and the South Caucasus, which are potentially susceptible to sociopolitical unrest. Aside from the fact that the US’ development of delayed-action bioweapons in Kazakhstan is an issue that has already been raised repeatedly, hardly anyone will disagree that this risk is increased in the event of more riots, either when ‘demonstrators’ force entry into such laboratories, or as a result of an outbreak of the US’ own biological catastrophe in the form of a ‘leak’ of especially dangerous biomaterials.

    Incidentally, witnesses reported that during recent events in Kazakhstan, on the night from January 5 to 6, there were allegedly armed infiltrations into the Pentagon’s Central Reference Laboratory. This was at the Aikimbaev National Scientific Center for Especially Dangerous Infections in Alma-Ata. Some media outlets even disclosed, again based on eyewitness accounts, that they supposedly saw people in hazmat suits, which generated mass concern due to the possibility of lethal biomaterials escaping from the laboratory.
    In the same context, it is worthy to note that, despite the very high risk of terrorists entering the laboratory during the attempted coup by jihadists, according to local sources Russian soldiers were told not to protect the facility and the complex of affiliated buildings. “During the violence in Alma-Ata, local media reported how unknown people opened windows and made their way to the first floor of a strategically important facility. Being referred to here is the Aikimbaev Scientific Center for Quarantine and Zoonotic Research (the US Central Reference Laboratory operates at its base)… Local residents claim that the laboratory is now almost abandoned and is in a dismal state… When agreeing on a list of strategically important buildings that were planned to be protected by CSTO CRRF peacekeepers, the laboratory in Alma-Ata was ruled out. The Russian side pressed the need to do so, but the government of Kazakhstan decided not to submit it to the protection of the CSTO.”

    In these conditions, the issue of safety in a secure location, controlled by the authorities of Kazakhstan, with biologically hazardous drugs from US laboratories, becomes the most important component not just for Kazakhstan’s own security, but for that of the entire region. For, not only militants sent by the West to carry out a coup attempt in Kazakhstan, but also the US intelligence services themselves can take advantage of this state of affairs by carrying out a manufactured incident in the form of a supposedly ‘accidental leak’ of elements of biological weapons, unleashing biological catastrophe.

    On January 12, the Kazakhstani platform Vision published an article on the activities of the Pentagon’s laboratories in post-Soviet countries. It was titled ‘The Dangerous Presence of the United States: Have Viruses Escaped from Secret American Laboratories in Alma-Ata?’ In particular, the platform recalls that President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev announced in June 2021 that he was suspending military biologists from the United States from working in one of the country’s scientific laboratories. US military specialists have been studying dangerous infections there for over 10 years, including plague, anthrax, fevers and various coronaviruses. These secret US laboratories are supplied with the cutting-edge equipment, in other words, this is a very serious investment.


  3. nixon scraypes says:

    Note that the article speaks of auto immune problems increasing in the last 40years – It’s not just the latest jab. Ostensibly a study, “The Impact of Science on Society” Bertrand Russell is a handbook for implementing a scientific dictatorship. In it he recommends using ” diet, injections and injunctions”. The book is a compendium of innocent seeming reasons for the establishment of a world government.

  4. Ander1991 says:

    “Dr. Kawashima has also isolated vaccine-strain measles RNA in peripheral blood monocytes of children with autoimmune hepatitis. He concluded that those children can have persistence of the vaccine strain in vivo for many years after vaccination, and the persistence of the measles virus might play some role in the pathology of autoimmune hepatitis.”

    – just one of many references to autoimmune disease and vaccines in
    “Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History” (Humphries and Bystrianyk, 2013) – merely one of numerous books critical of vaccination on various grounds from the mid-1800s to the resent day….

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